Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Jacinda & Winston or Bill & Winston

Examining the potential coalition options emanating out of the nationwide general election of 2017 the question arises as to how much inherent compatibility exists between the third party leader and the leaders of the traditional political Right and Left
The key figures as at late August are Jacinda Ardern [Labour], Bill English [National, Winston Peters [NZ First]

Energy analysis based solely on 11 energy factors* in effect on the date of birth for each participant gives a distinct picture.

Jacinda with Winston
Jacinda Ardern  born 26-7-80 and Winston born 11-4-45 are both Fire signs -an immediate capacity for bold assertive conduct. She is a Leo -sign of the heart and known for their sunshine quality and he is that most masculine of signs Aries. This fire compatibility creates a basic level of energetic comfort.
Both have the water sign Cancer in a significant role -housing and family matters are important. The capacity to care about people underlies their motivation.

Both have the earth sign Virgo trait of being hard-working.
Both are strong personalities and this could result in some standoffs, jockeying for power but Jacinda is likely to be quite diplomatic and compromising towards Winston's renegade qualities. Her soft side will be quite calming for him. She is comfortable working in partnership. His natural instinct is more stand-alone but he can respond to the benefits of co-operation.
She has the capacity to balance out his rough edges
He will respect Jacinda when she reveals her depth of focus and commitment even if her strength is a challenge to him.
Overall an 8/10 compatibility rating

Bill with Winston
Bill -born 30-12-61 is a Capricorn -an earth/practical sign and his backstory is very typical of the sign of the Goat..rising out of the lowlands of agriculture slowly, steadily into the lofty peaks of the Beehive to attain the role of Prime Minister.
You would therefore think Aries [the Ram] would get on famously with Capricorn - but the ram is the young blood in this contest [despite Winston being the Elder statesman.] Aries is forceful, pushy and impatient where Capricorn is slow, restrained and steady. These two signs are regarded as having fundamentally incompatible energies.
And where Winston is loaded with Aries energy [Sun, Mercury, Venus] Bill is loaded with Capricorn [ Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn] Slow and Steady. Mr Family Man. This is the No Thrills package with only one Fire quality [the ego quality that likes the fame & public acclaim re his status as PM ]
The story does not improve when other key indicators are considered.
There is no love lost between these two because they are ill at ease with the extreme differences they detect in each other, all capable of creating mutual significant distaste, frustration and dislike if placed in a forced political marriage. Caution is on one side with risk, unpredictability, spontaneity on the other. Though Bill may occasionally secretly wish he could be as loose independent, quick on his feet and unpredictable as Winston is.
These two will truly battle for control, a battle of wits.
If they choose to ignore all the obvious warning signs gleaned from years of personal observation of each other the likelihood of falling out will become even more apparent at close quarters.
Overall compatibility shockingly low ..even 2/10 may be optimistic

Let the games begin

update October 24 
On September 23 National assumed they had won an MMP election when it was patently clear that an alternate option was viable.
Negotiations proceeded from September 24 to October 19 with Winston Peters, leader of NZFirst seeing which policy alignments would work with either a National or Labour-led government. Labour already had a support agreement with the Green Party.

The full outline of how Jacinda Ardern came to take the top job is detailed in depth in a dedicated post
Jacinda Ardern or Bill English for PM

also read
Winston Peters - Aries profile

* The zodiac signs on each person's birthday as expressed through the characteristic style of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, lunar nodes on that day - plus the type of energy expression identified through the geometric connections between each factor for each person - and how the overall energy  of Winston interacts with the energy of  Jacinda and Bill.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...