August 2017 is an eclipse month -two eclipses in a month known for drama on the world stage and in 2017 the drama is primarily coming out of America, with President Donald Trump the poster boy for the uncontrolled human emotions which are posing significant collective threat.
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Great American Eclipse August 2017 |
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via Express |
In assessing the energy mix that is present the ingredients are examined - like looking at a cake recipe - what is put in and combined creates certain distinctive flavours, textures and certain outcomes.
August 2017 with eclipses on the 7th and 21st - and the latter one being the most potent -a total solar eclipse it is clear already to astronomers that the late August event has a visible pathway across mainland America.
The themes of both eclipses, the lunar and solar are repeating the same refrains: they involve the need to resolve major conflicts and to moderate extreme responses.
The implications of the solar eclipse pathway - to observers of esoteric significances - is that America will feature majorly in the themes activated in August 2017 - though the significance for humanity in general is implicit in the solar-lunar cycles that we are continually impacted by.
[ June 1918 was the last similar pathway but it was a whole different cake recipe -the eclipse with multiple factors in Gemini and mutable signs activated saw major train crash in Nashville; a mass poisoning in Chicago]
Drama is the outward expression typically seen when Leo energies are highlighted and reinforced - but the fundamental suffering feeding this disturbance is important to reflect upon.
While the predominant energies of Leo, Pisces and Libra in August can generate the responses of love, compassion, harmony and peace in many people there are powerful opposing impulses involving Pluto, Capricorn and Aries which will be intensely activated in the minds of others - to seek power at all costs, responding with hatred, cold cruelty and brutal repression. Leo at its worst is very ego-driven and will also latch onto a dictatorial urge expressed through Pluto. Leo also belongs to the tribal group of signs [ Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius] for whom survivalist instincts are extremely strong.
We are not all created equal in our personalities or dispositions. Each of us operates from the frameworks and filters which serve as gateways and methods of comprehension in interpreting the world around us. Each of us sits somewhere along the spectra of response to every issue, every intellectual, every emotional stimulant.
This is why agreement can be so hard to reach beween people who sit at the extreme peripheries and how there is much more hope when people have closer mental/emotional alignment.
With nuclear devastation being risked in the ego battle between President Trump and North Korean President Kim Jong-Un these two men are clearly in the territory of conflict and finding restraint a challenge to their impulses.
Diplomacy seems lost in this era of American politics.
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Robert E Lee statue |
As August proceeded and the eclipse energies strengthened before the solar eclipse American home territory saw events which typify the themes in play: in Charlottesville Virginia on August 12 two very strongly opposing forces met at the Unite the Right Rally and mayhem erupted, emotions running high and physical violence spreading. Within this seething suffering one man decided to allow his impulses full reign. It is incredible than only one person died [albeit with multiple persons injured ] when he used his car as a killing machine into a crowd of anti-racism demonstrators gathered to challenge the extremist and heavily armed neo-Nazi and KKK allegiants there to protest the removal of a beloved Confederate statue of General Robert E Lee. The mood had darkened since the April 2017 proposal to remove the statue to calm racial tensions.
The opposing sides in the August rally were in some respects indistinguishable in their hatred and violence of each other according to an on-site New York Times reporter @SherylNYT
No matter what the cause being defended any white self-identified patriot American using the violent fear-inducing methods of fundamentalist terrorists is justifiably defined as a terrorist.
For all of us the pressure is building within to find the balance between impulse and restraint and to find out where we sit along the spectrum of compassion and aggression.
In New Zealand the right wing government has proposed just weeks before the general election to set up a military-style programme to deal with a sector defined as hardened youth criminals. Seen as desperate politics by those in justice and social support networks in an international context, this approach is regarded as doomed to failure.
The opposing values are highly activated in such an issue.
The offending youth are seen as "bad" while the socio-economic drivers of poverty and alienation perpetuated by this long-standing government through the politics of inequality are what government opponents can see as grounds for compassion and as an alarm call to address deep-seated social problems.
In New Zealand public response to politician Metiria Turei and the issues of poverty and inequality also activated the two opposing sides -punishment and more in a recent post on this site
The Trump risk being magnified in August is highlighted in a prior astrology post from 2017
Australian politicians including Turnbull and Bishop have gone troppo in a very dramatic fashion accusing the NZ Labour Party of trying to undermine Australian sovereignty and bring down the Liberal [cough] government
Also read analysis re the similarly hate-driven terror attacks in Barcelona Spain, August 17 2017
No matter what the cause being defended any white self-identified patriot American using the violent fear-inducing methods of fundamentalist terrorists is justifiably defined as a terrorist.
For all of us the pressure is building within to find the balance between impulse and restraint and to find out where we sit along the spectrum of compassion and aggression.
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Snowden thinking along the same lines at this time |
In New Zealand the right wing government has proposed just weeks before the general election to set up a military-style programme to deal with a sector defined as hardened youth criminals. Seen as desperate politics by those in justice and social support networks in an international context, this approach is regarded as doomed to failure.
The opposing values are highly activated in such an issue.
The offending youth are seen as "bad" while the socio-economic drivers of poverty and alienation perpetuated by this long-standing government through the politics of inequality are what government opponents can see as grounds for compassion and as an alarm call to address deep-seated social problems.
In New Zealand public response to politician Metiria Turei and the issues of poverty and inequality also activated the two opposing sides -punishment and more in a recent post on this site
The Trump risk being magnified in August is highlighted in a prior astrology post from 2017
Australian politicians including Turnbull and Bishop have gone troppo in a very dramatic fashion accusing the NZ Labour Party of trying to undermine Australian sovereignty and bring down the Liberal [cough] government
Also read analysis re the similarly hate-driven terror attacks in Barcelona Spain, August 17 2017