Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Outlook 2020 Astrology MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY

The coronavirus Covid-19 global crisis with economic responses really began to take hold in March 2020 as reflected in the March 10 full moon when Uranus exactly conjuncted Venus at 4 Taurus. This position activated 19 mutable - which was the Sun moon and Neptune at that full moon = weakened economy.
Markets dropped and the price of oil slumped soon after.
But an ordinary full moon is not a sustained indicator like an eclipse -unless it has a degree match to a prior or upcoming eclipse position - then that full moon pattern takes on themes of the connected eclipse as well as its own signature. This was not the case in the March event.
Global markets took a hit but have had some degree of recovery [Dow Jones was 26,121 on March 5 then 18,590 on March 23 then up to 23,949 on April 14.
Jupiter Pluto conjuncting in Capricorn  -closures and failures and lockdowns - have severely impacted economies from the last 2 weeks of March providing the second punch.

In April Saturn delivers the third punch with some influence in week one then primarily in the period 17-27 April -  pressing up close to the Capricorn South lunar node but then Mercury Sun and Venus [using  both the most basic & the most subtle of angles in the 24th harmonic]
Coinciding with Saturn's activity with Venus around April 25-26 the nodes reach 0'21 Cancer -which happens to be the June 21 Solar Eclipse in Cancer.
June 21 has Saturn aggravating the lunar energy of that New Moon eclipse and Jupiter and Pluto putting the brakes on Mars in Pisces.
My reading of this is:
Around April 25-26 a turning point globally re controlling covid-19 but economic fallout continues its carnage.
May 2020 reinforces this position:
Neptune and Saturn both weakening for Venus. Even if from late April there is some global economic revival it remains weak.
June 2020:
Indications of virus control at both the June 5 and June 21 eclipses with Mars in Pisces being restrained by Saturn then the Jupiter+ Pluto team
June 5 still signifies limits on movements and travel for an extended period
June 21 shows impacts on housing/housing market & families for an extended period

July 2020 has a further cardinal sign eclipse
This is a very testing month: much global turbulence -atmospheric and socio-economic - at the beginning of July surrounding the eclipse on July 5.
Jupiter and Pluto again very tight together in Capricorn. Venus will resonate with that very quickly: many levers pulled to resuscitate economies. Another extension of the "movements curtailed" theme. Eclipse indicators set another period of unresolved economic crisis till end of 2020. 
Reinforced again:
With Saturn strongly opposing the July 20 New Moon and connecting to the late Gemini-Sagittarius lunar nodes the tough times aren't over for families homes housing market especially. [atmospheric turbulence bringing severe weather is again an added adversity in various locations] Winter in the Southern Hemisphere aggravates issues.

By July there is likely to be an overall feeling of success globally in managing the coronavirus but the socio-economic fallout has long term dramas to play out not only this year - sustained during 2021.

To clarify even further:
  • The success level is not equivalent to eradication
  • The success level will be variable across the globe with style of management being the major determinant
  • strict measures of containment will still feature in many contexts from April till end of 2020
Astrology offers clear distinction between 3 approaches taken: the Capricorn/Saturn the Aquarian/Uranian & the Piscean/Neptunian

Buckle in as best you can to try and ride out 2020. Change will come but this period is a phenomenon with a lot still to unfold in its wake beyond this year

For a recently curated summary post on this site with lots of content and related links see Astrology of 2020 & Beyond


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