
Showing posts from July, 2019

Potent New Moon August 2019

August 2019 opens with the New Moon where Leo energy & the Sun itself are in charge but not in a peaceful mood. Environmentally the fire element is aggravated by Uranus and the consequences affect us physically - effects upon the body from literal heat temperature sun exposure and from excess yang stimulants consumed (food) which cause too much internal heat with resulting anger irritation impatience. The way through with Leo is always through the heart: so love is trying to rise up over "things" under this New Moon. This is a huge issue in relationships and families where there is a poverty of time and the subsequent impact upon quality. Children given things instead of attention suffer significant anxiety. The risk of the fire element destoying physical things is elevated from late July and at the start of August. The fire signs under stress activate issues for Leo Aquarius Taurus and Scorpio. Leo is the Royal sign as well as society's "nobility" -

Climate & Human Crisis

As an astrologer the future is always of interest. Consideration of the changes and consequences related to global climate is high on our collective agenda with daily reminders that significant forces are in process. All life on this planet is being impacted and as humans it is natural to look for meaning when an existential crisis arises. I have a special interest in researching the galactic forces that deliver severe weather. I feel very attuned to the state of the planet and it's recurrent responses to the sun the moon the eclipses. This all makes perfect sense to those who think on a large scale. We occupy a tiny place in a huge system which in itself is minuscule within the larger universe. We know so little...but over millenia we have some knowledge of repeated themes occurring related to the prominence of particular planets. The watchers amongst us know that the world changes significantly when certain planets occupy certain signs. The three signs at the end of the zodi

Cancer Capricorn Aries Libra

The Cardinal signs are strongly active in 2019 and this energises all four signs in the quartet comprising Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn. The paired signs are Aries-Libra and Cancer-Capricorn. Key points: 1. All Cardinals have an issue to resolve around relating/relationships 2. Balance is achieved through integrating qualities of the opposite paired sign 3. Aries-Libra & Cancer-Capricorn in proper balance are fundamental to global stability and harmony 4. When outer planets eclipses and lunar nodes emphasise even 2 cardinal signs all four are activated 5. Eclipses strongly reinforce the cardinal themes when outer planets & nodes are in cardinal signs 6. 2019 stands out as a very significant cardinal year in the period 2009-2024 inclusive due to 4 cardinal eclipses, 4 planets in cardinal signs & the lunar nodes in cardinal. 7. The extended period of cardinal dominance began at the end of 2007 & runs until 2024. After that the fixed & mutable sign

Cancer Capricorn Eclipses July 2019

The Pamela Colman Smith illustration of the Moon card in the Rider Waite Tarot pack is highly relevant for the July eclipses at New Moon in Cancer and full Moon in Capricorn Very instinctual with the July 2 July 3 Cancer Sun and Moon in the Scorpio decan and very subconscious with the aquatic symbol arising from the waters. Beasts are snarling at the moon. A lot of psychology is being aroused. And it's very gender based in terms of cultural norms: the matriarchy is ascending again, the patriarchy is on the defensive and in the early throes of decline. Moon and Saturn have a lot to resolve as a consequence of these eclipses being potentized by Saturn and Pluto and these two positioned at the South of the nodal axis - where currently Capricorn sits and Cancer sits at the North. Power is definitely an issue. How to rebalance and share authority management and control. Women's issue feature strongly - including abortion (US)and maternity care (NZ). Government management of