Update April 2020
In the context of the global coronavirus Covid-19 crisis this post headlines a series of posts made during 2019-2020 on the astrological factors that are evoking the complex events unfolding.
is an early April 2020 post that provides a succinct summary with links to other highly relevant posts on this site which extend the range of analysis
beyond the role of Uranus in Taurus
Often it's said to understand the present we need to understand the past. Astrology is arguably the most useful tool for tracing past cycles in order to compare events with the present.
Astrology is cycles and cycles are the natural order of life across the entire universe.
A planetary ephemeris tracking daily movements of the planets is all that is needed when considering the cycle of Uranus which began this current era unfoldment in Taurus in the May-November period in 2018. Very significant comparisons are made with the last cycle of Uranus in Taurus 1934-1942
This analysis represents Part 2 of a study of current global conditions prevailing in the context of the transit of Uranus through Taurus.
is also on this website and focusses on the current and coming unfoldment of the effects of Uranus in Taurus during the period 2018-2026
extra material from news reports added as relevant
scroll to end
When Uranus enters Taurus fully in March 2019 - [ setting themes for the long term] the surrounding atmosphere is very Pisces on one hand - the March 6 New Moon brings Sun Moon Neptune and Mercury all strongly holding control in a Pisces way over our consciousness. When the mathematics are done the midpoint position shows Jupiter in Sagittarius will deliver a major amplification of Pisces energy. This has positive and negative consequences depending upon the soil in which the energy lands - meaning different potentials in people result in different outcomes. Some will be prone to losing all their boundaries & going too far with substances or behavioural addictions of any kind. The positives some will enjoy include big dreams and visions, idealistic goals and very positive development. Romance, creativity, compassion are energised.
There is a lot of earthing available to help keep at bay the worst extremes -four factors in earth signs -Pluto Saturn Uranus Mars are there to offer wise, cautious, solid, down to earth perspectives but which inner voice - or outer will you listen to?
Get rich schemes will suck in many - or scams fraud and deception -courtesy of Neptune and Jupiter - and rarely will the outcome be good in those situations.
The earthy practicality of planets in Taurus and Capricorn can instead channel the idealistic Pisces energy into much more solid material and financial circumstances - a better source of income, saving instead of frivolous spending.
Environmentally the Pisces energy mixed with Jupiter is a big water indicator. This will be evident in certain areas. In others the drying influence of Capricorn and the heat of Mars in Taurus has a continued drying effect.
Uranus in Taurus is a huge change-maker energy when different conditions will apply across a diverse range of material, financial, economic contexts including the land-based industries of agriculture and horticulture -which affects food and its production.
The managing energy Saturn is strongly placed to respond to the looseness of Pisces so expect an era of much greater regulation in any life contexts where little to no oversight [absent parenting style] results in a wayward business or private sector. On a personal level also the lesson is self management is the ideal but if you cannot or will not, the State will eventually step in.
This brief introduction prefaces the extensive detail covered in the following sections -firstly comparing the past cycle of Uranus in Taurus and then seeing what energies are being revisited now.
- The rise of dictators and brutal suppression of adversaries: Both Hitler in Germany and Mao Zedong in China rose to power - in both cases born out of events in 1934. Both overcame strong challenges from adversaries to become supreme leaders. Stalin increased his power in Russia, executing & imprisoning many in the Great Purge. Mussolini in Italy supported Hitler in Germany and Spain's Franco. Fascism was an ideology arising in many places in Europe. It focussed on the abuse of power by the few over the many.
- A theme of imperialism or land-grabbing gathered strength - involving Hitler in Europe, Japan against China, Italy in Africa
- Extreme weather/natural disasters were notable for causing mass impact on people -mostly mass fatalities in the thousands and severe environmental impacts -including 1934 tornadoes [Japan] 1935 major earthquake [Pakistan] 1934-35 Dust Bowl storms ; 1935 Florida Cat 5 hurricane. 1936 worst ever flood Pittsburgh. 1936 deadly tornadoes in US. 1936 US heatwave. 1936 Japan mine collapse in torrential rain. 1936-37 China famine in four provinces. 1937 Ohio flood. 1937 Hong Kong typhoon. 1937 Texas gas explosion. 1938 freak waves at Bondi Beach . 1938 China Yellow River Flood [though unleashed as a military defence, around 400,000 drowned ] 1938 Japan avalance Kurobe. 1939 Australia deadly bushfires. 1939 Chile major quake. 1939 Turkey major quake. 1940 Romania earthquake. 1941 Texas hurricane [widespread damage with minimal deaths] 1941 Sweden extreme low temperature record -53C. 1942 China explosion with mass deaths. 1942 Belgium chemical factory explosion with mass injuries/deaths. 1942 Bengal hurricane and flood.
- Mass deaths from natural forces and elements were far surpassed by the actions of humans against each other. Under the numerous dictatorships prevailing in the mid 1930's to early 1940's mass deaths/slaughter/executions were widespread in order to suppress opposition. The standout regime of course occurred in Nazi Germany where the Holocaust - involving genocide and a philosophy of eugenics - occurred in the period. Though Jewish people were the primary target, Hitler also targeted Gypsy/Romany people, homosexuals, the disabled and others deemed impure or inferior. In addition World War, declared in 1939 saw very significant death counts in many countries.
- Changes in power - the rise of dictatorships and changes in the British monarchy brought many new leaders to power.
- Rebellion -strikes, protests, demonstrations, acts of mutiny, riots or rebellion -eg 1936-1938 France General Strikes. 1936 Michigan auto-worker strike.
- Unemployment. The Great Depression began in 1929 in America. Though theoretically "over" by the end of 1933 the impact on many continued due to mass unemployment and underemployment. Officially dropping from around 25% in 1933 to 15% in 1937 -the trend then rose again before taking till after 1940 to return to 15%. The downward trend then was sustained but many dispossessed of work and income remained in dire straits throughout the 1930's, living in shacks with poor sanitation.
- Economic indicators showed that poverty was contrasted with the invention of the Monopoly game in 1935; the influential economic views of John M Keynes were published in his 1936 book on Employment Interest and Money. In response to the austerity of the Depression era, attempts at stimulus saw many nations adopt higher tax rates, introduce new taxes and negotiate trade tariffs. The parking meter was invented providing a new tax. The 1929 crash had followed 5 years of easy credit in the US -leading to ballooning debt and an illusion of prosperity. The book "Think and Grow Rich" published [1937]
- New Technologies Aviation technology advanced in the 1930's. Land and air speed records were set, transcending physical limits of gravity. The helicopter was invented [1939] Turing's machine concept [1936] laid the foundation for computers. Nylon was patented [1937] marking the shift to man-made fibres over natural ones . Several major nations - Japan, Italy, Russia, began television broadcasts and resolution clarity improved during 1930's. FM radio started.
- Food and Hunger the Depression era forced unemployed people to eat very simply or rely on bread/soup from a soup kitchen. Weight loss was dramatic. Black people developed soul food as their survival tactic in this era -high in fat and carbs. Food production in the US was blighted by the farming practices that led to widespread drought followed by dust storms. War Rations in the UK began in 1939 -with petrol and basic foodstuffs.
- Homelessness on a large scale arose in the 1930's - 1940's due to the economic Depression as well as natural events including earthquakes, floods, storms, drought. Then World War 2 caused mass evacuations due to threat of invasion and the destruction of houses in warfare
- Energy transition a significant dip in coal production occurred. Peak coal was in 1913. The Depression to War era saw a flat period. Too much oil flooded the market in the 1930's contributing to deflation
Uranus is a planetary energy that reflects a period of major change, innovation, new inventions and technologies, upheaval, rebellion, communal experiences affecting particular groups of people.
How that change expresses depends firstly on the zodiac sign [and the grouping of signs] that Uranus is transiting in its period of typically 7 years per sign.
During its transit Uranus will be in contact with multiple other planetary energies and these will alter and further define the themes of the cycle
When in Taurus, Uranus can bring conditions of change to any or all of the following: the usual state of affairs regarding food, money, the soil/earth/land, the natural environment what we value and the value of things, security, possessions, relationship to objects/things.
The other fixed signs in connection to Taurus are also activated - the themes of Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius -and so changes are also expected related to use of power [Scorpio] celebrity & monarchy, entertainment, the arts [Leo] groups, networks, social justice, new community and collective initiatives, all things innovative, unconventional/alternative [Aquarius].
With a gap of 84 years between the 2018 and 1934 cycles of Uranus in Taurus we do not have multiple periods to assess and compare.
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Born with Sun at 0 degrees Taurus means big change for QEII within the year from May 2018. An abdication announcement is one high probability or at the very least less public engagement |
However it is clear that many of the standout themes identified for the 1934-1942 period are already emerging in the buildup to May 2018 when the first entry or ingress into Taurus occurs -the second being March 2019.
Themes typically do develop before exact entry - just as themes of a new or full moon can be brought forth by other planets before the exact sol-lunar conjunction or opposition
Trends already evident as Uranus approaches then enters Taurus in 2018
October 2018
The mass shooting in a Pittsburgh US synagogue points to rising global antisemitism Deadliest assault on Jews in US history follows 57% increase in antisemitic incidents in 2017 - according the Guardian report
The massive scale "re-education" camps in China's Xinjiang province are said to be akin to concentration camps. Muslim Uighur people are detained there under what reports describe as extreme and punishing conditions.
The Washington Post reports on the "...growing list of countries -from the US to Hungary to the Philippines - where staunch right-wing nationalists have scored victories..."
April 2018
October 2018
The mass shooting in a Pittsburgh US synagogue points to rising global antisemitism Deadliest assault on Jews in US history follows 57% increase in antisemitic incidents in 2017 - according the Guardian report
The massive scale "re-education" camps in China's Xinjiang province are said to be akin to concentration camps. Muslim Uighur people are detained there under what reports describe as extreme and punishing conditions.
The Washington Post reports on the "...growing list of countries -from the US to Hungary to the Philippines - where staunch right-wing nationalists have scored victories..."
April 2018
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reported April 2018 update May 5 2018
- Extreme weather/natural disasters storm events have become increasingly common - involving rain, wind, flooding, landslips. Wildfires also recurrent in recent years. Seasonal extremes. Risk remains high in areas subject to enhanced natural forces including areas of high seismic vulnerability
- Changes in power are a likely consequence in the ongoing gender imbalance and discriminatory policies against women in the workplace. Social movements are giving the powerless a new voice and new hope. The growing empowerment of people in the LGBTI communities including legal gay marriage and the voices of non-white citizens, indigenous people are being strengthened in this era. In politics a generational shift in power is indicated by the contemporaneous elections of Trudeau in Canada, Macron in France and Ardern in New Zealand -all closer in age to the young adults of their nations. Leadership issues are also likely to impact monarchies -such as in the UK -where the ageing Queen Elizabeth is likely to step down in favour of her son Charles before 2026
- Rebellion and challenges to power - In America the #TimesUp and #MeToo movements arising in 2017-2018 in protest about abuse of power especially in sexual behaviour then the anti-gun movement [2018] with multiple protest events in response to gun violence in schools represent social/communal/community responses to disempowerment in this era. Strike action in demand for better pay/conditions is significant in France [April 2018] and numerous examples reflect this process in the transport sector. A huge protest in the Armenian capital against the re-elected leader [April 2018] Palestinian protests at Gaza border against Israel over land issues.
- Unemployment in the modern era hovers around 4% in strong economies, rising to over 30% or much higher in parts of Africa, American Samoa and in some conflict zones such as Syria, meaning that some locations are in worse unemployment conditions than in the Great Depression and through the 1930's. Of 199 nations in the linked list 152 had unemployment under 15% in the modern era time periods quoted. Whether under-employment is counted in that data is an important question as this trend was evident in the wake of the Great Depression and has arisen in the modern era -both times involving over-qualification. In addition the rapid rise of new technologies in the new millennium anticipates many sector layoffs as machines replace people.
- Economic indicators -Having experienced the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 a period of recovery was necessary as in the 1930's but many economists fear a second and worse financial meltdown is likely due to lack of systemic change. Easy credit and ballooning debt have been sustained in the decade since the crisis at the same time as inflated housing values and the rising cost of goods and services. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand stated in Nov 2017 that measures needed to be taken to remove risks re financial stability. Money/income derived from new sources [Uber Airbnb ], group funds, shared assets, changed values are all key phrases of relevance. Disruption is a current buzzword in business Disruptive innovation is a term in the field of business administration which refers to an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value... This is very Uranus in Taurus
- New Technologies robotics, artificial intelligence, consumer devices, recreational drones, driverless cars, electric cars are all in full speed development as well as a reactivation of the space race. The pace of change will be exponential in comparison to the 1930's. Technological change has already seen the monetising of data with data becoming an asset or commodity. This strongly reflects the combining of an earth energy [money] with a conceptual one [Uranus] A shift back to natural fibres exists alongside newly developed fabrics.
- Food and Hunger The shift towards a complex array of new food products available to the consumer keeps increasing -including international dishes sourced from an increasingly globalised human engagement as well as food sources unheard of in past eras -eg chia seeds. The ability to supply the needs of a growing global population where 2 nations alone exceed a billion citizens each is of concern - leading to new options including protein from insects, vegetarian "meat", lab-grown "meat". Big innovations are likely adding to the already complex array that consumers have to angst over. In the modern era changing climate environmental factors will impact food supply with issues such as drought and flood impacting soil and production. First world countries such as New Zealand having to provide breakfasts in schools out of community volunteer initiatives indicates a failing economy. Meanwhile obesity levels have never been higher.
- Homelessness An era of mass evacuations has already begun due to huge populations fleeing war zones or economic deprivation in parts of Africa, Asia and Europe. In the Western world homelessness is very obvious in the cities, with a rise in people sleeping rough downtown, in parks, under bridges - as well as families sleeping in cars or tents, unable to secure affordable housing. The quality of housing stock for the poorest people also leads to some occupying the modern version of Depression era shacks.
- Energy transition -away from earth-based [Taurus] energy [Scorpio] sources to solar [Leo] wind [Aquarius] and electrical [Aquarius] Environmental pressure is placed upon oil and gas industry.
Analysis of a very important point in the 2018-2025 era of Uranus in Taurus shows that March 2019 has considerably entangled factors pointing to confusion, panic, a scramble to secure assets/funds. This is likely to coincide with some degree of economic crisis reflected in business and housing and with global and enduring relevance.
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2018: despite great progress hate-filled oppression still exists |
Shanty towns 2018 California
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Reserve Bank of NZ Nov.2017 |
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invented in the 1930's |
The New Moon entry point for Uranus entering Taurus is marked in news reports by a very relevant theme -
conflict over land or territory
Further Astrological commentary
and the effects on you
In the current era the second ingress - March 6 2019 - stands out far more than the first in May 2018 - although similar themes are there in the 2018 ingress -just not so loudly. UK chart as example: [ cardinal axes with Saturn & nodes attached; Sun-Moon trined by Pluto-Mars have Venus square that midpoint in Pisces. Saturn and Pluto sit at the midpoint of the Jupiter-Neptune trine.
Neptunian attitudes to matters material still prevail necessitating steps to constrain excesses, unrealistic growth
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confusion, panic, a scramble to secure assets/funds
Some of the standouts speaking to this theme:
- The strong Neptunian influence from Moon-Sun-Neptune-Mercury and Uranus-Mars in the 12th
- Venus exact at Midheaven is semisquare the midpoint of the Pisces lot.
- Mars-Uranus midpoint =sesqui Jupiter and therefore activates Pluto
- Saturn-north node midpoint at 22 captures Jupiter and Pluto
- Mercury-Chiron ssxt with Uranus
- 2nd-8th cusps [UK chart] at 29 degrees capture Mercury-Chiron-Uranus
- Jupiter squares the Neptune-Mercury midpoint.
- Saturn-Venus midpoint on the nodal axis
- Pluto-Venus midpoint captures everything at 29-0
- Venus-north node midpoint 0 Taurus = Uranus
This huge entanglement loaded with confusing Neptunian elements, lots of nodal engagement by the big players, Venus very engaged by the big players - can be perceived as matters with very significant financial/economic/monetary/asset consequences.
The chart layout raises the issue of the conception point of this Uranian "birth" - and it may be useful to watch events of June 2018 for hints/clues/early indicators of the trajectory leading to March 2019.
There are multiple points between May 2018 and March 2019 which sustain the themes of this new period of change related to all things physical/material/financial
These will be detailed further in later analyses. Some standout points look to be November 2018 and January 2019 when it is expected that the writing will be very clearly on the wall regarding the need to return to reality and balance regarding our relationship with money and materialism as well as in our management of the natural environment.
The strong links between the current era beginning 2018 and the 1930's-40's period of Uranus in Taurus are sustained through the bigger picture of associated planets in both eras.
Considering the zodiac signs not as single entities but as more appropriately energy groupings [cardinal, fixed, mutable] a fuller reading is achieved.
The following strong connections arise within the time frames of the two eras. Some relevant key phrases cover potential positive and negative expressions -which arise dependent upon the role of other planet[s] engaging with that energy:
Pluto in Capricorn 2018-2024
Pluto in Cancer 1934-1937
[major changes in government -for good or bad, rise in dictatorial leadership, political power grabs, destruction of homes, families - or governance, homes and families all positively transformed]
Neptune in Pisces 2018-2024
Neptune in Virgo 1934-1942
[confusion, feeling overwhelmed, escapism, poisoning, recreational drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemical warfare, gas chambers, work dissolves, sensitive health, - or a rise in compassion, spirituality and connectedness ]
Uranus in Taurus 2018-2025
Uranus in Taurus 1934-1942
The nature of physical, material, object-based reality subject to dramatic change.
[full details in main content]
Saturn in Aquarius 2021
Saturn in Aquarius 1934
[repression of individuality/rebellion, conformity or rebuilding communities, new style of governance with community focus]
Saturn in Pisces 2023
Saturn in Pisces 1935
[austerity versus compassion, disconnection or deepening of faith, spiritual commitment; compassionate governance]
[austerity versus compassion, disconnection or deepening of faith, spiritual commitment; compassionate governance]
[ Saturn had been in Capricorn [austerity, tough conditions for many, big advantages for a few] for 3 years from Dec 1929-Dec 1932 starting shortly after the stockmarket crash of Oct.1929 and so was in effect through the worst of the Depression ]
Due to the nature of irregular cycles factors such as Chiron are not in close synch in the two eras but it is of interest that Chiron was in Taurus 1927-1933 affecting money and food. The modern era Taurus transit is from 2027-2034
Chiron in Cancer [homes and families] 1937-1940 and 2038-2041
The Effect on You
Other than totally personalised professional astrology based on energies present at an individual time of birth, there are generalised methods which can give some information.
Where your personalised chart will show exactly the areas of life set to change dramatically, the general method shows some aspects of activation - but not all.
Firstly the 12 areas of life shown and referred to as Houses in the chart are shown for reference
The signs most likely to strongly feel the sudden changes from Uranus transiting Taurus are Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius [the Fixed energy signs]
People born in the first 10 days of those signs - eg Taurus April 20th-30th, Scorpio Oct 23rd-Nov 2nd etc - will feel effects related to food, money, assets, material stability - all or any - during the time period May 2018-April 2021 - a 3 year period.
If you are a fixed sign born in the middle third of the month of that sign [not calendar month] expect these changes from April 2021-May 2024 - a 3 year period.
Those born in the last 10 days of those signs get this change period from May 2024-May 2026 - a 2 year period.
These periods are a guide only since a person might have Sun Taurus at 8 degrees and Venus in Taurus at 16 degrees - and so activations and changes will occur in the first and second periods noted above. Potentially all 3 periods up to 2026 could be involved for people with more than 2 fixed signs spread over the 30 degree range.
Further aspects of life expected to be considerably altered under the Uranus in Taurus cycle 2018-2025 are covered in a separate post on this site: The New Economy, Money and Things
updates May 18
Astrologer Faye Blake on this and past Uranus in Taurus
Astrologer Tracey Rogers adds her thoughts
Astrologer Sally Kirkman has some relevant content too
April 2018 Grappling with the carbon issue in NZ
April 2018 A very timely conversation featuring so many of the key phrases related to Uranus in Taurus
Where your personalised chart will show exactly the areas of life set to change dramatically, the general method shows some aspects of activation - but not all.
Firstly the 12 areas of life shown and referred to as Houses in the chart are shown for reference
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source: Astrostyle
When Uranus is in Taurus one* of the energy fields and its corresponding expressions that is due to be activated is indicated as follows:
[ *in addition to the location shown in your personalised chart]
Look at the table below. Find the Sun Sign for your birthday and see the House associated -locate in the diagram above the energy field of likely activations in House segments 1-12
People born in the first 10 days of those signs - eg Taurus April 20th-30th, Scorpio Oct 23rd-Nov 2nd etc - will feel effects related to food, money, assets, material stability - all or any - during the time period May 2018-April 2021 - a 3 year period.
If you are a fixed sign born in the middle third of the month of that sign [not calendar month] expect these changes from April 2021-May 2024 - a 3 year period.
Those born in the last 10 days of those signs get this change period from May 2024-May 2026 - a 2 year period.
These periods are a guide only since a person might have Sun Taurus at 8 degrees and Venus in Taurus at 16 degrees - and so activations and changes will occur in the first and second periods noted above. Potentially all 3 periods up to 2026 could be involved for people with more than 2 fixed signs spread over the 30 degree range.
[2026 is referenced here as an end date as there are a final few months of Uranus in Taurus repeating in 2026 -after the change to Gemini in mid 2025]
Further aspects of life expected to be considerably altered under the Uranus in Taurus cycle 2018-2025 are covered in a separate post on this site: The New Economy, Money and Things
updates May 18
Astrologer Faye Blake on this and past Uranus in Taurus
Astrologer Tracey Rogers adds her thoughts
Astrologer Sally Kirkman has some relevant content too
April 2018 Grappling with the carbon issue in NZ
April 2018 A very timely conversation featuring so many of the key phrases related to Uranus in Taurus