Friday, 13 April 2018

The New Economy, Money and Things

Astrologers are anticipating something significant to unfold regarding money, assets, markets and economies -starting significantly in 2018 and spreading over the period of Uranus in Taurus

Change, new conditions, disruption, upheaval, sudden reversals, new inventions are all within the realm of outcomes associated with the energy of Uranus. When that energy is associated with Taurus the focus shifts to survival and security - aspects of life closely associated with money, economies, assets, property and possessions in general. Taurus is also your food supply -what you eat or consume as fuel and nutrition for your body.

Taurus is very materialistic energy and related to physical sensory properties. Taurus collects, accumulates, holds onto and can be greedy.

Uranus is the complete opposite -it is energy itself, electromagnetic, electrical, stuff we mostly cannot see -unless its discharged as lightning or an electrical spark. It's digital, it's invisible waves carrying information, it's data.
In people with strong Uranian qualities [often expressed by those born as Aquarians] it is inventive, futuristic, hyper modern, unconventional, rebellious, different, avant garde

Putting these 2 expressions together offers a raft of possible manifestations which comply with those parameters:

Unusual food sources [eg insects] lab-grown meat [experimental foods] changes in food availability

Where Taurus collects Uranus prefers to be free of - so the trend towards minimalising and de-cluttering is a forewarning of the energy that Uranus will bring to Taurus type dispositions.

updates from related news posted at end

Taurus is all about value and the glorification of expensive and designer goods, real estate, cars etc.
Uranus is set to devalue a lot of these objects of worship. This process has been underway in advance due to mass forging and copyright theft allowing global markets to be flooded with fake designer wear & devices.
The dismantling of monopolies [greedy corporates] is also likely under these conditions as more competition arises through fair means or foul.

Changes in the nature of money are clearly in process - in some cases cash being increasingly seen as antiquated. Cash does not suit the banking system due to its lack of traceability. It also cannot be wiped out in a single stroke in the way that digital bank balances can be. It is clear that banks have been enabled to shift most people onto the digital economy and crypto-currencies are a clear development to extend this process. Expect much more virtual developments in the realm of what constitutes money in the decades ahead.

With ongoing concern since the last financial crisis that global threats to economic stability remain threatening many in the field regularly anticipate the straw that will break the camel's back.
In early April 2018 financial analyst Ann Pettifor gave her take on current conditions:
This small set of Pettifor's points highlight debt, banking and value all of which can be expected to undergo considerable changes in the 8 years ahead

The specifics of what will change for individuals are varied but knowing why this is happening can give some pointers as to dealing with what's ahead.

Energy shifts are continually in process and they signify major collective experiences that bring about new understandings of how to find balance and be more attuned to natural flows and cycles.

Humanity's biggest weakness stems from feeling an ownership and control of nature and natural forces. This intense degree of ignorance leads not only to wars and environmental devastation. It leads to species annihilation and the mass deaths, torture and various forms of enslavement of humanity.

Extreme survivalist agendas place all of us and our environment in peril. The only way forward is recognition of our collective needs as humans being balanced with the maintenance of a healthy productive home planet. 

All human agendas relating to dominance and control of people, other species, resources and environments are past their use-by date and the evidence of this will be repeatedly evident during this coming decade.

The evidence is not likely to come gently though. The results of widespread abusive behaviours which have collective consequences are manifesting through contaminated water sources, through stockpiled waste, through devastating weather that rips away lives and lifestyles. These warnings are accumulating but the end result is not likely to be sudden willing conversions to a change of perspective on greed and abuse. It usually takes tough tough lessons in the form of a reversal of fortune, suffering through loss. This too has already been arising frequently due to the numbers affected by violent weather but failure to understand the connection of the natural world's imbalance as a reflection of the general state of humanity means progress is slow, awareness is limited and people continue to perform the same behaviours that got us here. Until they no longer can. Until something very significant changes. Until all their assets are lost. Until the food supply is cut off.

We are living in very uncertain times requiring well thought out strategies in case of significant socio-economic changes.

Extreme outcomes are definitely within the realm of possibility for increasing numbers of people. It becomes a personal choice whether to anticipate and try to mitigate possible impacts. 
Save more. Grow more. Reduce debt. Sell. Adapt to change. Reduce risk. Say no to greed. Treat the earth with kindness.
This is Part 2 of an analysis of the eras of Uranus in Taurus. To look back in history comparing the last cycle of Uranus in Taurus 1934-1942 with the current one 2018-2025 -looking at the past themes to see what similarities are already arising - read more

Astrological Notes with further analysis:
Events do not occur out of the blue. Early indicators often go unnoticed and are often more covert than overt. A lot goes on in the world that is unreported and not in the news. Astrological indicators can usually be found as advance warnings.

The change-bringer Uranus has been impacting all the cardinal signs since 2011. Though positioned in Aries the full cardinal quartet [Aries Libra Cancer Capricorn] is automatically activated with the implications for changes in financial, economic, business, political and government spheres and the impact on homes/families -all due to struggling with the state of imbalance - and dealing with how we treat each other, how we relate to fellow humans.
These conditions then lead into the issues related the the fixed signs which are survivalist - Taurus through possession, Scorpio through power, Leo through attention, Aquarius through the group. All of these domains of survival are under pressure to express in new ways - with Taurus in the spotlight.

news updates of relevance to this post

May 9
New Zealand is struggling -since 2017 - with a very clear Taurean issue - the cow species. Since the discovery of the bacterial disease Micoplasma bovis

Due to the prevailing energy of Uranus in Taurus major change in NZ's reliance on cattle as an industry -both beef and dairy -  is to be expected. Large scale culling is already underway. 
Uranus is the energy of earthquakes, sudden shifts of landscape and this occurrence in the agricultural sector is seismic for New Zealand

update May 2 2018 
first quarter results

March 29
Heading towards the handover for Uranus from Aries to Taurus, the advance indicators start with:
Venus conjunct Uranus at 27 Aries on March 29 2018 - on a day when Saturn in Capricorn was square the Sun in Aries - very much indicating the need to curtail self-interest in favour of mature recognition of societal responsibility.

April 17 2018
Uranus conjunct the Sun at 27-28 Aries
Moon at 21-22 Taurus  conjuncts Venus 22 Taurus
Both opposite Jupiter 21 Scorpio and all linked to Pluto 21 Capricorn. Significant changes impacting material/financial/banking/economic issues. Could be kept covert/undisclosed for as long as possible due to Mars linking to Neptune and the secrecy of Pluto/Scorpio

April 26-27 2018
The Sun in Taurus links to Mars Jupiter Pluto
Neptune opposite the Moon
Uranus linked to Venus
Saturn square Mercury.
Serious communications kept secret regarding financial matters
update April 27 US

May 7 2018
Neptune and Venus tie up at the same time as Pluto and Mercury
More intense communications about shady financial dealings or financial matters kept secret

[These indicators could indicate certain companies or economies in dire straits but trying to keep the lid on it]

Week starting May 14 2018
Mercury in Taurus links to Neptune - the shady or secretive financial dealings or discussions continue but this is the start of the key week when Uranus officially shifts out of Aries into Taurus. 
Indicators suggest this is when the cat gets out of the bag.
Saturn in Capricorn connects to the lunar nodes - in the signs linked to Sun and Uranus -both in Taurus  -Saturn is the voice of governments, banks, politicians, governments, industry leaders as well as wise old people and those with a moral conscience.
With May 15 being New Moon, new beginning Sun and Moon in Taurus when Uranus sets its plans in place for all things Taurus and Mars in Aquarius sets a challenge with its square to Uranus and Jupiter is close to trining Neptune this complex mix of change, accountability, sudden developments, something out of left field, possibly lots of confusion -we're hanging on to see what manifests out of this astrological weather pattern.
The north Node is in Leo and so connects to Sun then in Taurus = money/asset dramas. The range of possibilities could easily involve sharemarket meltdowns,  company crashes, economic failures, seismic shifts in monetary stability.

If you have any hunches about what is unfolding in May now could be the right time to mitigate and seek some protection. 
Shifts of energy like this involving Uranus are globally relevant.

Uranus in Taurus in-depth
A detailed look comparing the last cycle of Uranus in Taurus 1934-1942 with the current one 2018-2026 -looking at the past themes to see what similarities are already arising - read more


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...