Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Profiling Kilauea Volcano Eruption 2018

Indicators are very strong
 for eruptive activity in May 2018 involving the Mt Kilauea Volcano
 on Big Island Hawaii

Signs of an uptick in activity came on April 24 2018 progressing to increased seismic processes by April 30.

On Thursday May 3 the USGS officially acknowledged an eruption event at 4.45pm local time

This activity is of considerable significance in the context of the energies in play during this period in 2018
 scroll to end for latest updates

  • The early signs arose on April 24 when Mars, Jupiter and Pluto were in a tightly connected powerful synergy, amplified by Pluto being in stationary retrograde
  • Activity proceeded to the point of eruption on May 3 soon after surface cracks were observed
  • on Friday May 4 a M6.9 earthquake occurred
  • inflationary and deflationary processes have seen  lava in the crater level rise and dramatically fall with the lava then seeking outlets through many fissures
  • An eruptive pause occurred on May 8 at 7am with further deflation of the lava levels in the crater while earthquake activity was sustained
  • May 8-9-10 has Jupiter in exact opposition to the Sun. This is an amplifying energy, like a full moon tidal effect so greater upticks are likely to be in process with outward effects
  • May 11-12-13 has Pluto [the energy most associated with volcanic forces emanating from the underworld & currently in the zodiac sign of the mountain -Capricorn] in a strong flow with the Earth energies of the Sun in Taurus
  • May 15 New Moon -with Sun Moon in Taurus in strong flow with a Mars-Pluto combination in Capricorn. Mars and Uranus in great tension over a period of days prior - from an exact 90 degree angle just before the new cycle of Uranus in Taurus. The lunar nodes in fire and air combine with Saturn in earth sign Capricorn

Overwhelmingly it is the buildup of incompatible energies in earth [Capricorn, Taurus] and fire [Aries Leo, Mars ] that dominate these events but water energy expressing through the combining of Jupiter and Neptune in Scorpio and Pisces [2 water signs] will be operating in combination at a molecular level [hydrogen-oxygen] in the volcanic processes
This chemical analysis is consistent with the combined effect of Jupiter and Neptune in strong flow from mid May 2018
update May 10:

The combined indicators point to very high probability of a major event unfolding from the mid month period as the New Moon builds. 

update May 10 US time
Water in the form of groundwater is seen by seismologists as the next major trigger. 
The effects of Jupiter-Neptune are consistent with this threat building from mid-month.
Concern from seismologists that a one in 100 year event could unfold in coming days -consistent with astrological forecast approaching a potent New Moon

Washington Post documentation

Astrological charts
Kilauea 1975 1983 2018
show signatures of relevance;  major events 1975 and 1983 had Scorpio rising. Will be interesting to see if the fixed signs again control the chart axes in a further major event in May 2018.
The initial eruptive event 2018 has Jupiter at 19 Scorpio, Mercury 17 Aries
Midpoint analysis enables the uncovering of where paired or multiple energies synergise and are triggered by even an angle incorrectly seen as innocuous or weak -a semisquare or sesquiquadrate. Evidence time and again shows these ought not to be ignored

May 8 tweet: around 17 in astrological terms covers at least 1-2 degrees either side

1975 has Pluto-Venus-Moon at 16 Libra opposing Jupiter 15 Aries and big shaker Uranus on the Scorpio Asc squ Saturn in Leo at the midheaven

1983 has multiple cardinal factors midpointing at 16 degrees which activates Jupiter at 1 degree [15 degree angle] Sun-Venus and Mars hold 19 degree positions which link to 4 degree nodes [another 15 degree factor]

2018 has Pluto-Saturn with a 15.5 cardinal midpoint and Mars-Saturn with a 16.5 cardinal midpoint so all 3 combine at 16. Moon-Pluto midpoint links to Saturn. This combo all clustered at the vertical axis. Lunar nodes squaring sun over days of approach.
Mars and Uranus in great tension just as big shaker Uranus is about to enter the territory of earth changes - in Taurus. Strong profiles of fire and earth energies along with increrasingly potentised water energy in second half of May

All the factors noted in these 3 charts are considered directly relevant to the volcanic and seismic activity in effect in the periods identified and indicate that sustained themes apply which must reflect an inherent volatility imprinted in that location which bears those same signatures

The 1924 Kilauea sequence lasted 17 days from May 10
update May 14 2018: Veteran US astrologer Richard Nolle points out than one of the events in 1924 occurred on the May 18 full Supermoon. His chart [below] for that event also has the fixed signs ruling the chart axes and the fixed sign full moon in Taurus-Scorpio is exactly square the nodal axis in Leo Aquarius [dramatic fireworks from the depths of the earth!]
According to my own theory of major environmental events the dynamic 27/12 pairing is clearly on display in this 1924 eruption -multiple factors [Sun Moon Saturn Nodes] at 27 degrees, Mars, Mercury at 12&13
In 2018 the year's lunations staring in January have featured a string of 27 degree positions including the first supermoon in January. The last relevant lunation before activity started in April was the March combo of New Moon plus Chiron at 27 degrees Pisces and Uranus at 27 Aries with Venus at 12 Aries. This  bundling of energy could easily have been the precursor to what began to unfold from late April. Various dates from mid to late May 2018 hold potential triggers -the New Moon window + further that week = 13th-18th. Then it's also a matter of when Jupiter and Neptune add in the full force of the groundwater factor -Mars could do that on or close to the 18th giving Kilauea a true remembrance day of 1924.
Update June 1
Vigorous activity has persisted in past fortnight with subsequent endangerment and loss of property -Reuters summary

From a perspective of energies prevailing in early June the potential remains for a resurgence.
June 6 -7 [Universal Time] poses a worthwhile watch period.

update May 17 in Hawaii
the mountain responded at 04.15 local time - and as demonstrated by exact data - providing the largest eruption to date in this April-May 2018 period - with the two earth-movers Uranus and Pluto on the main chart axes.
Mars at a stress angle at 90 degrees exact to Uranus, Saturn-Pluto-Mars in synergy. and remembering that Jupiter plus Neptune = the groundwater factor still in play and strengthening.
It was an explosive eruption but not in the mega category -and  this chart shows Kilauea is responding to the prevailing planetary forces especially Uranus, Mars, Pluto, Jupiter and Neptune and within the next 7 days these indicators are likely to remain highly significant activators.

further updates will be added after watching May 2018 unfold at Mt Kilauea


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...