Sunday, 29 October 2017

Your Name Says you're a leader - or not

Your name is a string of numbers when the occult art
 of numerology is applied. 
Each number has a particular meaning and the numbers most often associated with leadership
 and political roles are commonly found in those sectors of life.
High profile figures in New Zealand politics are used as an example of people with power and leadership indicators.
The number grid is supplied for personal use. 

This post is reprinted from ratherdullstuff

Humming away in the background of our lives are the energies related to your name - with each letter having a particular meaning. 
Changing or abbreviating your name will alter the path of your life. In adversarial careers like politics certain letters give an advantage.
Applying this approach to the list of 40 Prime Ministers of New Zealand gives some strong indicators of those successful in the power and leadership areas.First letters of first and last name are the leading energy. It pays to have strength there if you're in an adversarial career.
Helen Clark lasted 3 terms as PM due to combining several strong skills and abilities.
But success in a power role can also be achieved by less typical strengths:
John Key succeeded for 8 years as Prime Minister on the basis of one leadership indicator and 4 indicators of projecting Mr Nice Guy.
Jacinda Ardern is arguably the most determined of these 3 and can back up her drive with a very pragmatic approach

The list of NZ Prime Ministers has been referenced

This number-letter conversion chart can be used to check your own power and leadership letters.
Check the MPs lists and see how many reveal the J A S  D V M energies
This grid box is easiest for memorising.
Insert the letters in relevant box
Donald Trump scores with
Leadership [1]
Power Seeking [3]
Mental capacity [4]
Organisational skills [4]
Determination [3]
Iron will [5]
Empathy [2]

In recent NZ politics two figures score highly on the iron will/sheer bloody-mindedness factor:
Steven Joyce [6] and Rob Muldoon [6]

[Part 2 of this post will be updated soon & will focus on other numbers and their meanings]


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