
Showing posts from September, 2020

Full Moon Uranus in Taurus Sinks Cattle Transporter

 The distress call came at Full Moon on Wednesday September 2 in high seas between Japan and China. Typhoon Maysak was in full rage but the 139 metre long multi story sea transporter Livestock 1 was persevering towards its destination in China. 5867 cattle beasts had been sold and were heading for a new life after the last port of call in Napier New Zealand. The sea travel was planned for around 17 days but no one factored in a potent full moon and extreme weather factors that had been born in August 2020. Only one survivor has to date been located and few possible remnants of a vessel he saw list sharply and then submerge after a failed engine left the ship prone to a monster storm driven wave. The September 2 Full Moon with Sun and Moon at 10 mutable [Virgo-Pisces] joined forces with Uranus at 10 Taurus. Pisces identifies the maritime environment: a ship at sea. Taurus bears ancient archetypal symbol The Bull & all cattle species.  Cattle are creatures of the earth, born to be st