
Showing posts from July, 2022

Saturn Neptune and A New Look at Outer Planet Retrogrades

The interpretation of retrograde planets - especially the outer planets can pose issues  in terms of getting to the essence  of what is happening  what it means and how to utilise the period  for further awareness on both the personal and collective levels Saturn and Neptune together have an essential role in resolving how meaningful our life is on Earth. Once the resolution of these two planets is understood the meaning and purpose of Uranus and Pluto falls into place. The timing of when such contemplation and realisation is optimised is detailed in this text where a new look at retrogrades is proposed. The outer planets - Uranus Neptune and Pluto - cannot be fully understood solely within the context of this worldly dimension.  They are our passport to awakened consciousness.  Understandably that attainment is highly conditional upon a deep attunement to the subtle layers of energy that enable awakening. The barrier to pass through is Saturn. Saturnian energy on Earth is fundamental

Strong Themes in the Collective July to November 2022

Strong themes apply in 2022  in the focal period considered The themes considered cannot be disconnected from the backdrop of the Covid pandemic and while that factor and other viral challenges remain sustained under the oceanic weight of Neptune in Pisces [amplified repeatedly by Jupiter's support in 2022] this post looks at other ingredients in the mix. Act I July 2022 Saturn & Jupiter engage in their classic dynamic (expansion-contraction) late in July (week3) being an exact 8-23 semisquare coinciding with Pluto retro reaching the annual closest alignment [perigee] to Earth & opposite Sun = Capricorn-Cancer 27'22° July 20. When Pluto [or any outer planet] reaches this location opposite Sun and most aligned with Earth its potency is signified by being the midpoint of the 2 stations and the 2 square locations that occur to the East and West of the opposition location. In 2022 Pluto goes through the sequence: square April 18 retro station April 29 opposition July 20 di