Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Present Europe has strong Resonance with Pre-War 1930s

 Resonances from the Past

One major value of astrology lies in offering indicators of past events in reference to major planetary signifiers -and how their later resonance points can be matched.

In 2022 with the decision of Putin to take Russia into an invasion of Ukraine has stark resonance with events of the late 1930s in Europe as the foreshadowing of World War 2.

Though this was not an authentic Time magazine cover the artist felt it was appropriate to frame it as a worthy subject.

Artwork by Patrick Mulder

In the historic record there are literally strong resemblances between Hitler's 1938-1939 campaign to re-embrace ethnic Germans living in Bohemia and Moravia regions of Czechoslovakia and claim their land under the premise of their autonomy and what Putin has done in Ukraine

from the Holocaust Encyclopaedia


Hitler had announced the amassing of 750,000 troops for "military exercises" on August 12 1938

2022 has seen a very similar playbook evoked.

Russian troops began their buildup in the Spring of 2021 at Ukraine's borders..claiming "military exercises"

In February 2022 Putin stated

“I deem it necessary to make a decision that should have been made a long time ago – to immediately recognise the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic,” Putin said.

         WW2 map of Europe

From an astrological perspective the standout indicator of the resonance between these 2 periods is the transit of Pluto

Pluto was late in Cancer from 1936 until entry into Leo began in 1937 but due to retrograding did not leave Capricorn fully and enter Leo until June 1939.

The opposing position of Pluto in Capricorn at 27 degrees has been relevant since February 2022 and  in the context of the Ukraine invasion.

Pluto was at 27 Cancer multiple times in the late 1930s:  from 1935 to 1938

This whole period was marked by a buildup and release of military aggression -not only involving Germany but including Franco in Spain and Mussolini in Italy.

Far Right activism erupted in Paris in an anti government riot July 1936.

The oppression of Jews was well underway in pre-war 1930s Europe.

From Wikipedia June 1937:


The second and supportive factor:

Uranus was in Taurus through this same timeframe 1936-1939 and was there until 1942 and it is there [since 2018] again up til 2026
 For most of the war Saturn was in Aries-Taurus

The Cardinal quartet Aries Libra Cancer Capricorn is very much about State family homeland as well as the war and peace energies evoked in the protection and possession of those concepts. 

This combination of energies clearly identifies the state of affairs both in late 1930s Europe and early 2020s Europe.

With Uranus in Taurus in both eras the fixed signs Taurus Scorpio Leo Aquarius are all evoked - land territory power dominance - values around freedom and society.

The Saturn in Aries periods [1937-1940  2026-2028 ] pose the question around the late 2020s in terms of further vulnerability to aggression and war between nation states.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...