Monday, 17 December 2018

Astrology of 2019 global forecast

The astrology of 2019 in global terms is dominated by the cardinal energy led by Capricorn and expressed through the resonant signs Cancer, Libra and Aries.
We are all affected by these four signs as shown in their impact upon a person's full birth chart. People born under Capricorn Cancer Libra and Aries and especially those born in the range from the 5th-13th of their month will experience effects that will be growthful, testing and challenging -hard work, hard times, character-building stressful and potentially, ultimately very rewarding.
2019 will be a huge year in politics, business, banking, infrastructure. All the bedrock infrastructure -the physical material built and natural, as well as the societal structures that manage our life conditions are all up for major transformations.
In addition it is clear that increasingly severe weather conditions will play a significant role in the restructuring of environments and will affect human-made constructions.

Responsible management is the mantra for 2019 across all potential aspects of our existence -ignoring this in our natural environment is indeed perilous -echoing the warning recently delivered by Sir David Attenborough. But also in our societal and personal environments the warning signs are clear that many behaviours are unsustainable and are overdue for self-management.

There will be significant impacts upon homes, families, housing, homelessness in terms of addressing the necessity for responsible management. Governments globally are required to rise to the challenge of governing humanely not driven by the misguided culture of business agendas.

Some conditions will improve immensely, others deteriorate majorly - extremes of thriving or being annihilated are on the table depending upon how closely the zeitgeist or spirit of the times is being adhered to or resisted by individuals, societies or collectively as a species.

Some businesses will reach a pinnacle of success while others that are not on the requisite page will fail.
Career peaks are also on offer for those most positively affected.

Relating is a key issue - relating in general to other humans, other beings in general as well as personal relationships, marriages and partnerships - also in the context of business or work dynamics/partnerships. We have to learn how to get on better and if efforts fail, how to terminate what's not working.

Families, kinship, heredity and ultimately the human family being under focus is intended to bind us not separate us. A lot needs to be resolved.

The Aries factor involves the challenge for all of us to manage personal egos, selfishness and seek out balanced mature role models to emulate instead of wanting to remain ever juvenile. The Aries part in all of us needs to learn how to mature willingly and to discover the benefits of experience and being unashamedly the supportive, mentoring senior. Most cultures still revere the wisdom of their elders but this is declining in many Western nations and is not to be encouraged.

Key stress points in the year are around the early January eclipse [which has a minimum 6 month influence period] ; mid April, July - 2 significant eclipses [also with 6 month effect period], mid October and late December.
The first and last quarters or 3 month periods of 2019 have the strongest overt expression of potentials

further content is added here to the initial 
quick summary
also read more detail in The Biggest Challenges in 2019

update January 4 2019
The Oxford Astrologer Christina mentions in the podcast for January 2019 another important expression of the Capricorn energy in 2019, coupled with this starter eclipse for the year being a Capricorn New Moon joined by Saturn and Pluto: the patriarchy will continue to be in the throes of transformation [my words] - this now long-institutionalised male system of privilege and power will undergo sustained challenges which will demand a sharing of our world.

update December 31 2018 The New Year period
  • 2019 opens with the building energies of the first eclipse [January 6] in Capricorn. As typical, extreme energies are whipped up in the window period of an eclipse and for at least half a year ahead. The window opens then closes within 3 days of exactitude = allow 3 days either side of January 6.
  • A Capricorn New Moon eclipse highlights the need to increase your level of self management -not expecting parents, partners or society to be the only moderating forces. The responsibility is yours. Stepping up, showing leadership, mentoring are further ways to go with this flow which is relevant to all of us. This type of growth will be assisted if your beliefs expand to recognise that we are all connected, all in this together, all have to play our part.
  • 2019 opens ominously due to the influence of Uranus in Aries in a strengthened state as it turns direct once again. The capturing of Venus in Scorpio and the lunar nodes on the Capricorn-Cancer axis will be a period to watch = Jan 4-6. Relationships suddenly altered -some starting with great passion and intensity some ending with the same fervour. This extends from family, personal to local national and international relations. Some people's lives are at risk in the intensity of influences affecting masses of people. For others it will be just the risk of one person. [ New Zealand boy racer gatherings at the end of 2018 have lots of the January eclipse themes already emerging - antisocial behaviour posing a dilemma for Police in terms of when & how to step in ]
  • The Capricorn elements of the eclipse are strong and will express in some contexts as authoritarian responses to mass anarchy, random violence, aggressive assaults. This is not the time to risk being caught up in out of control group bravado or antisocial behaviour: the System is poised for tough crackdowns though some reticence initially may spring from Neptune's voice of light-handed = soft tolerance. [these two planets are closely linked in this period] But firm responses will be better than letting Neptune and Jupiter get fully loose expression.
  • Adding in Jupiter and Neptune means there is huge scope for faith based conflicts, acts based on religious extremism, clashes of beliefs, differences of opinion. These planets combined can also promote excess alcohol, excess drug use and general lack of boundaries. Some will break all their limits and rules others will be ready to face the necessity for self-management, lines in the sand, boundaries, temperance and restraint.
  • Issues impacting homes, housing, families will be significant through all the themes associated with this eclipse
  • With Venus connected tightly to Uranus during this last segment of Uranus in Aries this eclipse also foreshadows the material/financial/economic changes already poised to have global impact during the years of Uranus in Taurus and so some further signposts are likely to emerge in the early period of 2019 confirming the mood of change.
Financial astrology specialist Ray Merriman considers 2019 will put all the ducks in line to create the classic bursting of the Jupiter-Neptune bubbles [illusions, blind optimism etc] with a hard awakening courtesy of all the Capricorn energy in play - which he sees then unfolding in 2020.
Astrologers of all kinds know that huge change is on the horizon regarding our material/financial/economic behaviour, infrastructure and models due to the background layer of Uranus in Taurus and it is clear that major change just like a single "accident" is never down to one single factor - or in this context one astrological influence. Many ingredients synergise as in a chemical process and eventually the trigger energy unleashes the whole shebang. The question is which trigger effects this and when is that trigger because it is clear as day that the necessary ingredients are very much converging as 2018 closes.

update December 29 2018
Other than individual profiles of public figures, this site also covers globally relevant forecasts. One style of interpretation used for mass readings where individual birth times are not the focus - these group forecasts are based on the Sun or Zodiac Signs and though not a first choice method for many astrologers and not a focus of this website, the method has its uses.
For some very useful content visit Sally Kirkman's astrology site - some paid and some free material which includes the use of sun sign predictions and forecasts for the year ahead. This approach uses the birth zodiac sign as the rising sign to create a chart wheel from that starting point.

This sample with Aries at the left side would be a Sun sign wheel for that sign. Just rotate this image to place your sun sign in that left side "rising" position. Now this is the Sun Sign wheel for a person who is Libra

Using this method all the current planets are placed in the relevant areas of life [houses of the chart] and this alternate system [ie a birth time is not needed] is capable of providing another layer of information if you also have the more precise option of a chart based on your time of birth. For those lacking a known birth time this "Sun Sign" method provides meaningful indicators.

update Dec 18 2018
The Justice minister for the NZ government has been in talks with Google over the disclosure of a defendant's name in a recent high profile murder case -despite name suppression being in effect in NZ. This example reflects the emerging responsible management theme which will gain much greater ground in 2019
The other news regarding NZ govt agencies using private investigators to investigate citizens in ways that posed "an affront to democracy" represents another alarming feature of the current era where over-use of power by state agencies is a significant threat -and is clearly seen to have elements that revisit the 1930's in Europe - a dedicated post on this site examines the repeating cycles that generate this match

update Dec 17: in 2019 New Zealand is set to explore integrating "wellbeing" into the government budget.

the UK, Korea, Mexico, Israel and Austria... have all been
 exploring the wellbeing frameworks within their economies

This development clearly represents a transformational potential unfolding at the level of national politics within a democratic system and is in tune with the highest capacity of government: to nurture citizens in pursuit of the best possible quality of life.

Astrological notes:
Saturn and Pluto remain in close conjunction for most of 2019.
Saturn will range from 11-21 degrees and Pluto from 20-23 degrees over the course of the year.
Their midpoints need to be given attention -ranging from 16-21.5 degrees as much of the action is likely to occur when these two power players are closely merged.
The closest conjunction of the two is under 2 degrees at New Years Eve December 31.
Both Saturn and Jupiter are both in direct movement for 6 months of 2019 - Jan, Feb, March and Oct, Nov, Dec.
Their potency is most overt in those months.

Jupiter and Neptune in the mutable indicators Sagittarius and Pisces are major indicators of water related weather and climate effects in 2019.
Uranus in Aries until early March ramps up the heat, fire, combustibility aspects.
Uranus in Taurus expresses as changes in land and soil as a consequence of the workings of Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus already in process. Changes in land stability with subsequent landslides and earthquakes will continue to be notable.
Saturn and Neptune in close contact for most of 2019 offer a perfect opportunity to combine compassion with pragmatism = a benevolent government. It's about balancing out so the practicalities of Saturn are not so rigid and the looseness of Neptune is kept within clear boundaries. The same principles will apply to people in 2019 -the relevance depends upon your inherent nature: -some need to loosen up, some need to be more constrained.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...