Thursday, 2 November 2017

Jupiter and Abundant Sex Energy

Every 12 years Jupiter passes through a different zodiac sign. Right now in 2017 it's in Scorpio for 13 months and it brings challenges for those who don't know when to stop

Actor Kevin Spacey was born during a period when Jupiter was in Scorpio.
It's no simple coincidence that the past has been reactivated now that Jupiter is again in the astrological sign that resonates with sex and power.

This extract is from a larger post written in 2013 regarding astrological profiling sex offenders
In 2017 two high profile men in the entertainment industry have been outed with allegations of sexual misconduct. Their energy blueprint has been considered in respect of commonly found patterns of energy seen in those who are convicted of power abuse of a sexual nature.

But people will continue to be born with exactly these same power abuse patterns - and worse - because there is a spectrum running from pushy and inappropriate to downright cruel and sadistic. Astrological cycles can identify when Jupiter in Scorpio arises [every 12 years] but as revealed in the sex offender analysis this not the only indicator of uncontrolled or abusive energy.
Jupiter in Scorpio creates a big sexual confidence, lack of sexual boundaries, and a big appetite for sexual experience. Jupiter is the explorer and adventurer energy -which is fine if the other party is fully compliant, conscious and not subjected to force.
It seems very common that the Jupiter in Scorpio type of person is also born with other risk factors: planets -as identified by analysis -is particular combinations and zodiac signs which push the tendencies into overboard and out of control - at worst into extreme forms of violation.

If this story continues to grow then Spacey has a real problem.
  • His birthdate confirms he has Jupiter in Scorpio - one of the prime indicators of issues around sexual behaviour due to having an abundance or excessive display of sexual energy due to feeling very empowered
  • his Neptune is in Scorpio meaning boundaries are loosened around sex when alcohol and drugs are involved. Fantasy life involves sexual activity.
  • Pluto and Mars were conjoined on his birthdate. Pluto is the psychological drive for power and is often expressed through sexual activity and Mars is the physical and hormonal aspect of sex.
Spacey's birthdate reveals the type of person who is very sexually compulsive or obsessive and acts very inappropriately, not restraining his drives.
There is no indication of cruel or sadistic abuse.

Why is this arising now in 2017?
  • Jupiter has returned to cycle once again [12 year cycle] though 30 degrees of Scorpio. 
  • From October 10 2017-Nov 8 2018 all people born will have Jupiter in Scorpio.
  • Not all born in this period will have the same tendencies to the same degree. It depends if other factors [other planetary indicators outlined in main text] add to the issues indicated [excessive sexual energy] and predispose inappropriate or even criminal behaviour involving power abuse.
  • During this time frame sex/power issues will continue to be high profile so that the sunlight can be shed on this widespread societal problem.
  • The Sun is in Scorpio from Oct 23 to Nov 22 making this period extra likely for the Jupiter in Scorpio issues to be in the public domain.
  • There will be further extra strong trigger points in the year ahead including late November-early December 2017, in 2018 most of January first half of February, most of April, early May, late June, early August - these periods meaning times when Sun, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto - any of these - is connected to Jupiter.
  • For parents this means being aware of the importance to instil the boundaries needed for children born with this high-risk challenge.

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