Monday, 29 November 2010

DAVID... what it means to be called

  • All words and sounds have a vibration and the ancient study of numerology assigns a number energy to each letter. DAVID has a number total of 22 - called a master number -indicating the capacity for high achievement and significant karmic responsibility to humanity - so many Davids become well known -David Beckham, David Bowie  - but there is the potential for fame or infamy  - several high profile murderers or accused in New Zealand are called David.

  • David Seymour
  • The Donald uses David as an alias
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David Turpin imprisoned his children

David Bain denied killing his whole family; he was first convicted, then later acquitted in a second trial.  ( trial evidence included a rape fantasy Bain wrote about). Another, David Tamihere denies killing two Swedish tourists. He served a lengthy time in prison. 
Where does this problematic energy come from? The energy of the letters D and V which feature at the beginning, middle and end of  D A V I D
These letters all have a number 4 vibration which connects to the energy of the planet Saturn.
Saturn both gives high achievement potential but also difficulties, struggles. The letters D and V (along with M) all bring a tendency to worry. 
DAVID as a name contains a triple whammy here with D-V-D.

The song Psycho Killer was written by David Byrne

David Birnie was an Australian serial killer
David Berkowitz, David Maust  David J Carpenter, David Leonard Wood, David Ray Parker, David Bullock, David Allen Lucas are American serial killers

David Fincher has directed several serial killer genre movies - Zodiac, 7, Mindhunter
David Tua is a NZ boxer who aspired to but struggled to make the big time
David Chapman shot John Lennon

Ultimately David is a vibration that seeks power or authority so many with this name seek the power of political life -David Cameron, David Cunliffe, David Carter, David Lange, ministers, prime ministers, senators are found with this name but the potential for infamy is also there - as seen when you google "david scandal" - and sex comes up as the vice in question when linked to Beckham, Letterman, Arquette, Copperfield (magician), Smail (golfer) and many, many more.

So if it is power craved, but power denied, frustrated, the inclination of the DAVID vibration is to turn to seeking power over others - whether in general controlling behaviours or at worst through sex or violence: rape, torture, murder and serial killing then enter the picture.

Artists or creators called David may channel these urges through their creative imagination - films, painting etc.-eg David Jacobson writer/director of a film about serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer

So not all David's kill or become infamous, and not all killers are called David - the potentials can be either suppressed or expressed.
More factors can come into play that provide checks & balances. Urges can be restrained, sublimated, projected onto others or simply visited in terms of fantasy, but there is an intriguing association with this name and the striving for power, by any means, literally or by proxy.

Writer Jim Marrs says in the ancient world of Mesopotamia  the name David = Davidum was a title not a personal name.
The Davidum was the equivalent of a Caesar or Emperor.

Next time you meet a David, keep this in mind....

extra notes:
David Turpin arrested with wife Louise January 2018 on multiple counts of child neglect and abuse - this case clearly reveals the dark potential of a David seeking power over the defenceless

Update March 2018
CBS interview reveals Donald Trump used alias "David Dennison" in dealing with porn star Stormy Daniels

This name is intriguing due to the esoteric content not only of David but also of Dennison.
The mirror of Dennis is sinned
Dennison mirrored is No sinned.
Was Trump trying to convince himself he was doing no wrong?
A New Jersey man with the true name of David Dennison has been getting a lot of attention
Problem is it's a really common name
via Google Images: David Dennison

April 2018

NZ power-seeking politician David Seymour is regularly in the media. He belongs to a political party of one called ACT and is still breathing having been given resuscitation by the previous governing party. In real terms he is powerless now that an opposing coalition is in government. But this is no impediment when it comes to bold claims and attacks on alternate viewpoints
This recent hyperbolic tweet is indicative of a man dominating his own private universe:


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...