Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Strong Themes in the Collective July to November 2022

Strong themes apply in 2022
 in the focal period considered

The themes considered cannot be disconnected from the backdrop of the Covid pandemic and while that factor and other viral challenges remain sustained under the oceanic weight of Neptune in Pisces [amplified repeatedly by Jupiter's support in 2022] this post looks at other ingredients in the mix.

Act I July 2022

Saturn & Jupiter engage in their classic dynamic (expansion-contraction) late in July (week3) being an exact 8-23 semisquare coinciding with Pluto retro reaching the annual closest alignment [perigee] to Earth & opposite Sun = Capricorn-Cancer 27'22° July 20.

When Pluto [or any outer planet] reaches this location opposite Sun and most aligned with Earth its potency is signified by being the midpoint of the 2 stations and the 2 square locations that occur to the East and West of the opposition location.

In 2022 Pluto goes through the sequence:
  • square April 18
  • retro station April 29
  • opposition July 20
  • direct station Oct 8
  • square Oct 19
The focal period of Pluto 2022
Positional astronomy shows locations but does not track the retrograde [this being an illusion in perspective due to the Earth-based viewpoint.
Accordingly Pluto is shown in natural progression versus the degree positions assigned during retrograde

These big potent processes of Saturn Jupiter and Pluto under these positions point to manifest outcomes - not necessarily immediate - but in hindsight can be seen to be the hidden forces that accumulate towards expression often weeks later in weather or environmental events. Worldly events too can lag while waiting for the recipe to be mixed.

Act II August 2022

Chiron in Aries square Venus in Cancer with reference to Mars & Uranus in Taurus July 31-Aug 1 raises the profiles for money assets possessions homes attachments.
With Taurus involved any or all versions of Taurus from landforms to what we own or have as cash or capital can be expressed in a way consistent with the energy mix of Uranus Mars & the North Node.
This is a potent mix for very energised change upheaval with significant collective [North Node i.e. global implications]

Taurus by reflex to Scorpio is also about the power & security we associate with money & things.

On Aug 1st with Jupiter very close to exact station (locked in at July New Moon) & exact trining Sun the heat & fire energies are very involved.
This can mean hot heads in a big drama or maybe hot magma of spectacular potency.
Taken independently one signature doesn't have big consequences.
It is the confluence of factors in a limited time frame that draw attention.

The signatures laid down at the Aug 12 Full Moon at 19 Aquarius are awakened by the combination approaching 19 Taurus as July ends and August begins:

August Full Moon has Uranus square Sun & Moon.
Detailed analysis is signified (Mercury 12 Virgo) re whatever Pluto is doing to Capricorn at 27 Cap.
Is it political mayhem? A banking crisis? A major infrastructure failure?
Landform collapse from seismic upheaval?
Market meltdown?
Business failures?
At Full Moon the Mars-Neptune combination of earth & water tends to dissolve the earth therefore another weakening is signalled related to any earthy context
Any or all noted ( & relevant ones overlooked) could converge around the energies of the focal period with events both at the approach and entry into August and being sustained or reactivated around August Full Moon.

Saturn's role in August  while retrograde [since June 4]  a square to Mars in Taurus late in week one. Then Saturn is perigee Earth on August 14 and opposition Sun -and like Pluto has been described is then in the midpoint position of the 2 squares and 2 stations. The whole sequence beginning May 15 and running to Nov 11 2022. Mid August is therefore a period highly relevant for Earth and earth dwellers. The fixed signs get a lot of action in the months detailed and with Saturn in Aquarius linked to both Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus  the structure of society and societal responsibilities related to government powers is likely under the microscope and could reflect aid or support packages needed as a result of events unfolding.

The bigger picture points to forces building in July that unfold in August. Then with Uranus in the last 2 weeks of August in slowdown & exact station retro being set to sustain Uranian conditions around Taurean things. This added factor reinforces the potential that the start of August manifestations have extended consequences.

Act III October 2022
Pluto will take up the reins in September - entering slowdown after sesquiquadrate (26-11) the Sun. Then stationary direct & square Sun in October bringing characteristic Plutonic intensity of a Capricornian kind to that month. 
Remember whatever Pluto does in Capricorn currently feeds through to Saturn while in Aquarius - the structure of society able to be transformed for good or ill dependent upon the consciousness of the plutocrats and patriarchs who are able to restructure or annihilate social norms.

A very dynamic period of change & challenge following the Taurean and Capricornian themes looks likely from July in advance of the next eclipses (Scorpio Taurus Oct-Nov)

 I have reviewed in recent weeks work done last year regarding the periods when outer planets are considered perigee Earth. The midpoint positioning of the outer planet in transit suggests the potency of that period when the main aspect is an opposition to the Sun. A more detailed post incorporating this topic is due to be posted in a short period after this entry.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...