Monday, 4 May 2020

Saturn Pluto & Covid-19 Coronavirus

On November 9 2015 the virology lab in Wuhan announced a new virus identified as derivative of SARS-CoV -( which had been named in 2003 after a 2002 respiratory contagion)
Around December 8 2019 a man in China displaying symptoms related to coronavirus infection was identified as an early case of a novel coronavirus, later to be named Covid-19.
There were multiple planetary factors of interest on Nov 9 2015 including the prominent number of cardinal sign placements - Venus on nodal axis, Uranus Pluto and mutable placements: Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune  -as these 2 energy types have featured strongly during the 2020 Covid-19 global pandemic due to placements of Saturn Jupiter Pluto in cardinal and Neptune & Venus in mutable signs.

With Saturn at 5 Sagittarius and Neptune at 7 Pisces on Nov 9 2015 they were close to an exact square, (arising within a few weeks) Neptune Pisces and Sagittarius all want to spread, cross boundaries, join up, expand. But Saturn is intent on opposing all that by restraining restricting limiting controlling growth.

In November 2015 these look to have been the primary forces in battle -cardinal versus mutable.

The surface layer placements tell us some things but the subtle layer where the 24th harmonic angles [such as semisquare & sesquiquadrate] occur is often the most informative.

Looking at the semisquares of Saturn and Neptune at those mutable positions the results are 20 and 22 cardinal.

Pluto reached
20 cardinal in February 2018, October 2019
22 cardinal Feb July & Dec 2019

Saturn reached
20 cardinal April and Dec 2019
22 cardinal Jan 2020

Famously these two forces conjoined on January 12 2020 at 22'45 Capricorn after both were active at the relevant degrees in late 2019.

Jupiter added amplification to the above  reaching 20-22 cardinal in weeks one and three of March 2020

[March 7 saw milestone one - 100,000 global cases - taking around 90 days from the Dec 8 "first" case.
March 19 gave a 200,000 global total; March 22 gave a 300,000 global total; March 24 saw 400,000; March 28 600,000 - from March 7-April 1st totals ticked over at 100,000 global cases daily from March 28-April 1st. - figures since then April-to early May seem to show a decline to around 70,000 daily]

Understanding Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn is highly important in terms of understanding how these planets function in that sign.

Saturn is at its peak mastery of control and influence in Capricorn allowing displays of superior management skills based on maintaining a structure as a solid functional entity.

Pluto in Capricorn wears a very different face. Pluto and Capricorn are both very interested in control - but for Pluto it is readily construed as a green light for totalitarian control ultimate and extreme control and power.

With these 2 converging in January 2020 in the wake of the potent January 10 eclipse such forces were simultaneously released - but they had been alive covertly since February 2018 [Pluto] and repeatedly during 2019 when Pluto then Saturn traversed 20 -22 Capricorn.

If Saturn alone had featured in this saga then the most effective cautious and protective use of Capricorn would have emerged.

With Pluto in the picture it points to a titanic battle between these 2 forces regarding doing the right thing.
The potential for a true good versus evil scenario seems very plausible in a global context where totalitarian forces are strengthening - and showing their true colours in various nation states under the guise of protecting their communities.

Saturn has passed 20-22 Capricorn and does not return for 30 years.
Pluto however transits slowly at 22'30 through much of September and October 2020 and also moves away.

Those months could reveal Pluto's far reaching social agendas


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...