Monday, 15 July 2019

Climate & Human Crisis

As an astrologer the future is always of interest. Consideration of the changes and consequences related to global climate is high on our collective agenda with daily reminders that significant forces are in process. All life on this planet is being impacted and as humans it is natural to look for meaning when an existential crisis arises.
I have a special interest in researching the galactic forces that deliver severe weather. I feel very attuned to the state of the planet and it's recurrent responses to the sun the moon the eclipses. This all makes perfect sense to those who think on a large scale. We occupy a tiny place in a huge system which in itself is minuscule within the larger universe. We know so little...but over millenia we have some knowledge of repeated themes occurring related to the prominence of particular planets.

The watchers amongst us know that the world changes significantly when certain planets occupy certain signs.
The three signs at the end of the zodiac are Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces. These represent the last sector of development of consciousness on a collective level.
After ideas beliefs philosophies and faiths have been explored (the Sagittarius stage) practical action is required consistent with those mental positions (Capricorn stage). Then comes the realisation that we do best when we are friendly towards life and all beings. We see can we work well in groups for the common good (Aquarius stage). After this a growing appreciation of our commonality our sameness our interconnected lives and existence our link to all other life. Ultimately this extends to the cosmos the whole of existence. From these awarenesses compassion is born and harm is no longer an option. (Pisces stage)

These are the ideals indicated as an aspirational pathway for humanity. At present in general we fall well short and the destructive consequences of that are clear.

From where we are now the most relevant planets can be tracked through this developmental sector from Capricorn to Pisces past the middle of this century.
Saturn in Capricorn until the end of 2020
Saturn conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius end of 2020
Saturn through Aquarius and Pisces end of 2020-2026
Neptune in Pisces till 2026
Pluto in Capricorn till 2024
Pluto in Aquarius 2024-2044
Pluto in Pisces 2044-2068

One current factor outside this scheme but playing a major role in the planet is Uranus in the earth sign Taurus. This planet is the great change-maker through sudden disruptions and unexpected events. In Taurus this is the state of Planet Earth and the soil and what it produces and feeds.
Uranus is in a 7 year cycle in Taurus till 2026.
By now you will see 2026 standing out as a gateway year.
Pluto will be left largely in charge as it transits the Aquarius and Pisces zones
Pluto is recognised symbolically as the Phoenix arising from the ashes ..but the meltdown is always stage one...and Pluto's long period in Capricorn from late 2008-2024 is the start.
The purpose and meaning of all of this is growth evolution development...but these all have a price - what you have to change give up and let die.

This introduction gives a timeline for these processes which are occurring in the context of globally significant processes - one being climate impacts - others are socioeconomic and political.

This post arise as a response to an interview between Daniel a Buddhist and Jem Bendell an academic who has committed to climate action and who wants to promote the notion of adaptation to whatever unfolds. He sees social collapse as inevitable and therefore promotes the contemplative and spiritual paths as well as the psychological and mental health support necessitated for many.
His focus is how we are going to help each other.
To me this reflects the Capricorn Aquarius Pisces trio - the structural changes necessitated the groups and networks engaged the commonality acknowledged all for collective benefit.

The spiritual imperative ranks highest for me in terms of adaptation and that source of guidance serves to inform practical decisions more soundly than any responses born out of panic fear or desperation.
By 2026 the picture will be undeniably clear as to choices and what needs to change.

This link takes you to the 1hr+ audio with Jem Bendell


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...