Friday, 6 October 2017

Profile: Stephen Paddock - Las Vegas mass murderer

Elements indicating psychological distress, repressed aggression and extremism are immediately evident when profiling mass murderer Stephen Paddock
The Aries-Libra polarity involving Sun, Venus, Neptune, Saturn shows a double-sided personality struggling to find balance: where Libra is compliant, co-operative, friendly and peaceful, Aries is angry, aggressive, selfish.
Paddock would have swung between these two character types.

No known birth-time for Stephen Paddock just allows a view into the pattern on his birthday 

In addition the combination of Saturn and Neptune represents an internal conflict between empathy and compassion versus cold-hearted ruthlessness. Again he would have been capable of both, possibly reserving different modes for different contexts.

The Sun-Chiron connection indicates that Paddock's father and potentially older men in general served as a major psychologically wounding source, leaving him with the angry, violent residue he carried but may have largely controlled [Saturn opposite Sun] until shortly before his death.

Pluto opposite the Moon didn't do him any favours either -mother , family in general and potentially women in general were equally a source of empowerment when he could gain control..and disempowerment - due to childhood damage.

Paddock being born with Venus retrograde means the relating function is primarily internalised -lived out within the mind as opposed to in real world interactions

The extremism potential involves the mix of Mars-Jupiter-Pluto -and with Pluto and the Moon providing the emotional rage - Paddock kept acquiring the practical support he needed to extract revenge on life itself.
[Mars and Jupiter in Taurus provided the drive to accumulate money, property, possessions -and fatally a huge collection of weapons]

Pluto also linked to Saturn and Neptune shows both the highs and lows of his gambling addiction - heroic when winning [Pluto-Neptune] and a failure [Pluto-Saturn] when losing. 
The mental health impact of compulsive gambling over a lengthy period must be factored in when considering elements which propelled his major meltdown.
Paddock was destined to succumb to emotional disarray with the Pluto-Moon-Saturn-Neptune combo and any addictive choice whether involving substances or compulsive behaviour would have served to crash his mental operating system.

From perspective of his journey in this lifetime Paddock was under immense internal pressure to change, to overcome his flaws and find some healthy form of self empowerment.

Fundamentally he had nowhere to turn with such a load of psychological dysfunction acquired from early dynamics with both male and female sources - parents and possibly other key figures.

Paddock's father who died in 1998 was a high profile bank robber and general criminal described by authorities as "psychopathic"
Family history unfolding since the mass murder reflects significant aspects evident in Paddocks astrological profile It would seem that this son carried a significant dose of his father's genes.

Pluto is always about power and the need for self transformation.
Some people consciously take the positive route of addressing their wounds and finding means of healing.
Others like Paddock are battling against the barrier of self protective repression. [Saturn] Not thinking. Not feeling. Not addressing how they got where they are.
This is a dangerous load to keep stored deep within the psyche. A lot can go wrong. A lot of damage left along the roadside of your life.
Paddock kept the lid on for so long that this was exactly like a pressure cooker exploding - but with his Moon in Aquarius and a self controlling Saturn - a cold, detached mindset and disengaged emotions - he was able to plan long in advance the destructive acts he subconsciously felt would settle old scores

Pluto is also the planet of death, the ultimate transformation from one state to another. 
This planet effectively dominates the energy mix Paddock was born with. [Pluto connects tightly with a massive convoy of Sun-Moon-Venus-Mars-Jupiter, Mercury-Saturn-Neptune -a phenomenal intensity of potentially destructive force]

Paddock was truly a ticking time bomb with the clear intent to kill on a large scale
[Saturn is the clock. Pluto is the bomb]
His car at the Mandalay hotel contained ingredients for bomb-making.
His hotel room contained a high powered artillery.
He is likely to have scoped out another mass audience music venue in the week prior to the shooting.
His home address had a well-stocked gun room

The transit of Saturn reached 22 degrees SAG in late September 2017. This position was capable of activating  7 of Paddock's key planets already explored.
This truly was the timer activating an array of disordered psychological functioning.

Energy on the night of Oct 1 2017 at 10.05 when Paddock started shooting shows his timer had gone off

Saturn sits exactly to the right at 22 SAG in a position giving prominence to the theme of relating in a cold or distant manner. This energy also expressed as those relationships lost amongst the victims.

Pluto at nearly 17 CAP is in its natural location - the energy of death and transformation associated with  the 8th house.

The Moon was in Aquarius, just like when Paddock was born -and right near the lunar nodes at 23 Leo-Aquarius - activated Paddock's birth Pluto 21 Leo

Jupiter in near exact opposition to Uranus in the signs Aries and Libra link back to Paddock's Venus in Aries -26 degrees.
Libra is connected to relating and to music.
Jupiter in Libra describes a big and happy music event 
Uranus in Aries describes the sudden eruptive violence.
Together Jupiter and Uranus at this time and place describe the masses of people affected by an unexpected act of carnage.

Had Paddock continued to live he would have experienced even more psychological pressure and probably ever more dangerous disintegration.

The transit of Pluto had been near square to his Sun position 19 Aries since early 2016 but only coming to within 2 degrees of exact until early 2017.
February-March-April and June 2017 would have been times of intense stress for him with Pluto being at tight to exact 90 degree angle. It is likely this was the key period when his murderous intentions were deeply resolved.

Despite the fact that Paddock is no longer a living being, researchable findings indicate that physical death itself is not an escape from the pressures or benefits applied to the enduring psyche of a person. 
For example when a dead rock star has a revival of public interest due to an album reissue it is seen to coincide with significant planetary activation of the prior life birth chart.
In this respect death in general and contrary to commonplace perception, death by suicide is also no escape.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...