Thursday, 13 December 2018

Theresa May = True Grit

 We know that Saturn is exalted or operates with great nobility in Libra -so the challenge of Saturn in Capricorn in 2018 to anyone with a Libra Sun between 1-11 degrees during the course of this year - is to function with the utmost grace and measured management of self and others whilst facing enormous opposing forces.
Libra is typically an accommodating, mediating energy that prefers peace over war, keeping the calm over causing any disturbance - but in the cold harsh winds of politics which is represented by Saturn - and Saturn in Capricorn can deliver a great freeze, a lockdown, a showdown, a complete impasse.
Theresa May received all this and more in the context of the Battle of Brexit: great disaffection, being widely criticised and disliked. But she stood firm and has passed the point of the last Saturn square to her sun for another 30 years..which she is likely to avoid.
Saturn on Dec 12 2018 was at 9 degrees -just a degree away from her birth Sun at 8 Libra. But though moving comparatively slowly, it is moving away from her, giving some release from the intense adversity.
Mars will oppose her Sun in mid January - which is an oppositional force which demands further skillful manoeuvering - but overall the worst is over...for some time.

Her astrological string of pearls is Pluto-Mercury-Neptune-Saturn all hovering at or close to 29 degrees in the range from Leo to Scorpio. This means that all 4 forces get detonated at the same time -for better or worse. Pluto next to Mercury gives a laser-like mental insight. Neptune next to Mercury brings in the collective vision, the capacity to see the Big Picture; Neptune next to Saturn puts that vision up against cold harsh realities but when merged these forces are formidable in their sheer determination. Bundled energies like this will always deliver periods of crisis in a person's life. Since November 2018 and including up to May 2019 all the New Moons in the 15 and 14 degree positions activate all the 28-29 pearls so this sequence of solar-lunar positions has reinforced and amplified the intensity of the crisis she has faced.
It is hard to suggest that any post-war leader in Britain has had even a whiff of such a Herculean experience.

BBC reporting


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...