The distress call came at Full Moon on Wednesday September 2 in high seas between Japan and China. Typhoon Maysak was in full rage but the 139 metre long multi story sea transporter Livestock 1 was persevering towards its destination in China. 5867 cattle beasts had been sold and were heading for a new life after the last port of call in Napier New Zealand. The sea travel was planned for around 17 days but no one factored in a potent full moon and extreme weather factors that had been born in August 2020.

Only one survivor has to date been located and few possible remnants of a vessel he saw list sharply and then submerge after a failed engine left the ship prone to a monster storm driven wave.

The September 2 Full Moon with Sun and Moon at 10 mutable [Virgo-Pisces] joined forces with Uranus at 10 Taurus. Pisces identifies the maritime environment: a ship at sea. Taurus bears ancient archetypal symbol The Bull & all cattle species.
Cattle are creatures of the earth, born to be standing with all four feet on the soil and consuming grass. The first error in this story is the trauma induced by placing these animals in a metal prison in a watery environment -basically an alien environment.

Uranus angled to the Pisces full moon is one indicator of an expected maritime incident. The Taurus factor not only describes the cattle but also the financial value [around $4,000 dollars each] and the value society places on animal welfare is again a question to be aired.
As usual more than one indicator is in the picture.
The lunar nodes reached 27 Gemini Sagittarius in August 2020 which is the current position of the center of our galaxy - 27 Sagittarius in astrology - and astronomically named Sagittarius A. This is where the famous Black Hole exists, pouring magnetic field streams into our space environment. Personal research over several years posted on this site continues to put the 27 mutable energy in a high alert category in terms of the step down effects activated on our planet when 27 mutable is being channeled by significant factors including eclipses, lunar nodes and planets from Jupiter outwards to Pluto.
Even strings of monthly lunations that keep a 26-28 degree position in any sign or mode can be factored in regarding an increased potential for high potency atmospheric conditions that manifest as extreme or severe weather events -especially wind power and rain intensity - fire risk too is intensified as the consequence of resonating with galactic center energies is an all elements amplification
[More details and examples are found in the archives on this site under "extreme weather" or "galactic center" search]
The lunar nodes in August resonated at 27 Gemini Sagittarius. Everyday expression of these signs involves movement travel and transport. when Sagittarius is involved it is large scale large distance.
By September 2 the nodes had retrograded to 26'14 Gemini & Sag and clearly close enough to fall within the effective field of Uranus at 10'34 Taurus. The potency of the hidden angles is proven time and again. 10 degrees fixed resonates with 25 degrees mutable -10'34 = 25'34 so clearly the effective engagement of these forces was at high potential on September 2 - aided by the extra field provided by the Full Moon.
Nodal events tend to have a globally significant high profile and involve a mass event. This one fully complies: 43 crew 5867 animals is a global news story.
Pressure now accumulates to halt suspend or ideally terminate a practice that has repeatedly shown to be fatal injurious or at the very least highly stressful for animals.