Friday, 23 August 2013

CHELSEA MANNING - astro-analysis of a galactic force

Latest:  August 2017 Chelsea Manning' in Vogue features.....scroll down for more

The Oxford Astrologer* has published a brief analysis of Manning with cross comparison of charts with that of Edward Snowden looking at similarities in energy, since they both have whistleblower destinies but energetically, Manning has even more in common with the magician Steven Frayne.

My interest was piqued with the news that Bradley Manning identifies as female and wants to transition towards that preferred gender identity, choosing the name Chelsea.
I was pleased to see the Oxford Astrologer placed a big emphasis on the Galactic Centre [GC] as a critical factor in understanding Manning.
The centre of our galaxy is positioned at 27'2" Sagittarius in 2013**.
It is an extremely slow-moving point in space with major potency.
Planets at or very close to the centre position appear to be super-charged and highly significant -whether that is in respect of people or events  - if found in the birth chart or observed in transit.

Chelsea, [born Bradley] Manning on December 17 1987 [time unknown - so standout points are noted] has an exceptional stellium group involving Mercury, Saturn, Sun, Uranus in the range 22-26 Sagittarius - with a midpoint of 24 Sagittarius

Empowering this situation even further is the semisquare of that midpoint to Manning's Pluto at 11 Scorpio

Manning's natal lunar nodes are at 28 Pisces-Virgo also tightly engaging the Galactic Centre
Chiron is at 26 Gemini - another important element in the interconnecting pattern

A highly unusual [Uranus] person driven by her beliefs [Sagittarius] to take on a big responsibility [Saturn] related to military matters [Jupiter in Aries] despite much personal sacrifice [Pisces north node] and the price she had to pay for speaking out [Chiron in Gemini]
Self annihilation [Pluto-Mars in Scorpio] transformation & rebirth are drives embedded in her psyche so it is highly relevant that Manning needs a major identity makeover related to gender in order to achieve some lessening of her suffering.
update: July 5 2016 Manning rushed to hospital after attempting suicide while imprisoned. Self harm relates to the Pluto-Mars in Scorpio imperative to change or die - death is the seemingly "easy" option, often selected, when the true requirement is to change the mind, the thought processes, beliefs, ideas that determine a person's condition in life. 
The intense woundedness and stress of her suffering is intense in 2016 [Chiron square natal Sun-Saturn] causing this desire for release, but Chelsea is at the doorway of much healing. She is about to be delivered many beneficial mind developments offered by Saturn in Sagittarius throughout 2017, when the time is perfect to commit to a mature philosophy of life or a profound belief system, whether philosophical, spiritual or religious.

update July 28
Manning faces solitary confinement re the suicide attempt on July 5 2016

2017 updates:
January 17 President Obama commutes Manning's sentence to give a May 17 2017 release date instead of 2045

August 2017 -Chelsea is doing well and is riding the zeitgeist that transgender people are here to stay
       photographed by Annie Leibovitz for Vogue

Related material

December 17 [1982] is also the birthdate of Steven Frayne - known as Dynamo -  Magician Impossible - who features in this post discussing his highly unusual abilities which exemplify the manipulation of material reality. Frayne has Sun [25] and Neptune [27] conjunct the GC with Jupiter [28] and Pluto [29] also in close aspect to the GC by semi-sextile & sextile.

In my experience it is not the importance of the type of angular aspect that is critical but the mathematics being close, very close or exact between the positions of the planetary bodies - since the energy flows very powerfully between positions of close mathematical similarity.

In the context of environmental events my research points to the significance of the Galactic Centre degree 27 SAG and its important sensitive points at 27 GEM, PIS, VIR - i.e all 4 signs of the mutable cross - as well as the activations at 12 LEO, AQU, TAU, SCO - the four fixed signs which are involved as well due to semisquare & sesquiquadrate angles .

Powerful natural as well as human-generated transformational events have many planetary positions and/or midpoints activating the GC
In New Zealand the current era of seismic unrest began in 2010 under the effects of Uranus in Pisces square the GC. This was aggravated by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 27 Pisces in January 2011. A more devastating quake occurred in Christchurch NZ in Feb 2011 and a mammoth quake-tsunami event hit Japan in March 2011.
The 2011 events were in the effect zone of the Dec 2010 full moon lunar eclipse at 29 SAG-GEM.
nothing of the magnitude of those 2011 events has occurred to date.

Extreme weather including severe flooding has also been a feature related to the GC being activated.
Japan's nuclear horror of 1945 occurred in the context of significant GC activation
Seismic instability returned to NZ in 2013 in the central zone with the nodal axis in July-August ranging from 10-14 Scorpio-Taurus

References & Reading
Mathematics of Chch Quakes -linked to GC
Japan nuclear events and the GC
Wikipedia Bradley Manning
**Galactic Centre Ephemeris 1900-2000


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...