
Showing posts from 2010

2011 forewarned = forearmed

Old sayings have a lot of truth in them and none better than the notion that if you can anticipate upcoming events, you are in a better position to prepare for and deal with them On the verge of a new and meaningful year, with many people wondering about global weather, climate change, economic conditions, terrorism and of course the anticipation of what 2012 might mean, 2011 is a year to prepare for A little bit of information gathering: firstly knowing that 2011 = a number 4 year - with implications of hard work, frugality and restraints. Alison Baughman has written a more detailed account confirming expectations that ring true for me. Next, the website of a psychic called Lyn Philips where you can find audio recordings from 2004 that forecast several years ahead including 2011, 2012. Some excerpts for 2011:  a record amount of movement within the earth, earthquakes, volcanoes, disruption. Mexico blown away by incredibly strong winds Cloud of despair over Europe Exci

Julian Assange -happily subversive

Julian Assange is currently the global talking point and not just in the English speaking world. Twitter has been deluged with commentary in many languages, mainly from supporters, though, like many other key links in the chain, the US government has chosen to take a heavy handed approach to try and crush wikileaks in response to potentially damaging leaks of information. At this stage the drama is truly a cyberwar with online systems pressured to withdraw support for wikileaks, whether financially or concerning information distribution. In response, hacktivists supporting Assange are systematically disabling his opponents sites. One commentary likened it to the game Whack-a-Mole but this is a multidimensional game with the viral and exponential capacities of the internet meaning that constant reinvention and reincarnation are at wikileaks' disposal. The Bank of Iceland is happy to take supporter donations while PayPal buckles to decline. The Mountain Astrologer website has obt

Things NZ Gets Wrong

New Zealand has done pretty well in terms of creating a good society....until recently. The right for women to vote was socially significant in 1893 - New Zealand led the world in granting this. David Lange in the 1980's made us famous on the world stage for promoting an anti-nuclear New Zealand. We have long since maintained a social security system -the first elderly pensions being introduced in 1898; large scale state housing became available in the 1930's and in the following year of the depression era, unemployment benefits became available in exchange for labouring work stipulated by government agencies. From 1938, entitlement was available for any unemployed over the age of 16 years. More stringent rules now apply in the 21st century and the system is targeted for overhaul due to the global economic pinch -the Rebstock Report  is likely to influence significant government changes under the National government's John Key. The picture is terms of "a caring soc

Famously Dead - Pike River 29

Fame is a curious thing, attaching itself  apparently randomly to the rich, the poor, the highly educated, the unschooled, but also, to the dead. Death, under certain circumstances, can raise the profile of a previously unknown to a level of profound fame - thanks now to global networking. But curiously it is not all deaths so bestowed and not even all collective or mass deaths - hundreds died in a Cambodian stampede in November, thousands die in natural events in the developing world on a regular basis, but it is almost with resignation we pass these events over and move onto the next news. Trapped miners appear to have a far different destiny - in Australia, in Chile and in New Zealand in recent times saturation news coverage followed by apparent celebrity status accorded in the first two events to the survivors. In New Zealand, at the Pike River Mine it has been a different story: no survivors from the 29 trapped miners, but the degree of "fame" accorded to these men

YOUR NAME is a giveaway

You probably don't know it but the name you announce to everyone tells them a lot about you before you say or do anything else. The spanner in the works is that most people don't know this secret language and so they miss out on important personality clues that may be useful in assessing an employee, a partner, housemate or first date. Firstly look at this number grid -each letter of the English alphabet is given an equivalent number  -this means the letter and the number have in common a particular resonance or vibration. There are far more complex ways to analyse names and words, but start with these 2 simple steps: Check out your own name and firstly look for the first letter of your first name. Then look for any letters that repeat a lot in your first or last name - for example William Riley contains 3 "i"s and 3 "l"s -refer to the number to the left of the letter you wish to analyse The letter "i" is a 9, the letter "l" is a 3.

DAVID... what it means to be called

All words and sounds have a vibration and the ancient study of numerology assigns a number energy to each letter. DAVID has a number total of 22 - called a master number -indicating the capacity for high achievement and significant karmic responsibility to humanity - so many Davids become well known -David Beckham, David Bowie  - but there is the potential for fame or infamy  - several high profile murderers or accused in New Zealand are called David. latest: David Seymour The Donald uses David as an alias [scroll to end] David Turpin imprisoned his children David Bain denied killing his whole family; he was first convicted, then later acquitted in a second trial.  ( trial evidence included a rape fantasy Bain wrote about). Another, David Tamihere denies killing two Swedish tourists. He served a lengthy time in prison.  Where does this problematic energy come from? The energy of the letters D and V which feature at the beginning, middle and end of  D A V

Pike River Coal Mine Astrology

Update May 2019: After years of lobbying to achieve a re-entry and retrieval operation at the mine a planned first attempt was scheduled for May 3. It was determined that this could not proceed due to unusual high oxygen levels. Looking at energy patterns  at the start of May it is clear  that the way ahead is still not clear. The 2 control planets & 2 very relevant to the mine environment - Saturn & Pluto both entered retrograde loops at the end of April. This phase works against external activity - making direct action problematic impossible or very slow. The timing is just not right. Interesting to see Jupiter is currently 23 degrees in Sagittarius which resonates back to 19 November 2010 Jupiter 23 Pisces. But this is not the only opportunity in 2019. Jupiter is also in retrograde (since early April) but by the end of October early November 2019 a window opens. Jupiter Saturn and Pluto will all be in direct progress and Jupiter reaches 23 degrees on Oct 31. Nov 1st has M

Pike River Astrology of Event #1

For the estimated time of 3.30pm on 19 November 2010.   See blog post below "Pike River Astrology: Destinies"

Pike River Astrology: Destinies

How often do we hear of people who missed a date with death by running late, changing their mind - or due to acting on a deep sense of dread. Conversely the determination to meet that terminal appointment is also clear: the pieces all slot into place as smoothly as the tumblers in a lock . For others death is a sudden, unanticipated event and for many one that is resisted. Having a life philosophy that embraces death as part of the ongoing cycle of incarnations enables us to have far greater acceptance of the rightness and perfect timing of everything. For most people that is far beyond their capacity. Traditional Christianity talks of heaven or hell options as if they are the enduring afterlife we can either look forward to or dread. In comparison, Eastern religions have a sense of a continuum - in Buddhism it is the mind-stream that endures beyond the physical incarnation, capable of reliving in another body. The astrological significance Death is the keyword that relates st

Facing the Future

Those who are keen to track the timeline of future climate/environmental events are understandably keen to know dates to plan around since the effects upon us all are anticipated to be major, unprecedented and therefore exceed our known experience. I have a holistic view of how systems work which means I believe that there will be more than one indicator of things changing for our planet. In this context I would suggest that there will be other planetary behaviour in our traditionally known solar system, that reinforces, backs up or contributes to the effects expected to come about through the actions of any one factor including the mysterious Planet X interacting magnetically with earth. By looking at what other planetary activity there is expected over the next few years specific times of challenging and disruptive energy effects can be timetabled. These effects impact us on earth and therefore are worth contributing to the overall picture. With this in mind I have searched th

Why the June 2010 Eclipse is a worry

This is a highly active eclipse which will have numerous unprecedented consequences in political, social and environmental spheres - so few people globally will fail to notice big changes in their situation from late June to Dec 2010. People born in these time frames,   24-27 June, Sept 26-29, Dec 24-27, Mar 24-27 in particular, any year,  will have very noticeable dynamic and challenging changes. The effects on particularly responsive people could be, at the least,  difficult, upsetting through to dangerous. Be alert if you are in these time frames as to what conditions are developing in the days up till 26 June. Don't take risks or aggravate people; avoid confrontations or facing your enemies; be alert to danger; don't push your luck. The intense energies linked into this eclipse bring out the best or worst in people so many will have a chance to be heroes or simply look after others. You have to choose whether you are a giver or a taker: both sow the seeds of your future l

CROP CIRCLES are back in!

If you thought they were a passing fad and a fake, think again. Crop Circles continue to occur in various countries and with great complexity. Refer to my post on Ning Network re a puzzling and intriguing aspect and check out

The World is Changing

Be aware of global  potentials for sudden changes in water, unusual conditions in water, big levels: sea/ocean/tides/rainfall all likely to reflect these qualities February to June, September to end of 2010, then also January-February 2011. Volcanic activity accentuated June, July, August; ongoing earth stresses and quakes May, June, July, August. July could see a big seismic-volcanic chain reaction

NEW New Zealand?

If possible radical alterations occur in the formation of the earth's land masses, could New Zealand look like this?

Future Maps of the World

Whether you choose to believe or disbelieve, here for your consideration is a link to the site timeline2012   which features future global scenarios including land maps of a changed terrain of newly sunken and arisen land on planet earth. Quite dramatic. Here are some clips: