Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Vulnerability: Chiron In Pisces and Aries

Chiron is a significant little asteroid. Depending where in your chart this sits, the sign it is in and the angular connections to other chart factors, it shows where you have fragility, weakness or a literal physical or psychological sense of woundedness. Dealing with Chiron can have a profoundly healing effect which is able to radiate out into the world through your interactions with others.

Chiron has been in Pisces [2011-2018] and is entering Aries on April 17 2018.

Chiron will span 9 years in Aries 2018-2027 aside from some initial retrograding back into Pisces for 5 months - check an ephemeris for 100% confirmation
The prior period began April 1968 and extend to March 1977 - again with retrograding to Pisces.

2023 latest update:

Prince Louis of Wales born 23 April 2018 London
 with prominent Chiron in Aries - at the midheaven
is now well known for his facial virtuosity
Chiron in Aries at the MC is likely to reveal an issue around being passed over for top roles
 [he is so far youngest of 3 so not high in succession]
Pluto is conjunct Mars in Capricorn demanding restraint restriction duty
 as befits a working Royal when that age arises
This could result in tantrums anger perhaps channeled later into speed and danger.
Zero Aries we know is a potent point that will be activated by any major transit at 15 fixed.
His main challenge may be finding a way to navigate the frustration of Saturn/Capricorn demands to curtail the Aries 

A Chiron guide shows that the periods spent in each zodiac sign are irregular -sometimes 7 years but can be more or less -use this to locate your own Chiron 

This report relates to those born with Chiron in Pisces and Chiron in Aries. Refer to links above and at end to discover & read about other sign placements for Chiron

Chiron in Pisces clarifies potential weaknesses or wounds related to addiction, including drugs, alcohol, tobacco, effects of toxic substances, chemicals and poisons also the wound of being too sensitive -emotionally and bodily - allergic, too trusting, too naive, unrealistic, idealistic or escapist.
For example the damage done to a person's overall mental physical, emotional and spiritual health through substance addictions allows a person who heals this problem to have compassion for others who fall prey to it. A person with food allergies could go on to work in this field as a health practitioner.

The Russians Sergei and Julia Skripal who were poisoned by a nerve agent in the UK met this fate -with the long-term complications - during the period of Chiron in Pisces.

From April 17 2018, aside from a brief retrograde period back into Pisces Sept 2018- Feb 2019, Chiron will be in Aries for 8 years.

With Chiron in Aries the risk is that a person carries long-term a wounded sense of self. Having effectively been damaged emotionally very early in life, this person either chooses the path of over-compensation -acting like the tough guy/gal to hide the wound and deep sense of weakness. This psychological state can be dangerous if other chart factors reinforce this hyper-sensitivity about the self - feeling frustrated and angry continually due to perceiving mistreatment by others. In some cases this can erupt as violent, retaliative tendencies as the deep grudge is there unresolved towards the original wounder -who may be long dead - but whose harm has not been resolved.

Aries is about courage confidence, self assertion, motivation -so any of these qualities can be very diminished when Chiron is in Aries. Fear dominates over a sense of security, cowardice more likely than bravery, staying quiet or below the radar instead of declaring your skills, your needs or even your opinions.
The wound of anger can also mean a history of bad consequences -punishment or rejection for expressing in that way. This can lead to anger bottled up then dangerously exploding

Chiron in Aries also makes it very hard for a person born with these two energies being combined to be in touch with themself -know their needs, know how to meet those needs, know how to assert those needs. Being this unaware of who they are also leads to huge problems in relating because the Chiron person thinks it's the other person's fault.
Chiron really clarifies in what way we need therapy if we are personally lacking in enough time, focus or insight to get to know ourself.
The part of the body most vulnerable is head and face.

During the period of Chiron in Aries millions of babies will be born, all to varying degrees carrying the typical wounds of Aries and needing appropriate support to heal them.
In the public arena expect to see news about people dealing with the results of the Chiron in Aries wounds -this could literally be as a result of violence with weapons [Aries is connected to all type of weapons but especially guns and knives] or it could be those facing up to the bad consequences of anger expressed verbally eg road rage or some other public embarassment.

more detail of interest in these pages about Chiron

2023 additionChiron..by Manuel Ignacio Quiles - an excellent indepth psychological analysis
Chiron in Aries
Chiron Cycles
Chiron in the Signs 1926-2045

Ask in the comment section if you would like some detail on your Chiron


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...