Monday, 25 May 2020

NZ Election 2020 Ardern versus Muller

Ardern versus Muller
Election 2020

A good starting point is that three eclipses  [major trend indicators] occur within 30 days June-July 2020. Their indicators show the impacts upon the two candidates

ARDERN Being the highly respected incumbent she knows full well the weight of responsibility in leading a nation through major events: she has demonstrated repeatedly the ability to deal with heavily emotive social crises with compassion whilst displaying sound political judgement. Turning 40 in July 2020 is a numerological indicator of the capacity to shoulder considerable responsibility.
All 3 mid-year eclipses impact upon her thinking and decision-making. The dilemma or conflict activated within the context of events in June July and until the end of 2020 concerns the weighing up of decisions to find the appropriate balance where heart versus head or feeling versus pragmatism are necessary: ‘Being nice, being kind” versus practical necessities.

Overall the 6 months June-December feature significant tough decisions
Prevailing energies in 2020 support Ardern’s ongoing political position.

MULLER comparatively unknown publicly and untested within a senior political role, he nonetheless brings high intentions to fulfill in 2020 a boyhood dream, now downsized to local conditions. To have a fantasy about being numero uno so young in life reveals a clear drive towards power. That power has largely eluded him within NZ politics due to a lengthy run of nil opportunties. Smelling blood this year Muller could see a window was open and quickly gathered his plan in time for a successful coup in May. The problem with plans enacted in haste is a lack of peripheral vision.  Muller has jumped into the deep end of an unfamiliar pool in a high risk display of confidence leading a majority of his colleagues to give this wild card a chance of delivering a John Key style winning performance. Why not? The Party is desperate enough at this point.
The June & July eclipses occur within that mood of feeling unbeatable: high ambition high egoic confidence highly energised buoyed by the sudden abundance of attention & flattery amassed through a diary full of social engagements. All good so far but it’s only part of the story. There is considerable challenge opposition disagreement criticism and rejection of Muller’s methods - how he does things - duplicity could be detected - dealing on two levels - not being upfront. The conflict aspect dogs Muller continually in the run-up campaign period and in the months beyond the September vote. It’s a long term issue for him demanding to be resolved even in 2021 & 2022.

Overall the 6 months June-December feature significant conflicts due to challenges to Muller’s way of doing things.
Prevailing energies in 2020 both increase his energy ego drive & ambition as well as attracting criticism for his methodology. High ambition looks to be undermined by lacking the right stuff for a win against Ardern

Fun Facts: Jacinda Ardern born 26 July 1980  Sun Leo with Leo North Node has multiple planets/points  including Pluto Neptune Uranus Saturn lunar nodes and Venus in the range 19-23 degrees 

Todd Muller born 23 December 1968 Sun Capricorn with Aries North Node has Pluto Neptune and Mars in the range 25-27 degrees. Saturn is in Aries. 


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...