Friday, 30 August 2013

Sex Offenders - profiling via astro-analysis

Considering the energy blueprint
 of a person's astrological birth chart

 what indicators are generally associated with sexual energy
 that is strong with potential for deviant addictive
 or criminal elements?


scroll to LATEST UPDATES after main body
 for details on the latest 
 on the following cases:


August 2023 
An extensive online paedophile ring has been busted in a complex investigation
 that went into overdrive in February 2021 after FBI agents were killed by suspect David Lee Huber in a Florida sting on his residence. Huber killed himself during that exchange.
further details in Latest Updates: scroll through to end of main post  

In New York July 14  Rex Heuermann named and charged in cold case serial murders
 of young female sex workers. 
Computer searches show an addiction to pornographic abuse of children.
Evidence on Police Files points to patterns of behaviour that fit deviant and abusive categories of criminality

Brothers Roberto and Danny Jaz named as serial sex offenders
 in drink spiking offences in New Zealand

 Registered US sex offender DAVID A KENDALL profiled

In May the death of serial paedophile ROLF HARRIS
has once again focussed
 on his sustained offending in the 1960s-1980s


on multiple charges for sex trafficking of minors

Convicted of double homicide used a staged scene of sexual violence to fool Police. 
Born 23 March 1984 Wozniak has multiple indicators of potential for power abuse 
  • Troy Skinner arrested in Virginia
  • Joseph James Deangelo arrested for historic rape and murder spree
  • Bill Cosby convicted for sex assaults
  • David Birnie 1986 serial killer 


2023 Author's Note

This post was compiled 10 years ago
 and has attracted by far the highest total views on this blog

While serving as a good basis for presenting the subject of Sex Offender profiling it is arguably - from a personal perspective - less developed than it would be if compiled now using further methods of analysis.
For this reason extra content added will reflect more acute methods of profiling while still using a very focussed approach.

When used proactively astrological profiling can assess a person's potential to cause sexual harm. Several indicators are considered. These can be seen as risk factors which may be expressed overtly - or may be contained in fantasy longterm. Individual differences in planetary profiles show how overt and expressive a person will be compared to a person disposed to be covert hidden secretive. 
A covert person experiencing sexual harm through online consumption may never enact what has been built into their psyche - but the potential can be increased by later transits which lead to overt expression of harmful behaviour.
One of the standout combinations worth highlighting is Jupiter in Scorpio.
This continually arises as a red alert in personal profiles.
This combination requires very restrained self management. 
The problem is Jupiter in Scorpio will feel very good to the person born with heightened sexual functioning and in some cases magnetic charisma - so the ability to understand limits and boundaries will likely be deficient.
While positive uses of this pairing are on offer the risk factors arise when there is a lack of planetary restraint - the usual counterbalance to Jupiter is Saturn - compared to Mars which colludes and supports Jupiter's excesses or Uranus which can make Jupiter more determined to break rules and conventions  [underage/child sex/incest]

see also onsite   Jupiter and Abundant Sex Energy [2017]

scroll further down for Latest Updates section

Original post begins here

Sex Offender Signatures

Sex offending is considered generally to be more about power than sex and significant sexual indicators are seen in the energy charts of sex offenders along with factors related to control, domination and the capacity to abuse power. 
Escapist, addictive and non-conventional preferences can also be part of the mix.

Strong sexual/physical/sensory expression commonly involves the two physical-sexual signs Taurus and Scorpio.

The planets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Jupiter and Mars are also potential candidates in the energy picture along with their related signs Aquarius, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aries.

Taurus gives a strong sensory orientation based mainly on touch, taste, smell but also including pleasures of sight and sound
Scorpio extends those pleasures into the domain of sexual relating and sexual power or dominance
Uranus and Aquarius incline a person to act unconventionally - this is the territory of alternative sexual orientations, sexual fetishes, S&M, bondage and kinky preferences
Neptune and Pisces give rise to escapist, fantasy aspects of sex and can include as well the use of drugs or alcohol, with generally addictive qualities to the sex life.
Pluto - will be a feature in sex preferences involving domination and submission with potential relating to sexual slavery, violation, rape, torture, thrill kills
Mars and Aries relate to male energy, testosterone and adrenalin and is very self oriented versus the needs or feelings of others
Jupiter is an indicator of excess, over-indulgence especially when linked to Mars

The areas of the birth-chart with strong physical-sexual relevance are the 2nd and 8th houses.  Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Mars or Jupiter when located in those sectors can form part of a complex of energies related to sexual offending - but no single factor is in itself of any significant value.
Analysis will show that several indicators synergise in an individual's energy to produce an imbalanced outcome -the flavour of which will be revealed by which planets are in combination.
When the zodiac placements match the most typical signs identified in this report they tend to repeat the themes shown by the planet combinations in that person's date of birth astrology chart.

For any of the relevant factors to have strong significance in sex offender profiling there needs to be connections involving several of the identified features, which strengthen and reinforce the energy of any individual ingredient.
In addition, energy is more likely to express in negative or destructive ways when elements in the chart are aggravating each other, incompatible by virtue of conflicting energetic aspects. Commonly this might be a 90 degree square, 180 degree opposition or 45 degree semisquare angle between 2 planets.

As an example the birthchart of high profile entertainer Rolf Harris  

Rolf Harris has multiple factors which when fully analysed align with the profile of someone very interested in physicality and sexual pleasure, particularly with addictive elements and involving unusual preferences, 
He is charged with multiple sexual offending so it is of interest to consider whether that kind of behaviour seems totally non-credible - or whether he has the sort of array of energies that build a picture of a sexual offender's disposition.

click to enlarge in new window

Rolf Harris has:

5 planets in Aries.
These 5 planets are all in the sensory territory of Taurus - the 2nd house in the chart
The rising sign is Aquarius
The midheaven sign is Scorpio
The lunar north node is Taurus. The lunar south node is Scorpio
Uranus is in close conjunction to the Sun
Mars is in Pisces
Pluto is square the midpoint of Uranus linked to Venus in Aries
Pluto is semisquare Neptune
Neptune is on the AC-IC axis and is significant being a funnel for the remaining planets

- scroll down to read more in the ROLF HARRIS  Case Study

Remember - it is not any individual or single factor that is indicative
 of the association with criminal and socially inappropriate behaviour -
 but a cluster of elements which strengthen and reinforce each other.

In addition a person could have very well-developed secretive [Scorpio, Pisces] or strategic [Saturn] behaviours designed to hide or repress [Saturn ] the aberrant aspects of their personality to such an extent that they themselves are in denial [Saturn, Neptune] and they manage for considerable time to operate undetected or their activity undisclosed.

is in prison for child sexual assault. The accounts of his conduct and that of his cult-like organisation reveal extremes of misogynistic power abuse.
Born December 3 1955, Jeffs has many hallmarks capable of combining into sex offender/power abuser expressions in his energy profile:
Mars in Scorpio - square Uranus
Jupiter sextile Mars
Neptune conjunct Mars
Neptune sextile Pluto
Pluto conjunct Jupiter
Pluto in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio
With Sun-Mercury-North Node all in Sagittarius and Neptune significant, Jeffs was able to use the cover of religious or spiritual [Jupiter-Sagittarius, Neptune-Pisces] entitlement in order to justify his abusive behaviours.
The most destructive combination involves the very close 90 degree square of Pluto to Saturn - use of power and domination in sexual ways, with potential for cruelty and violence.
Neptune with Mars is sleazy & full of fantasy
Uranus with Mars seeks unorthodox sexual encounters
Scorpio, Pluto, Mars, Uranus and Saturn interacting in this profile in a very abusive manner, with Jupiter amplifying the venal disposition.

Those whose tendencies extend beyond inappropriate illegal sexual encounters and into violence or cruelty of a sexual nature tend to invariably have Pluto and or Saturn in a significant interaction with Sun/Mars/Venus
eg Clayton Weatherston born Jan 9 1976 in New Zealand was a university tutor who brutally murdered a female student 11 years younger in age than himselfhas standout features including;
Pluto in Libra square Sun in Capricorn
Jupiter & Moon in Aries possibly conjunct both opposite Pluto
Jupiter in Aries square Sun
Uranus in Scorpio,
Nodes in Scorpio-Taurus
Saturn semisquare Mars
Weatherston stabbed his victim over 200 times and disfigured her beauty in a frenzy due to her leaving their relationship and packing to move away to another city.  More of a violent, misogynist crime than obvious sexual offending, there is however extreme anger, domination and control issues linked to frustrated drives and sexual thrill related to killing cannot be ruled out.

Some sexual criminals are clearly caught out by their insatiable needs.
Jupiter expresses as sexual greed with Stewart Murray Wilson, [New Zealand] [December 11 1946]  convicted of multiple sex offences against children has Venus conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio and Pluto in Leo squaring both Jupiter and Venus. Saturn in Leo is another domination urge [the heart is negated]
 He also has Uranus in Gemini opposite the Sun which created the unconventional thinking and beliefs which permits personal justification of the socially unacceptable behaviour.

2012 murderer-rapist Bronson Kelekolio [New Zealand] [December 24 1996] has Pluto conjunct Venus in Sagittarius. His Saturn in Aries at right angles to the Sun is also connected to the nodal axis means his lack of self development has expressed in tragic violence, defining this lifetime.
His Mars exact trine Neptune can undermine the sense of manhood and usually expresses as alcohol/drug abuse or addiction.

Another convicted multiple sex offender New Zealander Nicholas Reekie [December 16 1970] shows Saturn in Taurus opposite Venus in Scorpio, plus Pluto semisquare Venus; nodes in Aquarius-Leo square Jupiter in Scorpio. Sensory & emotional deprivation, severely dysfunctional relating dynamics and an over-compensatory need for sexual power underlie the actions of this serial rapist. He could be termed a Prime Predator.

American serial killer of multiple females, Ted Bundy born a few weeks before Wilson in 1946  [November 24] also has Jupiter in Scorpio exact square Pluto in Leo. He also has Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, plus Mars in close contact to Jupiter [semisextile] With Saturn in Leo also in range of Jupiter and Pluto issues of control and dominance fuelled his lust into multiple killing.
Scorpio and Pluto can express as sex and or death energy so whether an offender channels their drives into either or both depends on their full energy blueprint, accessible only through full birth data - time, place, date.

Arguably in the case of Wilson, Venus was the pleasure factor underlying his conduct whereas for Bundy it was more Mars aggression.

Cult leader and career criminal Charles Manson born Scorpio -[November 12 1934] led his Family of followers to commit multiple murder in the 1960's. He also suffered & committed sexual abuse involving males. Manson has Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter in Scorpio; Neptune conjunct Mars and Uranus square PlutoSex, drugs, death, the abuse of power all featured in his degraded existence. He has spent most of his life incarcerated.

By now the reader may have noticed a predominance of offender examples born in the period November-January.
Since the early 1980's to late 1995, Pluto in Scorpio has had a big impact* on those born in October-November in that time frame
Then Pluto in Sagittarius from the end of 1995 till December 2008 is very significant in the lives of those born November-December in that period
Pluto in Capricorn has a period of effect from December 2008-January 2024 -having a big impact in that time frame on those born December and January.
*This makes Scorpios, Sagittarians, Capricorns born in those time frames more Plutonic, more Scorpionic -more at risk of being power abusers if other birth energy factors reinforce this

However the group of people potentially vulnerable to Plutonic rage is much wider than those born with a Pluto-planet conjunction eg Pluto-Venus.
The next category are those with Pluto at a stress angle such as an opposition or square -which have capacity to be more destructive -examples for those born with Pluto in Scorpio would be Pluto in Scorpio opposite Mars in Taurus or Pluto in Scorpio square Venus in Aquarius.
Pluto at 45 degrees [eg Pluto at 5 Scorpio semi-square Venus at 20 Sagittarius] is in my experience as potent as a 90 degree angle -so when that group are included you could wonder if homicidal rape is genetically embedded on a widespread basis in the human ape.

Of course not all people in any given period of hi-risk indicators are homicidal or sexual offenders.
People who are tuned to Pluto potentials of death, violence, power abuse are given fuel to act if their Pluto position interacts significantly with other birth or transiting planets.
But Pluto alone can be held in check if there are no other aggravating energy potentials.
Saturn in prominent interactions with Sun or Mars or Venus or Pluto, or Saturn or Chiron in Aries - all tend to create low self esteem -which feeds into seething rage which can be expressed by a rampaging Mars or Pluto if these planets are positioned in signs or connection to another planet which encourage power abuse.

No single factor in a person's energy
 indicates sexual criminality
 but certain factors shown in astro-analysis
 occur repetitively across offenders 
Some traits are clearly more likely
 to express negatively
 while others have an either/or potential

Whereas Jupiter in Scorpio can simply indicate a lot of charisma or personal growth through sexual experiences or even through confrontation with many deaths, when this aspect is found as in above examples, along with aggravating factors then the negative potentials get enhanced - such as a tendency to be sexually insatiable, effectively a sex addict.
Jupiter stays in one sign for around 12-13 months roughly every 12 years.

Jupiter enters Scorpio next on Oct 10 2017 -giving rise to around a year of births amongst whom there will be a percentage of high risk individuals needing to learn the lessons of self management through physical restraint, management of urges.

Previous periods include:
Oct 26 2005 -  Nov 24 2006
Nov 10 1993 - Dec 9 1994
Nov 27 1981 - Dec 26 1982
Aug 8 1970 -  Jan 14 1971
Sept 7 1958 - Oct 5 1959
Sept 25 1946 - Oct 24 1947

And so on in a regular pattern which shows that humanity is continually populated with people who function at an extremely sexual level and who must learn the management of their instinctual drives. The degree of difficulty varies dependent on the remaining energetic picture from other planetary factors which will aggravate or diminish, refine or degrade the basic instinct - in a manner we associate with evolution and even enlightenment versus devolution and suffering.

read also Jupiter & abundant sexual energy -on this site

Power abuse issues in this era and under the Uranus-Pluto effect coincide with many high profile people on the world stage who have fallen from grace

[ two very high profile Coronation St actors also charged similarly with sex offences [ Michael Le Vell now found not guilty ]; other criminal and dysfunctional behaviours hitting the news:  sportsman Oscar Pistorius charged with murder; sportsman Lance Armstrong found guilty of doping in order to cheat; Tiger Woods hit the headlines for marital issues, Italian politician Berlusconi caught up in various scandals] 

Collectively all these examples represent the need to change how people use their power, to address the issue of abuse - particularly of children and women in abusive relationships - so we see in the world numerous high profile people as examples.

  • Of course abuse extends much further than in sexual dynamics - it can encompass power related to money, assets, position, authority, physical strength, emotional bonds. 
  • Power advantage can in some circumstances relate to age, sometimes to youth, to gender, strength, privilege, luck/fortune/karma. 
  • It can relate to hard work and corrupt methods. It can involve threats, violence, emotional blackmail, bullying, manipulation, deceit. 
  • The multitude of ways and contexts where power abuse can manifest are countless - extending well beyond even just the human species - when humans abuse animals physically, violently and sexually. 
  • In the broader context, disrespect and misuse of the environment through dumping, trashing, poisoning natural resources, over-fishing, shark-finning, eradication of species are all examples of human abuse of their power over the natural world.
  •  Effectively, we are collectively as a species in major need of an overhaul in awareness, and very much needing to change the way we relate.

Case Study:
Convicted sex offender Rolf Harris gives data for this chart

Having been for decades an entertainer of millions - whether through his artistic, musical or comedic talents, it is shocking news in 2013 to hear of multiple sex charges against Rolf Harris involving teens in the 1980's as well as the possession of indecent images of a child in 2012.
Harris was born in 1930 and so turned 50 in March 1980. He was arrested first in March 2013 then, formally charged on 13 counts in August 2013, Harris will attend court in the UK on September 23 2013.

Two questions arise:
why now? why Rolf Harris?
Why Now?
By first referencing the earlier section looking at Harris' chart - the next step is to see the influences in transit that activate and pressure his birthchart potentials related to behaviour patterns.

Looking at Harris' chart, the big clue as to why a crisis has unfolded for him in 2013 is the collection of planets in the group of cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Capricorn - but there are even more red alert indicators.
The Cardinal signs demand right action due to the influence of Saturn on Capricorn being the ideal. Right action is demanded of us as adults parents partners and as individuals in the Cardinal code of conduct for all the 4 signs in that group. 

Using Rolf Harris as an example strongly illustrates the discovery I have made that people with closely clustered planets or many planets - across any number of signs  - which sit within a tight degree range   will mean the individual will repeatedly face crisis points in keeping with cyclic positions of planets in transit bringing strong demands for behavioural change.
[ it is the numbers that tell the story more than the signs - in this example - e.g. degree positions in any signs with planets at 18 19 21 22 - just know that all 4 planets will ring in synchrony when one of them is strongly activated by a transit of significance ] - this means that a huge amount of pressure & therefore crisis is evoked in people with such a chart indicator.

Rolf Harris has both patterns: a tight grouping in one sign [ 5 in Aries ] and multiple planets/positions at 8-11 degrees:  Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Chiron.

The overall impression is a man "full of himself" - absolutely pumping with so much energy he never learned to fully contain.
His birth chart endowed him with significant talents - but he took his abundance too far and felt entitled to breach boundaries in behaviour that a man of his intelligence would know were wrong - but it was too thrilling too pleasurable for him to self limit [Saturn] 
Time [Saturn] can fool people into thinking years of behaviour indicates they are invincible. This is when Jupiter usurps the reason of Saturn - but Saturn if not functional in a person eventually arrives in the form of external circumstances and authority figures - for Harris this came in 2013

data grid

Click on the data grid to see that there is a grouping including Moon, Mercury, Sun, Uranus Venus ranging from 3-20 degrees -with a midpoint position of around 11'30" Aries and Saturn at 11'27" Capricorn
Positions in the birth chart are activated whenever that point is passed over or connected by angular position such as 45, 90, 180 degrees, by a current planetary position.

In 2013 the whole of planet earth remains in the grip of a powerful energy process involving two planets in current relationship - in and out of exact 90 degree square over at least a four-year period. 
Those planets are Uranus moving through Aries and Pluto moving through Capricorn

In March 2013 Pluto travelled from 11'07" to 11'33" Capricorn
Uranus moved from 6'55" to 8'39" Aries.

Pluto moves very slowly and though Uranus is faster, both have recurrent retrograde phases which enable them to linger and pass over particular degree positions several times.
Pluto and Uranus both linger around 11 degrees until late 2014 when they have another significant exact square at 12'35" Aries-Capricorn in mid December -which is well within range of effect
Whether innocent or guilty, Rolf Harris is under maximum stress given the sustained energy shift demanded by two planets which demand radical change at a very deep level.
The effects of the Uranus-Pluto process are evident in this era across the globe. Fundamentally the shift is away from unbridled power and power abuse - whether that manifests in supposedly democratic governments or autocratic regimes; whether in respect or any authorities or persons in designated administrative roles or found amongst individuals in their manner of relating to others.
Whether innocent or guilty, Rolf Harris is yet another example of a representative figure charged by the justice system with having breached the laws of society relating to the use of personal power.

update May 2023 Rolf Harris died but only announced weeks later due to contoversy expected in the context of further accusers coming forward to name Rolf Harris as the offender.
Born in 1930 it is now clear Harris' sexual offending began in the 1960s and spanned at least twenty years of persistent abuse of : 1960s-1980s.
After his arrest in 2013 was discovered that Harris had nearly 500 images of naked underage children on his computer - revealing his disposition was maintained well beyond the 1980s
Though primarily identified as a paedophile Harris was not averse to sexual offending against adult women. 
His death may trigger more women to come forward and make claims.
 [Content sourced from Telegraph UK & Daily Mail]
UK viewers can access the documentary Hiding in Plain Sight

Criminal Profiling posts on this site as at mid 2023 


August 2023

Suspect David Lee Huber In a Daily Mail report: killed himself during an arrest attempt in February 2021. Police and agents had gathered at his Florida residence in pursuit of an arrest warrant related to an extensive online paedophile network. 
Investigations showed the network originated in Australia and spread online through contacts in America.
On August 8 2023 it was announced that dozens of suspects had been arrested charged and convicted in the US and Australia.
Most of the Australians arrested had extensive internet technology skills as reflected in their employment roles. 
This knowledge allowed anonymous file sharing and encryption intended to evade detection. Their ages ranged from 32-81.
Despite their tech skills enabling the Dark Web activities these men seem to be ignorant to the workings of cycles and karma. Be assured that 2023-2024 are comeuppance time thanks to a huge theme in the collective promoting accountability. -  significantly through the end stage transit of Pluto through Capricorn.
Abusers will be hauled out of the shadows. The clock is ticking

As yet the only publicised face of the paedophile network is Danny Lee Huber [deceased]

A birthdate obtained for Huber -  thanks to a traffic violation - 

 is June 29 1965. He died at age 55 in February 2021 
Described in reports as a father of two prone to bipolar disorder and other mental health issues he was known to have a stash of firearms
Huber's birthdate has several Cancer placements: Sun Mercury Venus which elevates the range of expressions available in the Cardinal sign group - adding Capricorn Aries and Libra as likely alternations in his expressions. 
These factors sit alongside multiple factors in Mutable signs - Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus  Pluto and Chiron. Mutable signs point to the Mind and mental processing -an emphasis is very indicative of a very active mental orientation - this is not only a trait of Mars and Jupiter in Mutable but becomes more challenging/problematic when the far outer planets are mutable: Huber has a close conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in Virgo = details systems organising filing categorising in the context of intense obsessive use of technology. 
These two  planets are closely opposite Saturn in Pisces:  Pisces behaviours have high potential for problematic outcomes = accountability/getting into trouble. Sex abuse addiction is well described by a Pluto in Virgo opposition to Saturn in Pisces.
To add further intensity: Jupiter in Gemini abundant mental activity / processing a lot of information  is at a tight 90 degree square to both Saturn in Pisces and the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo.
The final Mutable factors- Mars at the very last degree of Virgo - is out of range of the 4 others mentioned but will have given Huber a huge incentive to pursue the mental activities he was engaged in. Chiron in Pisces is closely trine the Mercury-Venus tight conjunction in Cancer. 
His fundamental Cancerian capacity to nurture self and others was not only wounded [Chiron] but also disfigured by the extremely tight semi-square to Uranus in Virgo -he was able to detach due to mental immersion in details.

The Scorpio factor - so commonly problematic for people - features in this profile in the context of Neptune [sexual addiction fantasies escapism ] and is near exact trine to his Saturn in Pisces - so now the confluence of 3 Water signs is in the mix - but the feeling aspect of water is overwhelmed by the mental disposition of the dominant Mutable factors. His Gemini Jupiter is tight on the North Node

At his death on Feb 2 2021 Chiron  was closely square his Sun
Pluto was tightly opposing natal Mercury
Pluto-Venus was tightly opposing natal Venus
His nodal return in Gemini was soon due
Neptune was in a separating trine to natal Neptune
Neptune was not far past a conjunction with natal Saturn in Pisces

Each of these is a tolling of the bells.
Together their chime spells out the time to end.

Being lost in mind as a way to suppress or avoid feelings comes at great cost: 
Saturn Pluto and Uranus all squaring the Jupiter-Node positions constructed the sort of tortured life path that few could have the capacity to transcend.

In acts of simultaneous self-torture Huber chose to torture others. 
The most vulnerable.


Brothers Roberto and Danny Jaz named as serial sex offenders
in drink spiking offences in New Zealand.
The Jaz brothers formerly known under the surname Jazevski came to NZ from Australia in 2003 operating and working in bar and restaurant venues - one a family owned business in the South Island city Christchurch.
Their criminal behaviour in the context of sex crimes is reported as occurring in the period 2015-2018 - with the arrests in 2018. Their name suppression ended on 25 May 2023 following their conviction on dozens of offences
Given their stated ages of 38 and 40 it is estimated they were born in 1983 and 1985.
The standout influences during that period relate to the transits of Saturn and Pluto - the two planets most susceptible to issues of power abuse and overly controlling behaviour.
Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Libra from late 1982 to late 1983 then from November 1983 both Saturn and Pluto were in Scorpio until November 1985.
Libra we know describes the style of relating we exhibit and Scorpio is about both sex and power. 
Saturn and Pluto are both dominating influences if not managed in the ideal way: strength and power used wisely protectively supportively. 
Sadly our capacity to respond at the ideal levels seems to be degenerating across the mass of humanity instead of evolving and this is part of the evolutionary cycle - a forward-backward pattern.

The combination of Saturn and Pluto in Libra then Scorpio enduring over a 3 year period is a red alert in identifying people born in that era with high potential to be abusers or sex offenders. This typically is a male pattern of response to these influences - whereas females born in that 3 year span are more likely to attract abusive/controlling/narcissistic males. 

As in all influences from planetary factors this does not apply to every person everywhere on the planet.
Where an influence does apply is when an individual is born into a family environment that also shows those patterns - this is how behaviours carry through generations.
Also each day in the 3 years mentioned has a unique profile due to the movements of faster moving planets Mercury Venus Mars and of course the daily transits of the Sun and Moon. On some days there will be factors like these that intensify the patterns shown by slower outer planets. On some days those patterns may be more capable of being transmuted into a better expression. 

What is clear is that the period late 1982 to late 1985 is a much higher risk period for people to be born with dangerous harmful dysfunctional behaviours of a criminal nature

Registered sex offender [convicted Feb 1998 for a sex offence against a child under 16 ]  born October 16 1972 has several indicators of behaviourally problematic patterns that have the potential for sexually harmful behaviour - both as a recipient and as a source.

May 2023 Kendall recounts his background & current situation :

There is no doubt that sex offenders carry the trauma of imposed abuse. The aberrations in behaviour and psyche have been created as the result of abusive experiences. The challenge for an abused person is to not perpetrate abuse but tragically there is often little or no intervention either sought or received. This means a complete rehabilitation is likely to be impossible within a lifetime. External life stresses and triggers will continue to open old wounds and therefore unhealthy behaviour.

The standout factors:
Kendall has Sun Pluto and Uranus in Libra.  
Pluto and Uranus require extremely careful management when in Libra. 
Inappropriate [children] and controlling/abusive dynamics are a hazard. This is emphasised when another problematic factor is in the mix.

His Pluto-Uranus midpoint is closely opposite Chiron in Aries.In addition Chiron is opposite Mars in Libra
Mars 10 Libra sits on the Pluto-Uranus midpoint 11 Libra.
Therefore the complete psychological complex involves the potent mix of Pluto-Uranus-Mars-Chiron: trauma pain anger abuse all indicated and all ready to be triggered whenever a passing transit of an outer planet [Jupiter to Pluto and Chiron] comes to an angle of powerful activation - especially conjunction square opposition and semi square.

The Chiron in Aries group he belongs to were born within the period April 1968- April 1977[general guide - reader should check for specific dates - current Chiron in Aries births range from March 2019-April 2027]

Chiron in Aries can be highly problematic if connected to almost any planet but especially the more risky Mars Saturn Uranus Pluto - in terms of acting out towards others - due to a very wounded and potentially vengeful vindictive and enraged response to pain.
Such deep wounding cannot be managed by bandaid solutions such as religion if theere is no ongoing deep therapy - and belief in God or aattending church is not enough of a solution. The risk is that emotions/bad thoughts get repressed or hidden from view - but still ready to erupt in harmful behaviour under a triggering transit.

Everyone born under Chiron in Aries carries a higher than usual potential for a damaged sense of self - identity issues - prone to being used by others. This can be very similar to being born with Saturn in Aries. Again in both cases the potential for a negative expression and the intensity of how persistent the damage is depends on the planets that link - not just by main aspects - midpoints have to be checked as these are the hidden or overlooked signs of connection between planets.

The researched finding that trauma is found to be commonly found in people with gender dysmorphia is another factor relevant for Kendall.
Astrological indicators of interest will include a Pluto-Uranus connection: becoming different transforming being reborn are all signalled by this pairing - especially when other planets are linked in as in this case.
However when the urge to change is a response to damage and trauma - a desire to annihilate the original self in order to escape the pain - the chances of a successful resolution of the past are incredibly unlikely. 
The superficial alterations -in name clothing and behaviour - if a gender swap is undertaken do not wipe the brain clean of the original imprints - both prebirth and in this life. 

Kendall's Sun 23 Libra is tightly square the Capricorn-Cancer lunar nodes. These nodes are about family and generational family patterns around relating. Sadly the person he has experienced in this lifetime is the consequence of very problematic ancestral family patterns.
The huge challenge for him is to consciously alter this lineage. This is not achievable in one lifetime. His best approach is to refrain from harm to others.


JEFFREY EPSTEIN - Some background here:
Jeffrey Epstein

Epstein born Jan 20 1953 has Jupiter in Taurus emphasised in a way which brings excessive appetite into prominence as a source of downfall. His appetite is for minors. This disposition is facilitated by having no boundaries, no idea of  where to draw the line, where not to cross. This is a result of Venus and Mars conjoined in Pisces and both tightly linked to Uranus. The Uranus factor creates unusual or unconventional attractions when linked to Venus or Mars. A lot of Gay people have the Uranus factor. Neptune is also a problem for him being very undermining of his capacity to act responsibly and with restraint: basically he has the worst possible challenges for someone born as a Capricorn. He doesn't know how to function as an adult and this defect is the source of his unrestrained behaviour. Power and control issues will still be a factor in his choice of sex activity with juveniles - he needs to feel powerful somehow to mask deep-seated feelings of inadequacy but he does not have the energy of a violent or brutal offender  

DANIEL WOZNIAK Though not a convicted sex offender we know that Scorpio energy has strong association with death homicide power abuses of all types so the profile of DANIEL WOZNIAK is worth including here.
Born 23 March 1984. Convicted of double homicide used a staged scene of sexual violence to fool police. His energy profile shows multiple potentials for power abuse.
Aries Sun & Mercury amplified by Jupiter in Capricorn creates a very selfish entitled disposition. Many aspects of his persona suggest narcissism. Mars Saturn Pluto merged in Scorpio. Adds huge weight to the power and control drives of Jupiter in Capricorn making him happy to use and abuse others -  though his public face was benign courtesy of Venus in Pisces - a benevolent subpersonality used to gain trust and bring people under his power. His probable Moon in Sagittarius adds to a pleasant  jovial manner allowing people to like and trust him. Delusional and deceptive qualities come from Neptune and show the degree of fantasy  life that motivated his life choices and critical errors. The homicides were carried out in a bungling amateurish fashion clearly lacking in rational planning but driven by sheer basic instinctual drives. His mental disposition is detached enough due to Uranus to allow him to distance himself from the horrific actions he performed. Clearly a dual personality driven by contrasting needs and quite contradictory traits as often found in people who commit extremely aggressive acts. He will be a different Daniel in different circumstances so many will be shocked by his crimes but the facts are clear that Wozniak has within him the worst possible potentials when it comes to wanting to meet his own selfish needs.

Updates section continues:
current events and historic cases in the media

2018 updates

June 2018

New Zealand citizen Troy Skinner [25] flew to the US and armed himself with weapons and methods of restraint after a 14 year old Virginia teen chose to end online communications with him. They had met on a gaming site.
Skinner dressed in black had staked out the house & tried to con his way inside
He is yet to be charged but the clear evidence so far of persistent intent to commit criminal acts will soon see local authorities proceed with charges.
With his birthdate widely publicised it is clear to an astrologer that his inherent potentials for violence & fantasy were strongly activated in recent months.
Friends said Skinner had recently stopped taking his Quetapel medication - a pharmaceutical usually prescribed for psychotic disorders.

  • Born with Sun 15 Gemini the fantasy scheme was activated in him during the passage of Neptune through 15-16 Pisces. Gamers inhabit worlds far removed from everyday consequential reality [Neptune factor] and so their predisposition towards making irrational choices in the real world raises the first red flag in this case.
  • The second alarm bell rings with his membership of the Pluto in Scorpio generation. This era - which challenges people born then and living through that period to really evolve their use of power into a positive and away from negative abusive choices. So it's a big fail on that one. 

Pluto was in Scorpio* from Nov 6 1983 to Nov 10 1995 [*aside from brief retrograde back into Libra for around 100 days the middle of 1984]
But as already stated one factor like Pluto in Scorpio is not enough.
Skinner's birthdate has Pluto at 23 Scorpio linked to Neptune and Uranus -both at 21 Capricorn.
Capricorn represents self control and obeying laws.
Neptune dissolves self control
Uranus rebels against rules
The Pluto-Neptune-Uranus combo with that blend of Capricorn Scorpio has high potential to express as wanton power abuse, disregard for controls
  • Red flag 3 Pluto at 23 Scorpio links to Mars and Chiron at 19-20 Leo. This involves one of the high risk combinations consistent with criminal misuse of power: Pluto-Mars -where Mars is a very male use of energy and Pluto is need to control so if a person fails to control their own energy they will with such a pattern look to control others [in astrological terms the Pluto-Mars angle is a stress-generating square angle and quite close to exact]. Add in Chiron which is psychological wounding and this is a potent mix seeking to avenge rejection. [Mars and Chiron in Leo show that love or infatuation in the breeding ground for this disturbance to be fuelled] At its worst the resolution is not just stalking or entrapment - Scorpio will seek annihilation of the source. Any anyone substituting for the true source of the wound [usually a family member] is served the full fury.
Though this is a summary of relevant factors and not a full profile analysis the relevant points stand out clear as day.

May 2018

Danish inventor Peter Madsen found guilty in the murder of journalist Kim Wall

Read the Profiler's analysis of Madsen and Wall 

April 2018 
Arrest in the decades long case of the Golden State Killer: Joseph James Deangelo aged 72 arrested April 2018 on multiple rape and murder charges in the US
Deangelo in youth, in suspect drawing & as a Cop

Genealogy site Family Tree Now has an entry that could relate to Deangelo based on a birth year of 1945, meaning he turned 72 in 2017.
Reddit has a long list of comments including a quoted birthdate of November 8 1945, confirmed elsewhere
which if 100% correct places Deangelo as a Scorpio with Pluto in Leo square the Sun = very ego driven and attention-seeking power abuse, loving the fame/infamy....made him feel significant.
Saturn in Cancer square Venus in Libra. Family based emotional dysfunction in his childhood made it extremely unlikely he could sustain relationship ideals.
Deangelo has Neptune-Jupiter-Chiron-Venus all in Libra and the activation point for this accumulation comes from Chiron conjunct Jupiter  - deeply wounded  in his relating experiences and unable to find ideal love and relationship harmony then became deeply wounding others.

Libra energy if not able to be experienced as the ideal romantic love and harmony will polarize in the personality and express through the opposite outlet - Aries.
Indicators are that a lot of violence was the hallmark of Deangelo's offending, grounded in deep anger, hostility and rejection which would be traced back to his own suffering in childhood.
Though not a complete profile due to lack of an exact birth time this collection of energies analysed indicates the psychological framework which compelled Deangelo to seek power control and forceful retaliation against the symbols of his early deeply damaging experiences - the victims being mostly women and offending occurred mostly within home environments.

April 26 2018
Bill Cosby convicted on sexual assault charges
Cosby born 12 July 1937.
The energy on 12 July 1937 is predisposed to the outcome of being a sex offender due to diminished boundaries relating to sexual desires - driven psychologically by inadequacy. 
Cosby has Mars in Scorpio closely connected to Jupiter in Capricorn -this combination does enhance the energy drive in general including the sexual use of energy.
With Neptune closely connected to his Cancer Sun, issues around boundaries, where to draw the line -would be recurrent.
Neptune is an energy that expresses also as all forms of drugs, toxic liquids, gases - so the use of any substances that are mind-altering is to be avoided by people with a strong Neptune influence.

It was the only criminal case to arise from a barrage of allegations from 62 women who have publicly said the former TV star drugged and molested them over a span of five decades. -Daily Telegraph
The inadequacy comes from Saturn in Aries linked to Mars in Scorpio. Aries is meant to be a brave and confident energy but it is totally squashed and needs to be rebuilt when Saturn is in Aries. Without this rebuilding the personality will seek sources of empowerment through overpowering.
Using drugs is a more subtle way than murder or assault or methods of physical restraint but it still has the intention of placing the victim in a powerless position.
Mars in Scorpio linked to Saturn in Aries is a combination easily expressing as the use of sex to gain psychological strength.

NYT asks Do Serial Killers Stop?

March 7 2108 Case Study David Birnie

Australian serial killer/rapist David Birnie

Born Feb 16 1951 and his co-accused, his partner Cathy are known to have committed several crimes together in late 1986, with possibly more unresolved cases outstanding.
This very disturbed couple, born just months apart in 1951 shared some energies in terms of planetary similarities but Birnie himself had the principle profile of a warped personality, with Cathy, excited by violence that they could conduct in the privacy of their home [Jupiter in Aries square Uranus in Cancer] and by the fantasy life enactments, was his perfect partner in crime.
The date Feb 16 1951 was notable for a four planet alignment closely connected to the lunar nodal axis.
The north lunar node at 19 Pisces had Venus and Mars both at 19 Pisces in exact conjunction but the divine side of Pisces never got a look in due to Neptune at 18 Libra and Pluto at 19 Leo clustered at the 19 Virgo  south lunar node - resulting in a power driven fantasy sex life.
Jupiter at 14 Pisces was close to all this perverted energy, increasing Birnie's addictive side [drugs/alcohol, pornography being highly likely in the frame]
A fuller analysis is not possible without his birth time but the factors outlined show how Pluto and Neptune and Mars merged into producing a killer driven by fantasies of domination and control. These urges fuelled the drive to embark on predatory cruises around town looking for suitable victims. 
So many factors clustered in connection to the 19 degree nodal axis show a long-term pattern brought from a prior life or lives which spilled over and was unable to be restrained within his psyche. 
With both ends of the nodal axis highly charged with the outlined planetary cluster in this lifetime he met his fate as a result of the abuse of others, finally turning that same energy on himself.
Birnie hung himself in prison almost 19 years to the day, after the murder of the first known victim in October 1986
His next journey will see him carry a very heavy burden of misuse of energy needing to be worked through and the consequences still to be faced. 

March 1 - Case Study
Jupiter in Scorpio again features in profile of sex offender   Colin Mitchell convicted for the abduction and attempted violation of a young woman in early 2017.
His supplied birthdate of March 1 1958 has Jupiter retrograde at 1'22 Scorpio. Being a Pisces we look also to Neptune and find that at 4'37 Scorpio. Where Jupiter causes excess of energy, Neptune causes fantasy -the two in combination suggest a man who devoted a lot of his mind to sexual imaginings, sexual imagery.
Interesting too he has Saturn in Sagittarius 24'43. This indicator both reflects his involvement in abduction or restraint activity -but also the fact that the table turns and now he faces at his May 18 sentencing a term of indefinite imprisonment.
On the date of the abduction Feb 26 2017 Uranus and Mars were conjunct at 21 Aries opposite Jupiter at 22 Libra = strong signal of aggressive violence in those disposed to act out and an alert for those in vulnerable positions. A surge of aggressive hormones is triggered by the Mars Jupiter combination and Uranus in combination with these two activates poor impulse control.
Pluto was at 18'42 Capricorn on that date and Mitchell's Mars at birth was 18 Capricorn. His inherent desire for power/authority/control [he was the President of his local Returned Servicemen's branch] was activated to the extreme when he made the fateful decision to commit these crimes -which he continues to deny despite DNA evidence. It is unlikely that this person has a truly clean slate in his prior dealings with women.

March 4 Rapist Colin Mitchell's serial offending revealed
Dates of known prior offending were revealed after the date of conviction - July 23 1984 and May 30 1992 can now be added to Feb 26 2017 in building a picture of Mitchell's triggers.
Now looking further at Mitchell's birthday data -
  •  the combined factors conjuncting in Scorpio -Jupiter, the north lunar node and Neptune within the range of 1-4 degrees had extra energy on board -with Pluto at 1 degree linked closely to Jupiter - effectively all challenged by Venus in Aquarius at 3 degrees in his birthday data.
  • In addition 3 degrees is a trigger for certain angles = planets in an 18 degree position.
  • Mitchell was born with Mars at 18 Capricorn [male expression through authority/control ]

Venus in Aquarius is represented by independent women, women alone, doing their own thing -exactly the sole targets that Mitchell preyed on. For whatever psychological reason Mitchell saw this type of woman as a threatening challenge, one that had to be controlled, abused, humiliated.

With red alerts around 3 and 18 degrees due to the aggravating energy generated in him by the Mars-Venus-Jupiter-Pluto-north node-Neptune entangled energies, it is evident that the 3 and 18 degree positions are significant.

Offending dates known and relevant planets in transit:
July 23 1984   Mars 18 Scorpio
May 30 1992   Mars 18 Aries, Saturn 18 Aquarius
                       Uranus 17 Capricorn
                       Neptune 18 Capricorn
                       Moon 18-19 Taurus

Feb 26 2017  north node 3 Virgo
                     Pluto 18 Capricorn 

A further factor arises and looks to be potentially significant - and could be confirmed as such were Mitchell's full birth data available -a time of birth would at in extra points of critical energy that may explain his persistent conduct.

The extra factor is the 21 degree position and its pairing with 6 degrees.
With three dates of similar offending known the repeated factors relevant to his behaviour can be identified

Offending dates known and relevant planets in transit:

July 23 1984 north node and Jupiter at 5 degrees
     [closely proximate positions are considered active]

May 30 1992 Mercury-Venus conjunction at 6 degrees
                     Jupiter at 6 degrees
                     Pluto at 21 degrees

Feb 26 2017  Mars 21 degrees
                     Jupiter-Uranus opposition at 22 degrees

Noting the positions of north node, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Pluto are all relevant to the role those entangled factors were to play repeatedly in Mitchell's life - as shown by the known data on his day of birth.
The Moon's North Node is a known indicator of a person's life path and challenges, with considerable karmic relevance.

  also on this blog -further profiling of those with Jupiter in Scorpio who are being called to account

Harlow and Beadman
March 2 2018 update
Beadman and Harlow two UK men born in the mid-late 1980's were 26-28 years of age when Luke Harlow using online chat access lured sexually violated and entrapped 15 year old local girl Kayleigh Haywood -then invited neighbour Stephen Beadman to do as he wanted. Kayleigh was raped, violently assaulted and murdered by him. 
Though no birth data has been published for either offender, this period in the mid 1980's featured some troublesome sexual indicators with both Pluto and Saturn in Scorpio at certain periods, before Saturn entered Sagittarius -also potentially problematic in combination with other warning signs.
Beadman's digital history revealed an addiction to violent pornography. He may have been born with Jupiter in Pisces connected to Pluto. Jupiter in Aries then occurred March 1987-March 1988 - a potential alert for excessive violence if activated by other troublesome energies.

January 2018
The growing TimesUp movement generated in the US by high profile women from the entertainment industry has snowballed into a mega global movement.
Oprah Winfrey became the lead flag bearer at the Golden Globes ceremony - which was notable for a sea of black -the chosen fashion statement of many attendees.

update October 2017
Harvey Weinstein
High profile movie producer Harvey Weinstein has been fired from his own company on the grounds of claims of sexual harassment
His apology
“I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologise for it. Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.” was followed by some dispute over details in a NYT report 

What clues arise in the energy imprint that was in effect on the day Weinstein was born?
Does that energy match the indicators already uncovered in the energy of known offenders relating to power, predatory behaviour and sexual abuse?

Born March 19 1952 the energy on this day shows key elements which have significant alignment with the profiling guide published in this post.
click to enlarge

  • Pluto-Jupiter-Mars in a tightly connected mix. Pluto in Leo brings a dominating ego, blending with Mars in the most overt sexually expressive sign Scorpio. Add in Jupiter in Aries and the mortal sin of excessive selfish lust is the biggest challenge in the life of a person given this combination. Pluto often introduces an obsessive element and power-seeking at all costs.
  • Neptune very closely opposite Jupiter brings in the loss of boundaries, the capacity to include lot of imagination, fantasy into the realm of sexual expression. Other Neptunian devices include substances like drugs, medications, alcohol which also tend to be part of the Neptunian toolkit. Neptune is also the indicator of addictive behaviour. 
  • Sun Pisces, Venus in Pisces give a strong emphasis on the Neptunian aspects
Why is this historic alleged behaviour in the public arena now in 2017?
The short answer is always: karma
The astrological markers just show when karma arises and what themes it contains
On March 19 1952, the day of Weinstein's birth Mercury was at 16.43 Aries at 0 hrs UT.
In late September 2017 the transit of Pluto resumed its direct phase at 16.51 Capricorn.
Within days the landscape shifted for Weinstein
Under the influence of Pluto in Capricorn many men in positions of authority or fame [Capricorn] have fallen from grace [Pluto =offer of regeneration]

As Pluto continues its transit beyond the current position putting pressure on Weinstein to replace his acknowledged selfish perspective [Mercury in Aries] with one that has adult boundaries [Pluto in Capricorn]
During 2018 and 2019 when Pluto at 20 Capricorn is 90 degrees to both his Jupiter and Neptune the pressure will continue to be sustained to replace self-centred relating with co-operative dynamics.
This is a huge 180 degree flip which is only achievable if he commits to very intensive therapy which highlights the issues identified here
In the days since this story broke in the NYT, an avalanche of claims against Weinstein have been published - including those from Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow . Then came the condemnation from men.
October 12 update
Extensive material has surfaced daily since the NYT story relating to conduct that multiple women say they experienced in dealing with Harvey Weinstein
Hi profile female figures within the entertainment industry continue to comment or disclose personal experiences
October became an avalanche for Weinstein. Dozens of women came forward and the hashtag #MeToo arose in response. Weinstein suffered a major fall from grace, having awards and associations revoked.

The Profiler's analysis of Harvey Weinstein

November 2.
In recents days high profile actor Kevin Spacey came under the spotlight for historic allegations of sexual misconduct

If this story continues to grow then Spacey has a real problem.

  • His birthdate confirms he has Jupiter in Scorpio -one of the prime indicators of issues around sexual behaviour due to having an abundance or excessive display of sexual energy due to feeling very empowered
  • his Neptune is in Scorpio meaning boundaries are loosened around sex when alcohol and drugs are involved. Fantasy life involves sexual activity.
  • Pluto and Mars were conjoined on his birthdate. Pluto is the psychological drive for power and is often expressed through sexual activity and Mars is the physical and hormonal aspect of sex.
Spacey's birthdate reveals the type of person who is very sexually compulsive or obsessive and acts very inappropriately, not restraining his drives.
There is no indication of cruel or sadistic abuse.

Why is this arising now in 2017?
  • Jupiter has returned to cycle once again [12 year cycle] though 30 degrees of Scorpio. 
  • From October 10 2017-Nov 8 2018 all people born will have Jupiter in Scorpio.
  • Not all born in this period will have the same tendencies to the same degree. It depends if other factors [other planetary indicators outlined in main text] add to the issues indicated [excessive sexual energy] and predispose inappropriate or even criminal behaviour involving power abuse.
  • During this time frame sex/power issues will continue to be high profile so that the sunlight can be shed on this widespread societal problem.
  • The Sun is in Scorpio from Oct 23 to Nov 22 making this period extra likely for the Jupiter in Scorpio issues to be in the public domain.
  • There will be further extra strong trigger points in the year ahead including late November-early December 2017, in 2018 most of January first half of February, most of April, early May, late June, early August - these periods meaning times when Sun, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto - any of these - is connected to Jupiter.
  • For parents this means being aware of the importance to instil the boundaries needed for children born with this high-risk challenge.

References and Notes:

Cruel Nasty Criminal Energy - astrological case study
Capricorn Astrology Research -case study of killer-rapist

ROLF HARRIS  -Wikipedia

Sex charges against Harris

Sophie Elliot murder by Clayton Weatherston
Manson, Wilson & Bundy are easily searchable


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...