Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Profiling October 2017: Wild Forces

Wild Forces in the natural atmosphere and in human conduct from early October 2017

Apocalyptic scenes have accompanied the sheer quantity of fires fuelled by wind in the California wildfires which arose from October 8.
The documented status of the situation is reflective of the severity of the forces involved

Extremes in weather, extremes in the force of natural elements have been expressed in this same
time frame as fire, wind, water or rain, lightning, seismic and volcanic unrest.

Disturbed natural elements and forces are inescapably connected to the human condition -and express as agitation, anger, aggression, violence, anxiety, distress, irritation, impatience.

Human and non-human energies struggle to find balance under particular conditions.
The mutual feedback makes this even more intensified: natural extreme forces disturb humans and the disturbed energies expressed by humans alter the balance of natural elements and forces.

In New Zealand in the time frame October 6-10 there were multiple motor vehicle crashes leaving 14 dead and at least 19 injured. This highly unusual spike in road deaths in such a short time frame is reflective of the impact of the prevailing disturbances upon human decision making and behaviour

All of these events -human and elemental are connected and occurring under the same influences

What's Going On?
The off-planet forces affecting us.

The fact is we are a very small planet subject to the extreme forces in our solar system and when there is a violent force generated out there Earth gets the consequences.

The exact opposition of Jupiter and Uranus occurred on September 28 at a very significant position - 27 degrees. This is the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy in 2017 and past research into extreme forces on this blog indicates that planets transiting in the range 25-29 degrees serve as funnels for the extreme forces of that galactic centre location 

But not only 27 degrees is a connection point - the 12 degree position is also involved - and when a bunch of 27 and 12 are observed - like September 28 2017 when Neptune sat at 12.15 degrees - then the forces of 3 planets are funnelling the extremes.
By October 11 Jupiter left the sign of Libra -being 3 degrees away from exact opposition with Uranus at 27 Aries - but the forces tapped into 13 days prior remain potent and still in an interacting mode with the planet's atmosphere, elements and people.
The midpoint of the Jupiter-Uranus opposition shifting to 28-29 degrees remains in force in the period Oct 11-18 and therefore would continue to show the sorts of imbalances outlined.
What intensifies the outcomes could be indicated by Jupiter now entering Scorpio [ the full period being October 10 2017 to November 8 2018 ]
One of the indicators of Jupiter in Scorpio in the human realm is mass fatalities -due to those people in the population who have the capacity to inflict such an outcome -or due to natural forces.
Pluto - the planetary indicator of all things connected to Scorpio is likely to be an aggravating force when in negative connection with another planetary force.
In October this is 9-10-11 when Pluto links to the Sun and Mercury and 27-28-29th when Pluto links to Venus.

Though Uranus has more to deliver, Pluto and Jupiter are also ones to watch now and in the months ahead and into 2018 due to the extreme forces that arise when they are unleashed environmentally and through particular people.

During enhanced threat periods such as this, individual welfare will be improved by careful self management and well-reasoned decision-making.

This site has several entries on the galactic centre locatable through the search bar [click magnifier icon to right on title page]
An article located after today's posting has some interesting findings from another astro-researcher Paul Hewit who describes the GC:
It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.
If you have been born with any planet or axis [AC-DC, MC-IC or nodes] at 25 to 29 degrees in any sign -but especially if in Sagittarius - then that factor in your energy will be able to funnel the power of the GC
Paul Hewit noted that such people can feel "other-wordly", like they can sense their extra-terrestrial origin. They may have very unusual abilities

Further posts on this blog will update the advisories.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...