Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Sudden eruptive violence & Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto extremes

Powerful forces in combination at the beginning of October 2017 manifested as sudden eruptive violence impacting masses of people

Two locations -Las Vegas, USA and Catalonia, Spain attained global attention after violent events on Sunday October 1st
Both situations involved masses of people with hundreds injured as a result of the abuse of power.

In Las Vegas one man used high power weaponry to launch a murderous assault against innocent citizens at a music festival. Dozens were outright killed. Over 500 injured.

The astrological hallmarks of the present outbreaks of violence, anger and power abuse significantly involve Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto

Jupiter-Uranus extremes
These two planets remain in tight to exact opposition in the period Sept 24-Oct 2. in this period extremes of aggressive behaviour have impacted masses of people.
Events in Las Vegas and Catalonia occurred on October 1st:

Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries in opposition reveal extreme imbalances in the way many people relate. From very passive to very aggressive. From moderation to aggression. A sudden flip.

Under this influence sudden eruptive violence is high risk but one other factor has been of much significance:
Pluto in an exaggerated phase from Sept 25-October 2 -being in a change of direction- virtually stationary direct - means that the issues typically associated with this energy are highly accentuated:
death, transformation, abuses of power, terror, disempowerment.

These issues are always Pluto-related but are given strong activation when Pluto is stationary [about to change to direct or retrograde] or when linked in to another planet.
In major, mass events there are always a string of energies combining.

In addition: - on October 1 Mars at 16 degrees joined forces with Pluto at 16 degrees adding to the aggression factor.

The Moon on Aquarius on October 1 generated a spirit of rebellion in some and lawlessness, recklessness, emotional detachment in others.

The lunar nodes at 23 Leo-Aquarius had a direct link to the sun at 8 degrees Libra [Sun semisquare north node]
In this combination the signature theme of A high profile mass event involving human relating applies equally to both tragic eruptions of energy on that day.

Stephen Paddock and the Las Vegas massacre

One lone gunman arguably caused more violence than scores of riot police in Spain - in comparing the outcomes.
Police are attempting to discern the shooter Stephen Paddock's motive.
Numerous sources including a Wiki page quote his birthdate as April 9 1953
This makes him an Aries, ruled by Mars' aggressive force.
Moon in Aquarius = emotional detachment
Significantly he has 8 planets connected in a juggernaut pattern ranging from Sun at 19 Aries to Venus at 26 Aries and with 6 other forces all chained together - Chiron, Pluto, Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn - sitting at positions from 20-24 degrees inside the Sun-Venus combo.
Ultimately the zodiac signs themselves are irrelevant -it is the tight connection of multiple energies ready to be sequentially set alight once an initial fuse is lit. Effectively a time-bomb personality. And 2017 brought the factors that would unhinge his fragile sense of self and disconnection from reality.
The multiple elements visible from his birthdate show Paddock to be emotionally detached [Moon in Aquarius], with poor relating skills [Saturn opposite Venus retrograde] reckless/rebellious qualities [Uranus square sun and sextile Mars] mentally disposed to escapism, fantasy, gambling, delusions [Neptune opposite Sun; Mercury quincunx Neptune and Saturn] anxiety, insecurity [Saturn conjunct Mercury]  a sense of disempowerment in his relationships [Chiron in Capricorn; Saturn opposite Venus] found some sense of power through money [Jupiter square Pluto]

Society is populated with people just like Stephen Paddock who relate poorly and live in a fantasy world but the intensity of mental distress caused by the bunching of planets in his case gives a need to release the pressure.
The timing of his meltdown can be traced back to pressures building from early in 2017 and then also from August 2017.
The 15 degree eclipse in August activated his Mars-Uranus reckless energy combo

Jupiter and Saturn passing through 19-21 degrees in August began the activation of his juggernaut.
In September Jupiter went from 22-28 degrees -triggering 5 of his connected planets.
Jupiter is a big-time activator with excess and extreme being its signature energies.
Whatever Paddock had to unleash was under pressure to come out.
It seems he wanted so many people to pay for his suffering

Saturn at 21-22 degrees through September also activated 5 of his connected planets. He was under pressure to curb his excesses -and probably his gambling was getting out of control with the Saturn pressure now focussing on his gambling addiction [Saturn square Mercury]

Jupiter reached a powerful opposition with Uranus on Sept 28 at 27 degrees, close enough to his Venus in Aries at 26 degrees to activate extremely his violent capacity -something that may have been for the most part very suppressed in his life to date.

Pluto entering the picture in full brutal force at the same end of September period gave leash to a full volume abuse of power display.
One weak man with a ruthless artillery expressing his outrage against the innocent
Pluto at close to 17 degrees had been eating away at Paddock since February or March and had already reached the 19 degree position of his Aries Sun in early March before retrograding away back to just short of 17 degrees by late September. At this point the destructive capacity of Pluto resumed full conscious-command mode in Paddock's mind.

Everything had to be unleashed.
Given the extended build-up period of pressures on him since early in 2017 it is likely that his plan was hatched well in advance.
He may have recently scoped out other venues

Pluto offers a clear choice when it reaches the surface of your mind.
Change. Or die.
For some like Stephen Paddock the Die option also involved widespread catastrophic revenge.

added content & updates

Paddock arranged for partner to be overseas before Las Vegas attack and sent funds for a family home in Philippines

also read 
Detailed psychological profile astro report on Stephen Paddock
Sept-Oct astro forecast
Civil War in Spain


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...