
Showing posts from April, 2018

Avicii -the Outer vs Tim Bergling the Inner

The death of successful DJ Avicii reveals the mismatch between the public world in which he achieved fame -and the private nature of  Tim Bergling Born 8 September 1989 Tim Bergling was zodiac sign Virgo - which is associated with hardworking perfectionists as well as those who apply this focus to being physically perfect on the inside through special diets and nutritional supplements. Virgo is opposite Pisces in the zodiac and both are in the same group as Gemini and Sagittarius = the Mutable group which are known for a lot of thinking and contemplation as well as searching for ideals and the meaning of life. Looking at Tim's birthday [full chart not accessible so this is not a complete profile] the planets Mercury and Neptune are important due to their association with Virgo and Pisces. Mercury was 10 Libra Neptune 9 Capricorn and it is clear that other planets link to these closely Saturn 7 Capricorn Jupiter 7 Cancer Libra Capricorn and Cancer all

Uranus in Taurus 2018-2026 & 1934-1942

Update April 2020 In the context of the global coronavirus Covid-19 crisis this post headlines a series of posts made during 2019-2020 on the astrological factors that are  evoking the complex events unfolding. 2020 & Beyond   is an early April 2020 post that provides a succinct summary with links to other highly relevant posts on this site which extend the range of analysis  beyond the role of Uranus in Taurus CLICK TO ENLARGE In March 2019 Uranus fully enters Taurus extending until late April 2026 after a long absence. Often it's said to understand the present we need to understand the past. Astrology is arguably the most useful tool for tracing past cycles  in order to compare events  with the present.   Astrology is cycles and cycles are the natural order of life  across the entire universe.   A planetary ephemeris tracking daily movements of the plan

Vulnerability: Chiron In Pisces and Aries

Chiron is a significant little asteroid. Depending where in your chart this sits, the sign it is in and the angular connections to other chart factors, it shows where you have fragility, weakness or a literal physical or psychological sense of woundedness. Dealing with Chiron can have a profoundly healing effect which is able to radiate out into the world through your interactions with others. Chiron has been in Pisces [2011-2018] and is entering Aries on April 17 2018. Chiron will span 9 years in Aries 2018-2027 aside from some initial retrograding back into Pisces for 5 months - check an ephemeris for 100% confirmation The prior period began April 1968 and extend to March 1977 - again with retrograding to Pisces. 2023 latest update: Prince Louis of Wales born 23 April 2018 London  with prominent Chiron in Aries - at the midheaven is now well known for his facial virtuosity Chiron in Aries at the MC is likely to reveal an issue around being passed over for top roles  [he is s

The New Economy, Money and Things

Astrologers are anticipating something significant to unfold regarding money, assets, markets and economies -starting significantly in 2018 and spreading over the period of Uranus in Taurus  [2018-2026] Change, new conditions, disruption, upheaval, sudden reversals, new inventions are all within the realm of outcomes associated with the energy of Uranus . When that energy is associated with Taurus the focus shifts to survival and security - aspects of life closely associated with money, economies, assets, property and possessions in general. Taurus is also your food supply -what you eat or consume as fuel and nutrition for your body. Taurus is very materialistic energy and related to physical sensory properties. Taurus collects, accumulates, holds onto and can be greedy. Uranus is the complete opposite -it is energy itself, electromagnetic, electrical, stuff we mostly cannot see -unless its discharged as lightning or an electrical spark. It's digital, it'