
Showing posts from April, 2020

Outlook 2020 Astrology MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY

The coronavirus Covid-19 global crisis with economic responses really began to take hold in March 2020 as reflected in the March 10 full moon when Uranus exactly conjuncted Venus at 4 Taurus. This position activated 19 mutable - which was the Sun moon and Neptune at that full moon = weakened economy. Markets dropped and the price of oil slumped soon after. But an ordinary full moon is not a sustained indicator like an eclipse -unless it has a degree match to a prior or upcoming eclipse position - then that full moon pattern takes on themes of the connected eclipse as well as its own signature. This was not the case in the March event. Global markets took a hit but have had some degree of recovery [Dow Jones was 26,121 on March 5 then 18,590 on March 23 then up to 23,949 on April 14. Jupiter Pluto conjuncting in Capricorn  -closures and failures and lockdowns - have severely impacted economies from the last 2 weeks of March providing the second punch. In April Saturn delivers the

Astrology of 2020 & Beyond

By April 2020 we now have some clear manifestations of what is unfolding in 2020  under major planetary influences  and set to have consequences  for years ahead Since this blog has been posting reports relevant to 2020 for more than a year it seems sensible to accumulate anything related to this era of crisis under one post to promote a wider sharing of knowledge of the astrological markers involved and to enhance forward projections.  The past is always a reference point in our area of expertise and so the list of posts to view begins with the last era of Uranus in Taurus and so the period of 1934-1942 can serve as a very clear signifier of events unfolding during the 2018-2026 Uranus in Taurus period of global events. Continual media references are being made to war, conditions in the war era of World War 2 due to so many echoes being observed. While no two cycles are duplicates because the energy mix at the origin of each cycle differs: the beginning or ingress chart re