
Showing posts from 2019

2020 astrological calendar

A calendar view of 2020 will be posted month by month. Though not a typical day by day account of our solar system in transit, this view aims to highlight standout periods of significant energy giving a visual guide to the time frames when focus can be applied to the meaning and opportunity behind the event. 2020 is an important year in reinforcing Cardinal sign values: accountability responsibility care protection and how we relate to the world through Aries Libra Cancer & Capricorn. In 2020 3 outer planets will be in the last degrees of Capricorn. Jupiter and Saturn go the full 30°. Pluto just to 25°. When Jupiter Saturn and Pluto are in the 20-30° range in Capricorn the earth energy of the Virgo decanate influences Capricorn expression. Keywords and activities related to Virgo include the work ethic, health hygiene diet nutrition, sorting organising cleaning tidying categories and classifications, critiques and criticism, analysis and research, comparison and difference, sepa

2020 themes in the human collective

The flavour of Virgo the third earth decanate as an expression of Jupiter Saturn and Pluto within the final 10 degrees of Capricorn is considered in the 3 minute audio link sited in Google Drive  Audio file Addendum: In some places a much greater shift towards authoritarian and dictatorial governments and corporate power but where possible there will be resistance and reformation demanded Purification and perfectionist agendas have returned as in the 1930s across Europe but now in diverse nations East and West including within major world powers Polarised politics reflect the ongoing intense struggle for humanitarian conditions of life across the planet. The themes of 2020 have already been forewarned during the past 2 years. 2020 is where the buck stops and things get serious The reining in proceeds with full intent

Venus Saturn Pluto Synergy 2019 2020

The Venus Saturn Pluto synergy - a virtual conjunction - occurred mid December 2019 in the period 11th-14th between 19-22 Capricorn. Events during these 4 days have powerful and enduring consequences in all of the corresponding aspects of life that relate to these 3 planets when operating through the energy of Capricorn. The energy imprint of the 3 planets was amplified due to being part of the signature of the prevailing full moon on Dec 12. Nothing modified or obstructed the Capricorn energy of this grouping - though Jupiter in Capricorn had its own role to play being in close separating range of a square to Chiron in Aries. Multiple aspects between faster moving Venus and the slow deep Saturn and Pluto close together still in Capricorn will unfold during 2020 evoking so much of what took place during mid December 2019. The best of Saturn Pluto and Venus in Capricorn is not the stuff of news headlines because it is the private personal successes and achievements on an inner rather


2019 has been a big year personally - under the pressure of Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn. My focus has had to shift away from externals & towards the very personal. With a much reduced output a decision has been made to just continue to deliverw new content for some time ahead in an abbreviated format via @astroprofiles on Twitter - so dedicated readers can still have a connection with this site's creator

Cancer Capricorn and The Cardinal Crucible

A crisis of neglect has characterised the current cardinal era where Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn have been assisted by Jupiter Saturn Uranus Chiron the lunar nodes and a series of eclipses transiting cardinal signs. Capricorn alone is not the solution to resolving our collective dysfunctions: Aries Libra and Cancer along with Capricorn form the cardinal crucible within which our world and our individual lives of necessity must be regenerated. The cardinal sign energies when positively expressed by the human collective form the bedrock of societal functionality and wellbeing. All of us in every life context need to use the best potentials of Aries assuredness Libra's co-operative spirit Cancer's awareness of nurturing and Capricorn's careful management skills. Without these dispositions guiding society we have collectively fallen into major imbalance where selfish competitive neglectful and individual ambitious drives are the overriding threads in global society. This ca

Potent New Moon August 2019

August 2019 opens with the New Moon where Leo energy & the Sun itself are in charge but not in a peaceful mood. Environmentally the fire element is aggravated by Uranus and the consequences affect us physically - effects upon the body from literal heat temperature sun exposure and from excess yang stimulants consumed (food) which cause too much internal heat with resulting anger irritation impatience. The way through with Leo is always through the heart: so love is trying to rise up over "things" under this New Moon. This is a huge issue in relationships and families where there is a poverty of time and the subsequent impact upon quality. Children given things instead of attention suffer significant anxiety. The risk of the fire element destoying physical things is elevated from late July and at the start of August. The fire signs under stress activate issues for Leo Aquarius Taurus and Scorpio. Leo is the Royal sign as well as society's "nobility" -

Climate & Human Crisis

As an astrologer the future is always of interest. Consideration of the changes and consequences related to global climate is high on our collective agenda with daily reminders that significant forces are in process. All life on this planet is being impacted and as humans it is natural to look for meaning when an existential crisis arises. I have a special interest in researching the galactic forces that deliver severe weather. I feel very attuned to the state of the planet and it's recurrent responses to the sun the moon the eclipses. This all makes perfect sense to those who think on a large scale. We occupy a tiny place in a huge system which in itself is minuscule within the larger universe. We know so little...but over millenia we have some knowledge of repeated themes occurring related to the prominence of particular planets. The watchers amongst us know that the world changes significantly when certain planets occupy certain signs. The three signs at the end of the zodi

Cancer Capricorn Aries Libra

The Cardinal signs are strongly active in 2019 and this energises all four signs in the quartet comprising Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn. The paired signs are Aries-Libra and Cancer-Capricorn. Key points: 1. All Cardinals have an issue to resolve around relating/relationships 2. Balance is achieved through integrating qualities of the opposite paired sign 3. Aries-Libra & Cancer-Capricorn in proper balance are fundamental to global stability and harmony 4. When outer planets eclipses and lunar nodes emphasise even 2 cardinal signs all four are activated 5. Eclipses strongly reinforce the cardinal themes when outer planets & nodes are in cardinal signs 6. 2019 stands out as a very significant cardinal year in the period 2009-2024 inclusive due to 4 cardinal eclipses, 4 planets in cardinal signs & the lunar nodes in cardinal. 7. The extended period of cardinal dominance began at the end of 2007 & runs until 2024. After that the fixed & mutable sign

Cancer Capricorn Eclipses July 2019

The Pamela Colman Smith illustration of the Moon card in the Rider Waite Tarot pack is highly relevant for the July eclipses at New Moon in Cancer and full Moon in Capricorn Very instinctual with the July 2 July 3 Cancer Sun and Moon in the Scorpio decan and very subconscious with the aquatic symbol arising from the waters. Beasts are snarling at the moon. A lot of psychology is being aroused. And it's very gender based in terms of cultural norms: the matriarchy is ascending again, the patriarchy is on the defensive and in the early throes of decline. Moon and Saturn have a lot to resolve as a consequence of these eclipses being potentized by Saturn and Pluto and these two positioned at the South of the nodal axis - where currently Capricorn sits and Cancer sits at the North. Power is definitely an issue. How to rebalance and share authority management and control. Women's issue feature strongly - including abortion (US)and maternity care (NZ). Government management of

Astrology of June 2019 global influences

Summary: June 2019 global influences June 3 Gemini New Moon themes A lot of thoughts words communications about home/family/kin/clan/or tribe as well as housing house-keeping & keeping the nation's house in order using protectionist nuturing or defensive policies. Progressive ideas re environmental issues.... Transformational restructuring re finances/money/economies... From June 12 intensity builds for week 3 of June: Significant events affecting masses of people.. Water destabilizes & weakens  --expect significant water events in diverse locations globally... Transport movement & travel affected Land roading & housing vulnerable in slip zones... Frustration a keyword June 14-20 both within family dynamics & nation to nation.. Full moon begins influence from 14th. Exact on 17th =Sun Gemini Moon Sagittarius. 3 themes Weather Government Travel Weather extremes extend to 21st Government & bureaucracy frustrate many r

Saturn & Pluto : the Wreck & Rebuild Team



There's no mistake that 2019 is a pivotal year - especially as we approach the midyear and enter the second half. Read further commentary on this blog to get the collective or global overview.To start simply search these numbers: 2019. To personalise that further requires a birth chart based on an accurate time of birth. My own approach to 2019 is to have more emphasis on private and personal needs and comfort. I will not be publishing long form reports in 2019...preferring to refer back to highly relevant material that has already been posted here or from selected writers contained on my Twitter pages @astroprofiles & the twin account @Sub_Strata - both of which are used to continue to promote astrology & to provide ongoing pointers to the opportunities for personal growth that are continually indicated by the planetary energies in transit to our own. Best wishes to all in your personal unfoldment.

The Biggest Challenges in 2019

2019 is a year you'll always remember. Massive bedrock changes are on the cusp of unfolding globally as life and the world as we know it face powerful cosmic forces operating at a very fundamental level.  Two of these -  Saturn and Pluto -  are covered in this post.  They both produce conditions which can be the most demanding ever. As 2019 opens both continue to transit Capricorn.   By year's end these two powerhouses will come to near exact conjunction, just over a degree apart but every step towards early 2020 is one to use well as you climb your personal mountain. Matterhorn Why is this significant? Saturn and its relevant zodiac sign Capricorn are strongly connected to government, business, corporations, banking, structures, infrastructure, history, ancient things, senior citizens, rules, regulations, conservatism, cost-saving, austerity, walls, fences, borders, boundaries, limits, rules, regulations, controls...and the flow on effects have economic impacts.

2019 Zodiac Astrology in a nutshell

The astrological signs are usefully sorted into groupings that have matching types of expression and this method helps to show what similar themes apply in 2019 for related signs If you want a global perspective on 2019 a detailed forecast is posted on this site In this forecast the zodiac Sun Signs are presented in their groups CARDINAL FIXED and MUTABLE  and their shared group themes are revealed The Cardinal group is Aries Libra Cancer Capricorn In 2019 all these signs are unusual in that they are all dealing significantly with cardinal issues. Cardinal issues are those that involve:  working on your personal style of self expression or  personality improving how you function in relating to others especially private relationships dealing with career issues, matters of true calling or vocation focussing on family, roots, the meaning and function of home All of these are on the table for cardinal signs in 2019 -for many this is a continuation lasting sev