Monday, 29 July 2019

Potent New Moon August 2019

August 2019 opens with the New Moon where Leo energy & the Sun itself are in charge but not in a peaceful mood.
Environmentally the fire element is aggravated by Uranus and the consequences affect us physically - effects upon the body from literal heat temperature sun exposure and from excess yang stimulants consumed (food) which cause too much internal heat with resulting anger irritation impatience.
The way through with Leo is always through the heart: so love is trying to rise up over "things" under this New Moon. This is a huge issue in relationships and families where there is a poverty of time and the subsequent impact upon quality. Children given things instead of attention suffer significant anxiety.

The risk of the fire element destoying physical things is elevated from late July and at the start of August.

The fire signs under stress activate issues for Leo Aquarius Taurus and Scorpio. Leo is the Royal sign as well as society's "nobility" - the celebrity class" and so some issues in those realms could arise: related to money spending or assets and a sudden change
Gold is the Leo metal and its value is slowly rising. This month could signify a noticeable increase.

The latest status pet is a big cat: lions are the popular choice but this is not good news for lions.
The Aquarian activation is strong in 2019 in terms of protest and collective activism for change - especially re human environmental impacts but also against the power brokers.
Scorpio is power sex and death themes so we will continue to see all of these very prominent.
Taurus is the Earth the soil and it's products and these are under stress from other elements.

The long-term theme of major issues in politics (power abuse) and domestic life (parenting & housing) remain very significant and are very highlighted under this New Moon period.
Transformational change has to occur in every context illuminated by the August New Moon.  The old thinking old tactics and old power hierarchy has to adjust to the new era. Governments globally need to embrace their role of societal management in terms of social benefit or wellbeing instead of operating primarily from balance sheets and running countries as a profit making business. This change in perspective would enable struggling citizens to live less desperate lives.

The Profiler blog contains over 300 posts for general readership as an introduction to the application of astrology to everyday life as well
as in individual and behavioral profiling.

UPDATE August 15

Tweet updates below show how Uranus in Taurus square Sun-Moon-Venus in Leo at the early August New Moon quickly manifested multiple intense events: protests wild weather geomagnetic storm and a sharp jolt that lowered sharemarkets. The effect of both Uranus and Jupiter stationing on the same day affected Aug 10-13 extra strongly as both energies are prone to loss of control. Saturn played some role in restraining the wild horse Jupiter energies and if it were not in range in the period the indicators of anarchy rebellion and extreme behaviour in people and natural elements would have been more exaggerated..
August 2019 remains a volatile month with the Full Moon coming quickly after the station period of Jupiter and Uranus. The normally beaming combination of Venus in Leo joining the mid-month Full Moon is complicated by Pluto and Uranus. This clearly reflects shifting power dynamics both in personal relationships and in the larger political context. Now the situation in Hong Kong looks even more intense as freedom and control are in a titanic struggle. Global attention focussed on the Hong Kong situation is to some degree a restraint on mainland China due to the impact upon trade relationships in an already threatening situation with the US and where any further sanctions would be unwanted- especially if other global partners adopted a retaliatory response to any human rights abuses by China against protestors in Hong Kong.
The world is watching and there are red alerts at mid month warning against totalitarian behaviour. This conflict had a lot to say about how we resist the clearly documented rise in anti-democratic regimes since the start of this millennium - being a clear reversal of the rise in democracies that arose from the 1970s until the end of that century.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...