Tuesday, 5 April 2022

May 2022 Flashpoints as Jupiter Enters Aries

 Pisces Aries and Taurus hold centre stage in May 2022

with Saturn still relevant in Aquarius and Pluto not yet at Mission Complete stage

With Jupiter entering Aries within range of the Scorpio Lunar eclipse May 2022 has very high potential for enhanced military activity with Uranus in Taurus by semisquare signifying territorial & economic consequences. The energy however is building in April due to Pluto square Sun then stationing retrograde exactly at the end of April Solar eclipse.

RNZ file photo123

Though all placements have positive qualities to be mined and utilised it is important to factor in the challenging potentials when a planet is facing duress from another.

In general the hazards of Jupiter in Aries involve inflated ego which in some expresses as selfish survivalism. Ego wars are capable of being the most vicious and deathly. ARIES in excess and when managed by Jupiter has high capacity to express as anger aggression hot head fevers rashes cuts burns use of weaponry a big army large military operation amplified aggression extreme bravery spread of inflammation extreme heat big fires a lot of violence red hot situation.
Several of these potentials can cluster in a single large collective event or context such as war.
In everyday life perhaps one or two factors apply to an individual -wounded as a consequence of an accident or assault, fever and inflammation due to an infection.

Factors in May 2022

Jupiter in Aries is further incentivised by Uranus in Taurus in May 2022
[the angle repeats 28 September as well as a strong match Dec 24 ]
shows how military operations can change territorial status.
The seige of Ukraine comes to mind immediately and potentially in an enduring way in 2022 as a context for this collection of challenging energies. 

This location or any other in the global context that is at risk of conflict can anticipate an inflamed level of activity as a consequence of energies unleashed May September December 2022

May is impacted by the end of April/start of May Taurus solar eclipse with Uranus linked in so we know land territory resources money assets property things the body are under the rays of this influence - but the role of Jupiter in Pisces is also activated - being semisquare the Eclipse-Uranus midpoint. Here we have big water and the influence of an expansive non-physical energy both capable of impacting the condition state or form of all physical/material forms under Taurus.
Here the effects of Jupiter in Pisces have either a physically dissolving effect a dematerializing effect or a process of creating disappearance. Jupiter in Pisces linked to Taurus is lessening physicality in some contexts - especially the biological body through a process of heightened sensitivity the body is less amenable to dense physical substances. Digestion is likely to be an issue because it is an earth element process. Eating vegetarian and drinking more water may be the best approach under the intense Jupiter-Neptune influences.
These qualities surrounding the solar eclipse feed into May when Jupiter -almost finished in Pisces - has its first period in this Aries cycle.

Now land - condition of soil - after the Pisces delivery of floods will in some locations - switch to periods of exceptional heat under the Jupiter in Aries influence May 2022-May 2023.
The mid May eclipse of the Scorpio Moon has a destructive potential aggravated by Mars Neptune Saturn. The lunar Eclipse harnesses and intensifies the Aries & Taurus energies already activated.
The building synergy of Mars-Neptune in Pisces raises the risk of covert use of chemical or biological toxins especially within the military context but also by those perpetrators in any context who prefer to launch sneak attacks. Self-induced intoxication is also in that mix as well as that classic Mars profile chemistry used in acid attacks.
Under the Aries Taurus mix bodily inflammations are a higher likelihood


Opportunity for a Plutonic domination of land/territory resources noted around 19 May with the Pluto trine to the Taurus Sun.
Noting also that Pluto in Capricorn square the Sun April 18 a month prior is the starting point of the Pluto station and this combined power-control  energy reaches exact station in the window of the New Moon solar eclipse at the close of April.
The intensified energy released around the station of Pluto will be evident for almost 30 days from April 18 up to the first 2 weeks of May - therefore reaching the Jupiter ingress into Aries.
This suggests far greater intensity of conflict is in process - and likely in diverse global locations - not just Ukraine - from April into May in particular.

Neptunian Energy

Strange Ideas in The Times UK

Excessive delusion intoxication substance abuse under the Jupiter in Pisces phase (since end of 2021) feeds into the development of anger aggression selfishness or inflammation during Jupiter in Aries phase ( May 2022- May 2023 aside from Pisces retrograde mostly limited to Nov- Dec 2022)

Many have fallen prey to distorted and bizarre versions of reality truth facts in this lengthy era of Neptune in Pisces and the additional occurrence of Jupiter in Pisces has aggravated the extent of mental detachment from trust and belief in established sources in favour of trust & belief in extreme end of the spectrum purveyors of an alternate reality.

Though Jupiter is most synergised with Neptune in April 2022 it will not fully leave Pisces in this cycle until Dec 20 2022 and will not leave Pisces midpoints until early February 2023. There is no repeat of this Jupiter-Neptune Piscean overdose in our lifetimes though Neptune [2012-2026] does sustain the energy for some time after exact placement. Saturn in Pisces will add a different flavour [ 2023-2026] so it looks like again that the ongoing inherent Saturnian living in the real world conditions of worldly life are being confronted with an antithetical perspective through various versions of Neptune the Formless. A balance of both positive Saturn and positive Neptune is the ideal during life on a physical planet called Earth. While here an underdevelopment of either or both is problematic. Neptune represents our origin energy state and has immense value during our time in the world.

J W Waterhouse The Lady of Shalott 1888 dripping with Romanticism

The19th century was the last relevant example of ongoing Neptune transits:
After Uranus in Pisces [1835-1844] was soon followed by Neptune in Pisces [1847-1862] Jupiter was in Pisces with Neptune from 1856-1857.
In total a century featuring much Neptunian infusion and outpourings out of which not only Romanticism in art flourished as a positive spiritual evocation -but also photography emerged -as well as
 an era of hysteria -mostly diagnosed in women - and mass hysteria spiritualism mysticism hypnosis and the era of modern magic. Insane asylums were established and became more available during the Neptunian 19th century to cope with an increasing demand.

Of closer relevance to 2021-2022 was the Vampire panic of 1854 -in 1854 townspeople exhumed graves believing that the corpses were vampires capable of rising from the dead to kill the living
This occurred under Neptune in Pisces [1847-1862] in New England.
It's as if some beings from past similar incarnations have been reborn in advance of the Covid era with equally primitive views about the body and the nature of reality.

The intensity of this period requires a lot of grounding in reality as well as self care and the care of others where possible.

Readers are also referred to the Diary Post page re a roundup for April 2022

This Pluto graphic is reposted here to emphasise where we are at in the 2022 cycle. 
[Explanation under April 5 in Dairy Post]

As a further relevant factor - the 2022 Jupiter graphic is also reposted from a prior blog post on Retrograde cycles. 
Resonant dates have been added in to observe any advance echo effect related to the points at Sept Nov Dec 2022 which could be observable in 3 points in May


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...