Old sayings have a lot of truth in them and none better than the notion that if you can anticipate upcoming events, you are in a better position to prepare for and deal with them
On the verge of a new and meaningful year, with many people wondering about global weather, climate change, economic conditions, terrorism and of course the anticipation of what 2012 might mean, 2011 is a year to prepare for
A little bit of information gathering: firstly knowing that 2011 = a number 4 year - with implications of hard work, frugality and restraints.
Alison Baughman has written a more detailed account confirming expectations that ring true for me.
Next, the website of a psychic called Lyn Philips
where you can find audio recordings from 2004 that forecast several years ahead including 2011, 2012.
Some excerpts for 2011:
a record amount of movement within the earth, earthquakes, volcanoes, disruption.
Mexico blown away by incredibly strong winds
Cloud of despair over Europe
Exciting worldwide news of something discovered in sky
Trade in oil disrupted -severe effect on stock market
Some excerpts for 2012
A collision, huge explosion in sky -affects water
London protests over money, housing, everything
People leave cities for simpler life
Fear widespread but unfounded
Brazil affected by huge mass falling from sky - many hurt
Spain great floods cause loss of crops
Global water supply reported as being in decline
These excerpts reinforce patterns already in progress regarding climate/weather, economy and lifestyle readjustments - with the added factor of elements from space impacting upon earth. High probability is likely to apply to these aspects of our future world. Forewarned is forearmed.
Updated Jan 4:
The Capricorn theme in 2011 affecting you, me, everyone
With the January 4 2011 solar eclipse in Capricorn being harshly affected by the sign's ruler, Saturn this is another indicator, confirmed by Pluto in Capricorn this year being at odds with both Jupiter and Uranus, Capricorn energy at its most controlling is set to be the dominant theme of the year.
In simple language:
Capricorn is the universal energy force related to strong management, guidance, parenthood (particularly fatherhood). Positively used, the energy gives people skills in managing businesses and other high achievements of public office where high standards are required. Such people effectively "parent" their community by being firm, fair fathers in their regulation and controls - as we expect actual fathers to handle their children.
We are all capable of showing Capricorn qualities, as we all have this energy operating strongly in at least a couple of aspects of our life ( shown in your personal astrology birth-chart looking at Capricorn and Saturn on the chart wheel)
It all goes wrong when the fathers and father figures (and each us us in our relevant area of life), fail to act out their role: they haven't worked it out i.e. they lack the critical stage of growth to do it automatically (remember even kids can be biological parents) - they want the power and control but fail to see the responsibilities that go with the territory. High responsibility ( meaning any aspect of life where you have the ability to impact considerably on the lives of others) means high accountability.
This year with Saturn in the sign of Libra ( scales, balance, justice) accountability will come up repeatedly as a colleague of responsibility.
Libra is about the responsibilities of marriage, partnership or other agreed relationship dynamics ( counsellor-client) Saturn means many bonds will be broken in 2011 and through to late 2012 as it may all seem too hard, one person won't contribute, wants to be carried, backs out, withdraws, relationships break down and without the committed responsibility to fix things, will end. Some must end rightfully if the mature path isn't chosen.
But the Capricorn energy this year doesn't stop there: it's about right conduct, acting properly - so this could mean doing your share of the work, paying your bills, honouring agreements, treating others as you wish for yourself, managing your business effectively, looking after your children instead of a no-boundaries style and so on. Whatever area of life is hardest for you may be an indicator of your Capricorn weak spot needing to be matured
The management of nations, society, communities, particularly through government is a Capricorn structure therefore politics and political relationships will be big in the news with governments wanting to continue cutbacks. Expect vigorous if not violent, protests. Conservative ( possibly old-fashioned) and austere ( harsh, limiting) policies have already been installed in nations like the UK due to economic imbalances. The world's relationship with money plus financial organizations need further restructuring - money in all respects certainly continuing to be big on the agenda so expect more cutbacks both imposed and self imposed - restrained, restricted, controlled - these are Capricorn descriptions likely to feature highly in 2011.
With New Zealand facing a general election in 2011 this will not be an easy year at all politically with all the energetic forces tensed up: political relationships will face the same strain as private ones if trust, responsibilities and accountability are not adhered to. This could signify the end of the alliance Maori have with National - after all the let downs they have sucked up and swallowed in the past 2 years a- if National fails to act as a commited partner.
I've already written about David Cunliffe ( see the David post) - though with little data to go on, he still looks to have the credibility in Capricornian style energy to be a leader for Labour. Remember those who've got the right ( Capricorn-Saturn) vibe will rise to the top this year and those who haven't will sink.
A situation, like the current environmental chaos hitting many parts of the world, arises as a natural balancing act. Nature has a way of altering imbalances and we are part of the whole cyclic system - not apart from and not above the natural world - the more you see the rightness of new regimes or changes, you will accept them, even if a bit reluctantly, understanding that everything in the whole universe is in constant and continual readjustment: that's the essence of life.
The Capricorn theme will also bring adversity, difficulty in particular areas relevant for each individual and locality or nation. By connection to the opposing energy Cancer - homes, families, mothers, women - these aspects of life are under particular stress, cutbacks, restriction, loss
Water related environmental issues are strongly indicated in the extended future. This includes, rain, floods, snow in vulnerable areas - best indicated by historical patterns -but also in areas not typically prone - meaning coastal zones. Low lying communities - at sea level must prepare for water surges.
Overall there are many challenging conditions we face in 2011 and beyond. This is a time to pull together in the face of larger forces.
Update Jan 13: in response to the massive flooding in eastern Australia, plus sri Lanka, Brazil, South Africa: extract from January 8 2011 blog discussing Methane
Astrologers use information based on connections made by the planets, sun and moon in our known solar system and taking a look at any likely candidates to explain a sequence of events like this you would have to consider Jupiter -the planet resonating with the keywords "mass" or "large" and Uranus - "sudden", "unusual" - and the fact that these two planets are currently moving side by side in outer space - basically sharing their magnetic fields and reinforcing their stand-out qualities - and the zodiac sector they are moving through - is Pisces. The sign of water and fish. Jupiter connects to flocks, swarms as examples of masses. Uranus is the sky energy -connecting to all thing in that domain -hence, birds - so together there is already a signature on one level of species en masse that inhabit the air and the sea. Fish and birds.
The brilliance of astrology is that it describes energy in such a multi-dimensional way - so every combination of energy like Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Pisces can be expressed in collection of statements, describing how that energy expresses in different contexts.
For example: Jupiter keyword big + Uranus electricity or electromagnetic force + water = electrocution
as noted in these recent news events. Remembering that the bodies of mammals such as humans are primarily composed of water means a hi voltage charge is usually lethal - and the risk is higher throughout January 2011
Recently, globally we have seen the pisces keyword "water" mixed with "sudden"(uranus) and "big" (jupiter) affecting our global weather - ranging from rain to flood to snow - extra big, unusual and unprecedented also apply here to the water, running or frigid as ice and snow, that have affected our world to a great degree in geographically disparate places - such is the power of large planetary effects impacting on planet Earth.
Pisces has another keyword - "gas" which is a term for silent often odourless, often lethal chemicals which we encounter in our daily lives - oxygen being the one vital for survival, carbon dioxide the one we exhale, carbon monoxide the one emitted by your car engine. Another gas we hear about sometimes is methane - you may be interested to know more about this natural gas, a naturally forming product from the earth, which has numerous uses, but one which has a nasty and dangerous side. Though not toxic in itself it is highly flammable and therefore explosive, plus it displaces oxygen and therefore results in death if the level of methane is high.
One current condition applying, due to the mix we have in place, is that high (Jupiter) levels of gas (Pisces) are creating an explosive or sudden shock events (Uranus) just as high (Jupiter) levels of water/snow/ice (Pisces) have been creating sudden/unusual/disruptive/dangerous (Uranus) conditions while this pattern has strengthened during December 2010 into New Year 2011
So it is truly a season of mis-adventure with extra care needed around water/snow/ice, electricity, gases.
Considering the high gas level indicator and sudden shock or explosive events an interesting link is the gas methane as a possible cause of recent seemingly unrelated events: mass bird deaths, mass fish/sea creature deaths as well as the number of methane gas explosions - notably in coal mines where the gas is a high level hazard due to natural emission.
This website hosts over 400 posts written since 2011 for a general and astrological readership In recent years the original emphasis has pivoted more towards personal growth/spiritual development and evolutionary potentials within the birth chart. Earlier work includes planetary cycles along with favourite research areas such as extreme weather solar dynamics including spaceweather; astrological profiles of criminal offenders
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