Friday, 13 October 2017

Harvey Weinstein astrology profile

A 2013 post profiling sex offenders using astro analysis is worth referencing given the current circumstances faced by Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein

The global focus on Weinstein arose early in October 2017 when reports arose stating that the high profile movie producer had been fired from his own company on the grounds of claims of sexual harassment

His apology
“I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologise for it. Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.” was followed by some dispute over details in a NYT report 

What clues arise in the energy imprint that was in effect on the day Weinstein was born?
Does that energy match the indicators already uncovered in the energy of known offenders  relating to power, predatory behaviour and sexual abuse?

Born March 19 1952 the energy on this day shows key elements which have significant alignment with the profiling guide published in the sex offender post.
  • Pluto-Jupiter-Mars in a tightly connected mix. Pluto in Leo brings a dominating ego, blending with Mars in the most overt sexually expressive sign Scorpio. Add in Jupiter in Aries and excessive selfish lust is the biggest challenge in the life of a person given this combination. Pluto often introduces an obsessive element and power-seeking at all costs.
  • Neptune very closely opposite Jupiter brings in the loss of boundaries, the capacity to include lot of imagination, fantasy into the realm of sexual expression. Other Neptunian devices include substances like drugs, medications, alcohol which also tend to be part of the Neptunian toolkit. Neptune is also the indicator of addictive behaviour. 
  • Sun Pisces, Venus in Pisces give a strong emphasis on the Neptunian aspects
Why is this historic alleged behaviour in the public arena now in 2017?
The short answer is always: karma
The astrological markers just show when karma arises and what themes it contains
On March 19 1952, the day of Weinstein's birth Mercury was at 16.43 Aries at 0 hrs UT.
In late September 2017 the transit of Pluto resumed its direct phase at 16.51 Capricorn.
Within days the landscape shifted for Weinstein
Under the influence of Pluto in Capricorn many men in positions of authority or fame [Capricorn] have fallen from grace [Pluto =offer of regeneration]

As Pluto continues its transit beyond the current position putting pressure on Weinstein to replace his acknowledged selfish perspective [Mercury in Aries] with one that has adult boundaries [Pluto in Capricorn]
During 2018 and 2019 when Pluto at 20 Capricorn is 90 degrees to both his Jupiter and Neptune the pressure will continue to be sustained to replace self-centred relating with co-operative dynamics.
This is a huge 180 degree flip which is only achievable if he commits to very intensive therapy which highlights the issues identified here

In the days since this story broke in the NYT, an avalanche of claims against Weinstein have been published - including those from Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow . Then came the condemnation from men.

Extensive material has surfaced daily since the NYT story relating to conduct that multiple women say they experienced in dealing with Harvey Weinstein
Hi profile female figures within the entertainment industry continue to comment or disclose personal experiences

Yes it does mean that anyone born on this day has this pattern to a greater or lesser degree - and more particularly expressed by men.
Energy can be owned or attracted -so for women born on March 19 1952 they may be more likely to experience this energy through encounters or relationships with men.


This extract in its original form is appended to the original Sex Offender post


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...