Tuesday, 19 September 2017

September 2017 New Moon in Virgo

This New Moon brings big flavours of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune into the mix.
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Typically a basic Virgo New Moon will see issues that reflect the flow and organisation around jobs, employment, workplaces = the tasks that feed the machine-like function of society - as well as the flow and organisation of your internal system in respect of what feeds your biological system: so matters of health, diet, nutrition are more likely to arise in the lunar period starting from a few days before 20 September - until the approach to the New Moon of 19 October 2017.

New Moon exact in Auckland with connected energies
But every luminary event has its own signature, no two are alike so attention is drawn to what other transient energies are caught up in the flow of energy from the Sun and Moon as captured when the exact phase occurs.
Early triggering before exactitude is as common as events occurring on or after exactitude -it depends which other connected energy comes into position and adds weight and flavour to an outcome.

With multiple factors in the range 21-27 degrees activation of the event themes can start as early as one of the planets reaching 19 or 20 degrees -then right through to 28-29. 
For example, in September 2017 the Sun reached 19 degrees Virgo on the 11th and increased its typical one degree per day, joining Saturn at 21 degrees on the 14th. 
On September 20 the sun reaches 27 Virgo, then joined by the Moon and both reaching Uranus and Chiron at 27 degrees.
Four factors at one degree position are all connected, irrespective of their different zodiac signs.
27 degrees is a position that triggers an angle at 12 degrees. Neptune holds this position.

What does this mean?
  • This is a euphoric energy for many & a suffering moon for many.
  • Many affected, either advanced or disadvantaged
  • Multiple factors in mutable energy indicate very changing, unpredictable, fluid conditions.

[Hurricane Maria in the Caribbean at Cat 5 on Sept 19 ]
  • Network flows are affected: within the body; in transport systems - as the roads and tracks represent the rivers on land. And sea routes, and sky paths are all potentially implicated 
[update Sept 20 - Auckland several recent road incidents/crashes/injuries including college students mown down ]

[Saturn in Sagittarius affects transport flow being restricted]

Neptune is the water element showing some locations globally will literally get significant water effects.
Neptune energy can also be expressed through fluids, gases, oils and fuel

Jupiter and Uranus in tight opposition began merging closer from Sept 16 and remain at 2 degrees offset at the New Moon.
These two are like a pair of wild stallions each trying to outdo each other as they gallop together, harnessed and pulling a wagon-load.[we are the wagon load]
[ two political leaders battling to win the race come to mind]
They are contributing a lot of volatile energy, changing conditions, instability, recklessness, this could flip into wanton disregard for the responsibility involved in hauling their transport.
This combination also creates high risk of transport/traffic accidents 
Take extra care and avoid anyone driving like a wild horse.

Neptune's exact opposition to Mercury creates confused states of mind, distraction,  -or functioning under the influence of Neptunian addictive/toxic substances -drugs, alcohol.
It also can dispose people to deceit, lies, fantasy, overblown imagination
[eg politicians accused of all these excesses in campaign period]

The wild horses who lose control will likely have consumed something that impairs judgement, be sleep deprived, or will be in a vague, confused, inattentive or mentally overloaded state - all likely precursors to unsafe operation of any form of transport.

With the NZ general election just days after exact New Moon = new cycle, new beginning - the flavours will morph into that scenario and express in relevant ways - Neptune can manifest as: confusion regarding the outcome is possible; fraud/deceit or illegal voting detected, hopes wishes and visions for a caring society fulfilled or simply a state of mental mush, being unable to comprehend what happens.

The Sun-Moon-Uranus-Jupiter-Chiron effect in the election contest shows one the one hand the euphoric [Jupiter] victors starting a new job and experiencing a sudden change of life circumstances and the flip side of the same coin - those who are ousted, also facing a sudden change of lifestyle & feeling wounded. [Chiron]
Some fortunes will reverse in the course of vote-counting.
These are the outcomes in the contests with clear election night results.
Those that are too close to call due to uncounted special votes may linger in the Neptunian fog for some days.
The triumphant Party could also be sitting in the fog -undetermined at night's end in the strong Neptunian energy latches onto this event.

For the bulk of society - outside of politics - try to avoid the pitfalls of Neptune -substances that impair the mind. Look after your health by beginning a new diet, new nutrition. 
If starting a new job make sure your contract is clear before signing -errors, miscommunication are also a significant risks all month.
Take extra care when operating any form of transport -road, rail, sea, air.
eyes of the triple storms
There's a lot going on in this lunar month - lots happening, situations changing rapidly, even reversing -stuff to make your head spin - matching the hurricanes in the Caribbean -  -and as always certain people are more affected -all relative to your own personal energies and how they match up with the current patterns.

The 27 degree position = extremes
Extreme forces are forecast. September has already shown extreme weather events within the first 3 week period and the energy for this will remain in effect for vulnerable zones due to retriggering.
27 degrees has environmental consequences in terms of significant disturbances in earth's atmosphere.
When an accumulation of energies fall in the range 25-29 degrees they synergise around the midpoint 27.
27 is significant due to 27 Sagittarius being the current -and extremely slow-moving - position of the Galactic Centre - the rotational centre of our Milky Way galaxy, where a super-massive Black Hole exists.
The centre has qualities which interestingly mimic the sun:
On 5 January 2015, NASA reported observing an X-ray flare 400 times brighter than usual, a record-breaker, from Sagittarius A. The unusual event may have been caused by the breaking apart of an asteroid falling into the black hole or by the entanglement of magnetic field lines within gas flowing into Sagittarius A, according to astronomers -source Wikipedia also NASA
-the ability to produce X-flares and the presence of entangled magnetic field lines are both events that occur on the Sun.
Prior observations by the blog author have noted major environmental events clustering when there is a significant energy build-up on or closely around the 27 degree position or on/around its trigger angle 12 degrees especially if a prior eclipse or new moon/full moon inhabits those degrees [Aceh tsunami 26-12-2004; Christchurch quake 22-2-2011; Japan nuclear events & 2011 tsunami; Galveston Hurricane of 1900 ; September 2017 hurricanes  & a dedicated post Extreme Weather from the Galactic Centre]

So extreme weather including wind, rain, flood, seismic unrest with tsunami have all been observed along with human generated extremes when planets cluster on or close to the 27 or 12 degrees positions and this may reflect a resonance with the 27 degree position of the galactic centre.

Multiple Mass Evacuations
Mass evacuations of people have been particularly noticeable in the period under the influence of the August 21st 29 degree total solar eclipse [effective period August 2017-February 2018]
The mass departure of Rohingya muslims from Burma to Bangladesh
Mass evacuation from Florida USA to flee Hurricane Irma
Evacuations in Puerto Rico due to Hurricane Maria
Caribbean evacuations
Mass evacuation in Bali due to Mt Agung volcano erupting
This phenomenon of masses of people in movement due to forced abandonment of their home/lifestyle due to a severe environmental or societal threat has been observed before in the effective period of a major solar-lunar event which is positioned in the range of 25-29 degrees
Prior examples posted on this site involved earthquake/tsunami events occurred in Japan and New Zealand in February-March 2011 after the December 2010 total lunar eclipse at 29 degrees

updates 20 Sept 8.03am NZT

A destructive mag 7.1 quake near Mexico City now adds to the force of Hurricane Maria in play in the Caribbean during this high risk time frame.
two large quakes -11 days apart

These events follow the sequence of total eclipse, full moon and approaching New Moon -and the sun unexpectedly emitted large X-flares disturbing earth's geomagnetic field - all these events contained in a four week time frame and all bore signatures of earth-impacting energies
During this period the most high profile environmental events already have been multiple hurricanes in the Caribbean, now 2 large quakes in Mexico...and the new lunar month is just beginning.
Events in doubles and triples have arisen
The Jupiter-Uranus opposition is the one to watch in this current context - the struggle for balance, readjustment..energy realigning..has been featured before in big quakes.
Meanwhile the nuclear option remains on the table due to North Korean missile testing provoking global alarm..and USA's Trump threatening to "totally destroy" North Korea

Mexico September 19 2017 and Christchurch New Zealand Feb 22 2011
There are significant energetic resonances between these two major earthquakes.

Mexico has occurred in the extended activation period after the 29 Leo total solar eclipse .
Christchurch occurred with multiple factors [Mercury, Mars, Neptune & Chiron at the polar opposite position 28-29 Aquarius, with Uranus combining at 29 Pisces, nodes at 29/0  - and following the 29 Leo full moon.
This intensity of mathematical clustering is regularly encountered in major events

August-September 2017 and the cluster from 25-29/0
Total solar eclipse and critical cluster on 21st set the template for following 6 months -ready to be reactivated as other factors reach those critical degrees
Sept 20 2.42pm M5 quake in seabed shakes central New Zealand - including the capital city Wellington, seat of parliament

Very quakey time
Quakes widespread in the M4.5 range up to M7.1 in the week to Sept 21

Very volcanic time
a cluster of event warnings around New Moon
-a string of volcanoes in imminent eruptive phase

Very Crazy time
With Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un -  hurling annihilation threats

Pluto emphasises issues around sex, death, self-transformation and use/abuse of power
For some people one or more of these issues will be more significant in the period Sept 22-Oct 6 2017
  • With Pluto in a stationary direct phase..virtually still.. in the days Sept 22-Oct 6 2017 -this enhances all other intense factors. In society this impacts the political arena and raises problems with inadequate or failing infrastructure.
  • On an interpersonal level bullies are prone to behaving worse, power abuse is something needing to be challenged, disempowerment needs to be worked on.

  • An opportunity for all of us to adopt the wise choice, respond as an adult...not as a wounded child
Remember that New or Full Moon themes begin days before exact and are potentially active for the lunar month until the next sun-moon event.
Other planets coming into an activating position in relationship to the sun-moon positions will usually create outward expressions of one or more of the themes.

October updates

Jupiter-Uranus extremes
These two planets remain in tight to exact opposition in the period Sept 24-Oct 2. in this period extremes of aggressive behaviour have impacted masses of people.
Both of these events occurred on October 1st:
Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries in opposition reveal extreme imbalances in the way many people relate. From very passive to very aggressive. From moderation to aggression. A sudden flip.
Under this influence sudden eruptive violence is high risk.

read more on Catalonia and Stephen Paddock astro profile

also read 
understanding Pluto in your chart ...especially in 2017

Kim Jong-un astro profile for 2017

pre-election & post election analysis for NZ 


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...