Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Jacinda Ardern or Bill English for PM?

Who's got the right fuel in the tank in September 2017 to take the job of New Zealand Prime Minister?
It's Leo Jacinda versus Capricorn Bill and the fire versus earth energy difference has become increasingly clear as the volume is raised in the run-up to the 2017 election.
2018 updates: scroll to end for latest analysis

If full birth data were available the whole picture would be up for analysis in determining who will prevail..who has the right stuff at the right time to take the big prize - but insights are on offer giving particular likelihoods.
The transiting energies at any one point in time will enhance or challenge a person's fundamental energy potentials.

Looking at Bill English at the Sept 4 debate with Jacinda Ardern his power planet Pluto was activated by the Sun and he came out predictably in a forceful manner.
As the final week of campaigning arrives he is likely to be buoyed by the amount of popularity he is experiencing when amongst his supporters.
By Sept 21 he is likely to feel strong enough to win.
The general indicators are that English has the capacity to launch all his arsenal before the election but planetary indicators suggest there is no expected surge of energy after the election - as would be required during post election negotiations

Jacinda Ardern, in contrast has a steady momentum from her starting point as leader in August, extending through September and revealed in the likely post election negotiation period as a lot of very focal energy being activated.
Ardern has a string of 6 birth energy factors [Pluto, Neptune, lunar nodes, Uranus, Venus, Saturn] all sitting in a tight range from 19-23 degrees which will all be activated in the campaign and in the first fortnight of the October post-election period.

Bill English has no equivalent post-electoral boost.
He was born with enough intensity of energy eg Sun-Mars-Mercury-Pluto combination which has given him political stamina but the election period in 2017 indicates the power boost available to him during campaigning will not be sustained in the aftermath of 23 September.

Jacinda Ardern is most likely to prevail based on factors analysed.

update September 15
In terms of energy cycles the previous election most relevant to 2017 is the 2002 NZ general election held 27-7-2002.
The superficial parallels are that the Labour Party had a female leader: Helen Clark and she faced off against Bill English.
sourced from Wikipedia entry
At that time Clark was the incumbent, gaining a second term in office from the 2002 election.
National led by English suffered its worst ever defeat, gaining just 21% of the vote.
English was 39 when elected leader of National in 2001 [only one younger leader in National's history]
Labour's Ardern was elected Leader at age 37 in 2017
English lost the 2002 election one day after Ardern's 22nd birthday -she was born 26 July 1980 - a fascinating energy connection -and not the only one - and this one shows that English has a wounding memory that is activated by Ardern.

Comparing prevailing energies in 2002 with 2017 one standout factor is the relevance of Saturn to the realm of politics.
Saturn energy and its zodiac representative Capricorn are commonly found amongst the ranks of high profile politicians and managerial business people.
English has 5 birth planets in Capricorn and he displays the typical traditionalism and conservatism of this sign.
Ardern has Moon in Capricorn but also gains her political genes through the signs Libra and Cancer [3 factors] which all channel the political approach - but into a predominantly more classically female expression - she is the yin to English's yang.
Will it be Billy Goat

In 2002 the critical political force Saturn expressed through Gemini.
In 2017 Saturn is in Sagittarius.
This Saturn cycle is about minds, ideas, philosophies, beliefs.
Ardern has been far more identified with the visions and values she has for New Zealand.
English has stuck to the often-hollow sounding "strong economy" which alienates all the suffering citizens cast aside by the harsh artillery of neoliberalism.

The Saturn positions comparing 2002 to 2017 are in exact opposition - with Saturn reaching 22 degrees in the critical period of each of the election campaigns.

Saturn in Gemini definitely didn't work for English in 2002.
In 2017 other influences mean he is a lot stronger. 15 years more experience.
His elevation to party leader has emboldened him.
The planet Pluto transiting through Capricorn since 2009 has helped him hone his political skills.

Jupiter also didn't work for English in 2002.
At 29 Cancer at that election it exactly opposed his Saturn at 29 Capricorn urging him to embrace a riskier more open style but caution prevailed.
In 2017 Jupiter is 26 Libra at the election, reaching 29 two weeks later.
In 2017 English has come out of his fiscal shell and lapped up the public adoration.

English has never won an election while Prime Minister.
This is his first attempt and so it is a very significant political achievement for him if he can pull it off. Being at the peak of the mountain is always Capricorn's goal

Whether the links between energies in 2002 and 2017 work for or against English cannot be clearly determined without his complete birth chart - but it is clear the two elections are connected and English in 2017 has shown a determination to bury the damage he suffered in 2002. He has put up a mostly strong but sometimes desperate fight showing the painful memories are still resurfacing.

The progress he has made in 15 years has made him battle hard in the face of the tightest political race ever in NZ and not one he anticipated before the shock resignation of Andrew Little. This surprise change of dynamics and the meteoric rise of Ardern would have activated considerable anxiety about his political karma.
or Angel Ardern
Though Ardern is the true born Leo, the karmic pairing of her with English is played out again in the fact that both share a lunar node in Leo ..rather odd for a Capricorn like Bill but his public persona has responded in a very Leo way to the selfie generation and adoring crowds..taking up the Leo baton from Leo John Key and having to compete with Leo Ardern.

English has north lunar node at 19 Leo
Adern's is at 20 Leo.
This close conjunction places these two in very interesting territory from the perspective of karmic entanglement...meaning these two have old scores to settle.

Both have risen markedly to the challenge of taking control of government in 2017: English has done well to shed so much of his staid image; Ardern has risen like a rocket into the realm of public adoration and name recognition, justifying the term Jacindamania.

Both are highly motivated, determined ambitious people but English is already very much a figure of history, peddling ideologies that have failed spectacularly, but still trying to toss pieces of cake into the crowd. In contrast Ardern in vision and in generation is the tidal flow of the future.

Being neck and neck in the week before election results are tallied the outcome very much rests on whether New Zealand is ready to swim with the coming tide or prefers to battle on against the inevitable.

Our collective karma blended with the karma of two very different choices.

Friday September 15 2017

Astrology King gives an excellent summary of the psychological themes to be evoked at the potent New Moon on September 21st preceding and influencing the NZ election

There are indicators that both English and Ardern will feel the effects in keeping with their own distinct personal issues.

update September 18
The closest lunar event around election date 23 September in the New Moon of Sept 20.
This - like all lunar events - has its own specific signature -  and no two are exactly alike due to the added influences from any planetary positions linked in to the positions of the Sun and Moon

  • New Moon means new conditions, new beginning, start of a new cycle
  • A Virgo New Moon has relevance in a societal context to employment and health issues

  • The new moon is mutable = expect very fluid, changing conditions
  • 3 other influences add to the change and fluid themes
  • the new moon at 27 degrees is in tight connection to Uranus at 27 degrees and Jupiter at 26 degrees.
  • Neptune sitting at 12 degrees kicks in by angle to anything at 26/27 degrees
  • all this energy will energise the significant over-riding themes in the days approaching Sept 20 and through the lunar month till 19 October
  • a crisis in terms of a leak in the aviation fuel pipeline to Auckland airport expresses a lot of the disruption energy that is embedded with Uranus in the picture
  • the fluid and changing energy also contains elements of confusion, lack of clarity, people asking "What's happening?"
  • the changing energy can deliver reversals of fortune -where one condition is quickly overturned eg a win becomes a loss [as shown on The Block NZ auction night]
  • the potential impact on the NZ elections has to remain as a possibility...such as a result so tight that no one can immediately work out who has won..this could be revealed in individual seats as well as in the interim party results. People who think they have sneaked in on a knife edge also vulnerable to recount reversal. This will all extend the suspense...and it will be even murkier if allegations of fraud, vote tampering, double voting or other illegal activities are revealed as having an impact on results. Already there has been exposed a big issue around misinformation from electoral staff re voting on the Maori roll but more issues are likely to arise
update September 21
Bill English's - destiny turning point
With the polling variability being consistent with very fluid conditions [see this blog's Sept 20 New Moon report] many observers are feeling the tension of not having a clear handle on the likely outcome of the NZ 2017 election.
Due to the lack of an outright dominating momentum as days approach final voting, further destiny analysis has been explored for this post - related to Bill English.
It shows that while he experienced very positive bursts of energy and empowerment on the campaign trail, the picture shifts significantly in the weeks and months ahead.
The overall highly likely scenario based on multiple factors in play is that the election will not deliver a mandate for him.
Energies of challenge and change surround him particularly from the end of September.
It is well within the realm of possibility that English will either step down as party leader - or even more likely given the strength of the influence, that before May 2018 he will once again resume a background role - such as a return to running the finance portfolio or resign completely, leaving politics.

The influences urging him to break free from his conservative mould and do something different with his life will have been reinforced by his experiences on the campaign trail -where many observers have noted the change in him, different sides to his personality being revealed.

In addition the challenges to his integrity have quite probably -given the influences affecting him - delivered something of a moral crisis - painted into a corner by his own political machine and perhaps compelled to do and say things for the sake of retaining power and political expediency.
Being a Catholic as well as a Capricorn [with Sun Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn in that sign! ] ethics, integrity & the moral high ground is important. Breaching those boundaries ought to have have caused him considerable angst.

So combining a moral crisis with a personality crisis within the context of this political campaign the forces pressuring him onward to a different destiny look to be highly activated after final voting and the aftermath is likely to deliver life-changing decisions for him.

update September 24
If you only read NZ's main Sunday print media today you would think MMP did not exist and National had won.
What a sorry state of affairs. [the inept media!!!]
With neither party nor either likely coalition reaching a winning majority at the first marker both will need to negotiate a deal with the 3rd highest polling Party NZFirst. This didn't stop National's Bill English claiming "moral authority" to govern. pfffft
The word moral is only interesting because of the moral quandary eating away at his Catholic soul.
During this campaign English has descended into a pit of misrepresentation, lies and deceit -and many in the media have at least noted this.

Fast rewind back to 2005.
Neither National nor Labour had an outright majority so under MMP negotiations ensued.
Labour got to govern once a very happy Mr Peters signed up a confidence & supply agreement and got the job of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

This time he could sign up with Labour and get Deputy PM or maybe one of his preferences like Finance or Foreign Affairs.

There's a 12 year cycle in effect that amplifies the goodies for Peters.
Jupiter was in the range 23-27 degrees Libra in the post election weeks after the September 17 2005 NZ election.

In 2017 Jupiter was at 26 Libra on Sept 23 election day and passes through 27 degrees over the following week

In 2017 Jupiter is in exact opposition to Uranus sitting at 27 Aries in the same time frame

Why do these energies of upsets, change, surprising events and reversals of fortune involve Winston Peters?

His communications and relating energies [Mercury and Venus sit]  are at 25-28 Aries
and Thursday 28 September will see the prevailing Jupiter-Uranus mix intensely activate his Mercury-Venus combo..this reflects the negotiation gyrations

It is after this point [Sept 30-Oct 1] that Bill English really wanes...momentum lost, oppositional forces strengthen

update September 25

In the bluntest of terms elections are not about the benefit of the country, they are about Power.
Bill English built his sense of empowerment to a high point during the 2017 campaign but the game changed on election night..a loss of power due to being just short of total victory -even with 1 outside partner - and therefore unable to claim the right to govern.
Though he claimed a moral victory and the rights of the largest party to govern none of that has ultimate relevance if the magic number 61 is not reached.

So after Sept 23 if Special Votes cannot deliver 3 extra seats English is forced into National's "dead rat" moment -having to bow to the demands of powerbroker par excellence Winston Peters
In the 1990 National government, with Peters as Minister of Maori Affairs, Peters disagreed with the party leadership on a number of matters and frequently spoke out against his party regarding them. This made him relatively popular with the public. However, his party colleagues distrusted him, and his publicity-seeking behaviour made him increasingly disliked within his own party. While National may have tolerated his difference of opinion, they were far less willing to accept public criticism from a Cabinet minister which they determined was undermining the party. In October 1991, Bolger sacked Peters from Cabinet -Wikipedia
Bill English seconded the motion to sack Peters in 1991.
Peters was sacked again by National in 1998.
His last political arrangement was with the Clark government of 2005-2008.
In effect he has been somewhat in the political wilderness since election 2008 when he lost Tauranga -but the surprising win in Northland against National in 2015 put Peters back in the frame ahead of the 2017 battle.
Preliminary 2017 results say National regained Northland again, returning Peters to the party list position.
All of these factors give Peters a renewed hunger to claw back as much power as possible.
Although time is not on his side at age 72, sheer bloody-minded determination is his forte.

The history, the emotional baggage is undeniable between Peters and English and Peters and the National Party -even though he is capable of deciding to work against them from within.
He said on Sept 25 he would do what is right for the country - which is a typical clear as mud statement from him, open to multiple misinterpretations.

Peters has baggage with Labour under Clark but nowhere near as much as with National.
What is clear is that he is happy to battle with either side while being within a formal coalition with them

So none of the standard arguments or logical conclusions apply when dealing with Peters.
Any party dreaming of a "coherent stable government" while Peters is in the mix is thinking extremely wishfully.
Peters now has a huge incentive at this point in his political career to make his mark and remain unmovable or barely shifted in most if not all of his demands.

October 7-12 is the critical period to watch regarding final votes tallied then those results formally declared

Using just the data available for date of birth for all 3 players :

Jacinda Ardern is strong in the period 7-12 October with a theme of tough political negotiations 
[Saturn, Venus and Mars exact on her Venus]
On October 12 two indicators give a theme of political responsibility - but that will come at a cost and under conditions that will be severely testing for her.
The influences surrounding her show that Ardern if she wins this battle, will have to make some heavy political decisions and disappointing the Greens is probably in the frame.
Delivering the greater good will require some highly pragmatic political expediency
[Mars and Saturn activate her Saturn]

Ardern has an inbuilt juggernaut of energy at her disposal if and when she chooses to use it.
The combination of 6 energies in a tight sequence continues to be in play through the campaign and extends into the post voting day period.
The energy combo includes her strongest planets [Pluto, Saturn] with one of each at the start and conclusion of this energy train which gives her the strength and stamina to push herself through despite the level of adversity.
From October 5-12 this burst of intense energy is especially loaded for action.
October 16 has three politically supportive energies for her.
October 25-27 is a period to watch. Two energies elevate Ardern into a very fortunate, optimistic position. A big increase in power
If by this time is is clear a deal has been done, this looks to be a very positive time.

Winston Peters has strong activation in the period 5-7 October with a theme of very vigorous detailed discussions, finer points battled over
[Venus and Mars exact on his Jupiter and activating his Aries Sun]
His most natural day for political formalities will be middle of the day on October 11
[Moon conjunct his Saturn]

His capacity for an unconventional, evasive, mystifying style of communication is heightened in the period which will test any negotiators
[ Neptune activating his Uranus and Mars]

Bill English has one indicator in the period 5-7 October 
It's like he has to do a deal with the devil to retain his sense of empowerment and turn that into real power [some might say he has already dealt this way in his style of dirty politics in the campaign]
Part of him wants to be totally unencumbered by the messy nature of MMP and it's worst nightmare, Winston Peters. The other part says I have to. No choice.
This extreme dilemma is a big undermining factor for English.
There will be a strong urge in English to avoid any political strangulation but MMP is setting him up for such a dynamic if he takes Peters on board
 [Jupiter challenging his Saturn energy]
This situation raises the potential that English will be so backed into a corner by Peters that a resolution will be unattainable.
From October 1 there are more forces against him than with him, more indications of a change of job begin to strengthen in October and are sustained during a 6 month period.
[Uranus challenging his Saturn]
At best this could express as a change within his current role, being forced to work differently by Peters. At worst he does a John Key recognising he has seen his high water mark.
Both Ardern and English will battle as hard as they can with the consummate brawler to form a government and this English-Ardern contest is as hard to score - with all the ups and downs - as a bout in the ring - whether you're a political pundit or using alternative methods of assessment.

With the strong positive political indicators showing for Arden on October 12 she may have lost her smile just occasionally during the hard fought claim to lead the country but her odds remains high - in terms of the flow of energy - to survive the battle and be installed as Prime Minister.                        

Though some information is missed by not having full access to personal birth data for any of the candidates, which can remove counter factors from the argument, sometimes enough is visible to suggest the way things might pan out.

[Saturn is political energy.
Jupiter and Uranus combined indicate change, shifting energy, success or reversal of fortune
Venus and Mars energise the interpersonal dynamics
Neptune is the evasive, confusing element]

update September 26
further analysis has been added in the Sept 25 update adding further notes re the energy picture for Ardern in
update October 16
The shifting sands of the post election soap opera have been a testing challenge for the population at large, the finance markets, the media, and those inside the political beltway.
It has also been harder to zoom in on specific dates as the main focus..since the potential critical dates keep being bypassed by the process determined by the ring-master Mr Peters
Latest energy analysis shows that October 18 is a big energy day for all 3 of the key players -Peters, Ardern and English
This may signify further intense negotiations and an announcement. 
As already stated the indicators for the following week - the 25th-27th look positive and significant for Ardern -but the good stuff begins swinging in as early as the 24th. 

update October 24

  • On October 18 it was announced by Winston Peters after further intense negotiations on that day, that a decision was due to be announced the following day.
  • On October 19 Winston Peters announced at 7pm that his NZ First party had chosen to enter coalition with the NZ Labour Party led by Jacinda Ardern.
  • On October 24 it was announced that Winston Peters would take the roles of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister.
  • On October 26 the new government will be sworn in with Jacinda Ardern as Prime Minister, coinciding with an influence upon her that brings a huge increase in power.
A Game of Thrones analogy has been portrayed in this cartoon referencing a little tiff with Australia

update Feb 1 2018
Talk of a challenge to Bill English is consistent with the tide going out on him
As stated here in Sept 2017:
It is after this point [Sept 30-Oct 1] that Bill English really wanes...momentum lost, oppositional forces strengthen
These energies will build to consistently challenge him late April-early May & November into December 2018 and still linger through to early March 2019. 
This extended time frame -if English is not in the mood to go - could indicate a messy attempt to cling on against the inevitable rather than a quick acceptance of reality. He will not be able to resist some degree of change -whether that ends with a lesser role in the Party or a total career shift. The latter is most appropriate in the context of the flow of energy rather than seething away in the familiar context of politics.
If he leaves early rather than late the change energy extending into 2019 will be used productively in his new position.

update Feb 13 2018
Bill English announces he will leave politics on Feb 27.
The energy of a political coup remains attached to this decision - cartoon tweeted on this day.

more updates will be added as relevant


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...