
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Titan Titanic Story: Neptune the Deep

  24 June 2023 update With full investigation of the Titan tragedy still to commence it is possible from an astrological framework to look into standout clues. A suggested complex of planetary factors is given here - represesenting the implosion forces that authorities consider destroyed the Titan submersible on June 18 with total loss of life. Implosion in extreme environments describes the immense pounds per square inch pressure at oceanic depth or in outer space as a consequence of gravity     OXFORD Dictionary definition and NOAA [US Govt] definition The immediate suspects in extreme pressure causing implosion in terms of planetary forces are Saturn [gravity] Jupiter [immense] Pluto [power/force]  Typically in events of violent destruction such as nuclear forces gas explosions Uranus is also prominent due to the dramatic degree of change unleashed in anything or person subjected to such a force. The evidence is clear when   looking at the chart and midpoint grid for a reported tim