Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Pike River Coal Mine Astrology

Update May 2019:
After years of lobbying to achieve a re-entry and retrieval operation at the mine a planned first attempt was scheduled for May 3. It was determined that this could not proceed due to unusual high oxygen levels.
Looking at energy patterns  at the start of May it is clear  that the way ahead is still not clear. The 2 control planets & 2 very relevant to the mine environment - Saturn & Pluto both entered retrograde loops at the end of April. This phase works against external activity - making direct action problematic impossible or very slow. The timing is just not right. Interesting to see Jupiter is currently 23 degrees in Sagittarius which resonates back to 19 November 2010 Jupiter 23 Pisces. But this is not the only opportunity in 2019. Jupiter is also in retrograde (since early April) but by the end of October early November 2019 a window opens. Jupiter Saturn and Pluto will all be in direct progress and Jupiter reaches 23 degrees on Oct 31. Nov 1st has Moon and Jupiter in Sagittarius & a Venus Mercury conjunction in Scorpio.  The signs align far better for a powerful resolution for the families.

The first indicative energy picture for The Pike Mine tragedy arose with the first recorded explosive event at 3.4pm on 19 November 2010.
Every chart indicates 2 major axes of energy: energy across the horizon & energy on the vertical plane. When planets converge along those axes their potency is highly magnified. This chart has Jupiter & Uranus close enough to synergise & with Uranus in close activating contact with the left horizontal rising energy. These 2 alone are capable of creating a sudden major gas event - especially being in the sign Pisces. But ignition is always needed: the rising energy is Aries - the zodiac expression of fire planet Mars at its most potent position 0 Aries . This was the ignition energy and with all 4 axis points at 0 degrees in the cardinal zodiac signs - which is the inherent point when all 4 seasons in nature begin every year - this means the energy at that time on that day was horrendously powerful due to the accumulation of multiple factors. Further confirmation comes from Mars being in a prominent high position and from the chilling combination of Pluto in exact conjunction with the karmic axis of the chart - north & south lunar nodal points. Pluto & the north Node are in tight conjunction to the most prominent position in the chart the midheaven - a place of major public attention. Where nodes talk of collective or group destiny with widespread implications or effects. Pluto speaks of death & transformation. Pluto classicly is the god of the underworld - the domain of the dead  All these factors in Capricorn describe the cold harsh rocky environment.
That a colossal fatal event in a mine was the outcome comes as no surprise.
Secondly some major mirroring is clear in the chart for 2.37 pm local time NZ ( GMT/UT +13 hrs) on Wednesday 24 Nov 2010 when a second & clearly unsurvivable explosion occurred to finally define the status of the 29 trapped miners
Clearly, Mars is exact on the midheaven with an exact square to the ascendant and Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces surround the ascendant. The Moon has just entered the family sign Cancer and will conjunct the Moon's south Node this evening, thus opposing the north Node & Pluto. The combination of Mars being the ignition and Pisces being the gas, Uranus, pumped up by Jupiter was able to exert one further knockout punch. Gas poisoning, primarily carbon monoxide is believed to be the primary cause of death.
Pluto in Capricorn describes the underground mine. Combined with the North Node in Capricorn, it speaks too of group karma


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...