Friday, 27 April 2018

Avicii -the Outer vs Tim Bergling the Inner

The death of successful DJ Avicii reveals the mismatch between the public world in which he achieved fame -and the private nature of
 Tim Bergling
Born 8 September 1989 Tim Bergling was zodiac sign Virgo - which is associated with hardworking perfectionists as well as those who apply this focus to being physically perfect on the inside through special diets and nutritional supplements.

Virgo is opposite Pisces in the zodiac and both are in the same group as Gemini and Sagittarius = the Mutable group which are known for a lot of thinking and contemplation as well as searching for ideals and the meaning of life.

Looking at Tim's birthday [full chart not accessible so this is not a complete profile] the planets Mercury and Neptune are important due to their association with Virgo and Pisces.

Mercury was 10 Libra
Neptune 9 Capricorn
and it is clear that other planets link to these closely
Saturn 7 Capricorn
Jupiter 7 Cancer

Libra Capricorn and Cancer all belong to the Cardinal group. This group has the lesson of learning through relating, relationships with significant others, relating to family, relating to society in general - and the relationship a person has with themself - knowing how to self-nurture, be self aware, meet personal needs, knowing what you need and how to achieve it.

For Tim Bergling this aspect of functioning was difficult due to a struggle in balancing out the conflicting relating needs shown by Saturn and Neptune in Capricorn [dream career] being at odds with being able to nurture himself.
Saturn and Neptune together brought him not only the dream job for someone who loves music - an international following as a DJ, but Saturn and Neptune are also incompatible on the level of the business world of music [Saturn] versus the nurturing private world [Neptune]. Tim Bergling gave so much emphasis to Saturn that his Neptune needs could not be adequately met, leading to great distress.
This quote from his family captures the issues precisely

In 2018 Tim Bergling was at the point of life all of us meet in our late 20's. This is the first major life turning point marked by Saturn, [astrologer's know this as the Saturn Return] a time when the shift into more socially acceptable adult choices is activated in people's minds.
Some people choose this time for marriage or parenthood or career advancement. 

In 2018 we know Saturn reached 7 Capricorn and was exact on Tim's birth position of Saturn by the start of March.
For him this return of Saturn would have activated all the stresses pressures and conflicts inherent in his soul over career versus deeper personal needs.

It is deeply sad that being somebody in this contemporary world is so often incompatible with the true expression of sensitive seekers who are much more at home with the divine.

We need to honour the inner world and return to the grace and elegance of being our natural selves.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...