Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Kim Jong-un - power crazy in 2017

North Korean President Kim Jong-un is gaining global attention in 2017 in a period coinciding with the effects of transiting Pluto.

2018 updates posted after main post

President Kim was born on Jan 8 1984 - a Capricorn with Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio.

The Sun was at 17 Capricorn on his birthdate and transiting Pluto has lingered around 16-17 Capricorn since early 2016.

The activation of Kim's Capricorn potentials is also accompanied by the energies of Scorpio being triggered - since his significant planet is Saturn and the current Pluto effect will also bear a connection to Scorpio themes.

What does this mean in lay terms?
Capricorn and Scorpio are the two most control oriented astrological energies - as expressed through their respective planets Saturn and Pluto.

Pluto in Scorpio is extremely controlling.

Scorpio themes also include a fascination or significant focus on death or at least radical transformation.

Capricorn wants to be the big boss, the leader the ultimate authority.

Through his testing of mega-death weaponry Kim is sending a message to the world that he wants to be accepted as the supreme leader on a global scale not just in his own isolated nation.

All weaponry is a technology of power and its use overwhelmingly constitutes an abuse of personal power.

By employing top of the range nuclear weaponry, Kim is toying with the most lethal of technologies and threatening a gross misuse of power by placing the lives of millions at risk.

His sustained testing program is a testament to the wilful determination to show the world what he wants others to think he is made of but the psychological impairment behind such a need reveals the fragility within - he is in effect operating under a grandiose facade.

The effect of transiting Pluto activating the desire for global power will be sustained through to late 2017 [ by mid December Pluto reaches 18 Capricorn then continues moving away ] but a restraining effect from Saturn in late November could result in him having to show much greater restraint [Saturn at 27 Sagittarius will conjunct his natal Jupiter at 27 Sagittarius]

2018 updates
Presidents Kim and Trump have been jockeying positions in their goal to gain the ultimate power and prestige over negotiations regarding denuclearizing North Korea. On behalf of North Korea's intentions America has been courted [early March] China has been courted [late March], South Korea has been courted [late April] and all seemed to be on track....
The mid-May New Moon saw the start of a new 8 year cycle of Uranus in Taurus which has a strong turn-about energy attached courtesy of Uranus and Mars both at zero degrees in their respective signs at that time - Taurus and Aquarius.
Wilful stubbornness could be a summary of this combination of assertive forces.
Kim Jong un announced on May 15/16 that further talks planned with S Korea were cancelled, citing anger at joint military exercises with US
It is noted that Kim was born with his mind energy [Mercury] and control energy [Pluto] at 1-2 degrees in Capricorn and Scorpio will be subject to the effects of anger [Mars] and sudden change [Uranus] during the latter half of 2018 May-Nov. He may be less threatened or as least more subdued in the period Nov-March 2019 - before being reactivated in March-April 2019

April 2019 looks particularly risky for power struggles.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...