Monday, 1 July 2019

Cancer Capricorn Eclipses July 2019

The Pamela Colman Smith illustration of the Moon card in the Rider Waite Tarot pack is highly relevant for the July eclipses at New Moon in Cancer and full Moon in Capricorn
Very instinctual with the July 2 July 3 Cancer Sun and Moon in the Scorpio decan and very subconscious with the aquatic symbol arising from the waters. Beasts are snarling at the moon. A lot of psychology is being aroused. And it's very gender based in terms of cultural norms: the matriarchy is ascending again, the patriarchy is on the defensive and in the early throes of decline.
Moon and Saturn have a lot to resolve as a consequence of these eclipses being potentized by Saturn and Pluto and these two positioned at the South of the nodal axis - where currently Capricorn sits and Cancer sits at the North.
Power is definitely an issue. How to rebalance and share authority management and control.
Women's issue feature strongly - including abortion (US)and maternity care (NZ).
Government management of family matters and housing are already in the mix due to the cardinal Pluto Saturn and Nodes so the eclipses of July add further emphasis to these any the range of possible Cancer or Capricorn issues.
The parental dynamic is also in the spotlight for the same reasons. Moon/Cancer is mother. Saturn/Capricorn is father.  Capricorn has been very energised and confronted this year. How to be a parent a father a partner a manager a boss a corporate head a politician a President .  People are watching seeing a lot of qualities being erased or contravened by the American leader. Though the past office holders were not saints the definition of Presidential has-been rewritten and seemingly  been a source of even greater emboldment to the rogue President. For the sake of humanity this cannot endure as a precedent setting role model for all roles Capricornian.  So Pluto is in the mix silently waiting to strike. Hints may be detected in July in anticipation of mid January 2020 when Saturn and Pluto truly conjoin when there is no mistake regarding what needs to change regarding the abuse or misuse of Capricornian and overall patriarchal energies .
All authorities managers and bosses have a Capricorn energy so this broad spectrum under predominantly male control is a testing ground for the use of longstanding patriarchal power - and the abuse of that is heavily under the microscope now like never before.
With Jupiter in close range of Saturn in July the emphasis now shifts from June's preoccupation of Jupiter with Neptune to the way Saturn is a great moderator of  Jupiter's excesses and the marker of limits or boundaries where Jupiter sees none.
Aspects to the Moon take on a bigger charge in the lunar month from the July New Moon eclipse. Considering the most problematic planets Saturn Uranus and Pluto it looks very much likely to be a very eventful and even stressful July for many when any of these three are square or opposing the moon. In fact from July 3 to August 1 this situation occurs on 16 out of 30 days. So adding to the cardinal mayhem from Saturn Pluto the nodes and eclipses add in the sudden upheavals engineered by Uranus from any of the fixed expressions courtesy of the Moon in Taurus Leo and their companions Scorpio and Aquarius. The energy can and will always find outlets through the full quartet of related signs when just one or two are under stress or emphasised.
Saturn is strong at the mid month full moon eclipse due to the Capricorn moon and Pluto is very strong then being even closer in proximity to the eclipse. This is a real slam dunk for Capricorn values. Behave accept responsibility recognise limits....all the grown up stuff the world has abandoned in favour of freedom and the delusion of unaccountable abandon.
There's always a reckoning.

  • Cancer is an energy connected to mothering or nurturing in a more female way. The Moon being Cancer's representative in our local cosmos has general influence over a range of female specific issues which traditionally have been domestic household related. We could use the oriental concept of Yin to cover non-gender based orientations to the private home based world. Self protection is a big Cancer priority just as the crab has a tough outer shell and the home is meant to serve as a protective barrier. Any of these issues connected to the Cancer realm can arise under strong energies of an eclipse.

 Other points:
The July Full Moon eclipse mid month will make the Sun carry a Cancer plus Pisces emphasis and the Moon will have Capricorn plus Virgo effects. This is due to the 24° position of Sun and Moon being 3rd decan. Pisces will make Cancer more sensitive compassionate humanitarian and happy to have time in retreat from the world but best not spilling over into negative Neptune territory. Virgo adds more practical emphasis : tasks or jobs that have to be done - cleaning clearing and detailed work  - any of these will carry the burden of responsibility as indicated by the location and influences of Capricorn and Saturn in your personal astrology chart
  • Venus isn't comfortable at the full moon being opposite Saturn and so the cardinal sign emphasis has to be about relating and relationships. Venus in Cancer combines Moon and Venus so now both are confronting Saturn.  The cultural rebalancing is further emphasised. Expect more signs of the power shift and the challenges to the old order of gender based power as well as everyday relationship disillusionment leading to breakdown estrangement separation or divorce when resolution is unable to be achieved. The situation of carrying freeloading partners or to remain entangled with domineering or manipulative people is not working now.
  • Cancer energy on a personal level is immediate family ties, the unit of intended protection where future generations are raised. The family is the sub-group of the clan or tribe and these larger conglomerates are also concerned with support and protection but they also face the risk of  warfare when competing tribes disagree over assets resources and territory. Tribal battles continue to form the trajectory of humanity even in this new millennium. 
  • Nazism Fascism Communism and Nationalism are all tribal ideologies and it has to be said so are chauvinism and feminism. The Eurozone is a tribal  concept and Brexit is a dispute within the tribe. Aside from power struggles over resources tribes in the form of teams or groups can battle for ego credits to claim superiority. It is when ego gets heavily engaged that tribalism goes bad. Extreme tribalism is pathological and aggressively survivalist leading to atrocities and mass homicide. This can be understood in looking at the 3 faces of Cancer energy. The decans give full Cancer qualities to the first 10° of that sign. The second 10° is flavoured by Scorpio and the 3rd by Pisces . These reflect energetic resonances which are activated in individuals as well as in transiting planetary or luminary positions. This is why the July total eclipse at 10'38° Cancer is in the worrisome Scorpio zone and will activate the extreme end of tribalism in certain people and their group.
  • The situation boiling away in Hong Kong is a tribal war emerging against clashing cultures and other similar examples are expected within the range of potential extreme ego conflicts that morph into tribal disputes.
  • Mother Earth Gaia is clearly in the realm of concerns when the Moon and Cancer are emphasised. Collective action accountabiliy and responsibility regarding human disrespect of our home planet are emphasised by the Capricorn players in 2019 and especially under the July eclipses.
  • All sorts of groups become tribal in their ego and protectionist motives: governments media the citizenry are all capable of waging tribal war against each other when the planets deliver the relevant threats and challenges.
  • Ego is the source of tribal mayhem because it represents a huge disconnect from the ultimate reality of our shared commonalities: all human all sentient beings all with the same fundamental needs and that the sense of difference and separateness is a complete  delusion. As a species we are the only life force on the planet that is out of touch with our connection to the big the whole of existence. We are never disconnected but most of us have no framework for rediscovering the connection to the universe to nature to the other beings around us... known in our earliest incarnations. We will fail to thrive in real terms until that lost knowledge is rekindled and we understand truly the meaning of collective benefit and common good. 


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...