Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Back into the Fire & Renewal: Uranus in Aries 2018-2019

Four months of Uranus in Aries after a brief entry into Taurus will see several standout features resume
From November 6 2018 to March 6 2019 the heat, fire, anger, impatience, aggression and assertiveness  commonly associated with Aries - at its worst indicating an imbalanced condition of excess Yang will be evidenced in particular people, natural forces and environmental conditions that resonate with this potential.

The force supplied courtesy of Uranus is sudden, unpredictable, unusual and capable of generating pronounced change.
The Camp Fire and similar wildfire outbreaks in California arose in November as Uranus moved back into Aries  - and coinciding with the amplifying potential of Jupiter locked into the same pathway as Uranus -both at 29 degrees. Mass consequences for homes, families and structures in general were written in the stars as the 29 degree solar-lunar nodal points were equally captured at the very same time period in a monumental display of natural forces.

Nature has its own inherent deeply intelligent processes and fire plays a crucial role in the renewal and regeneration of forest ecology. People affected by such an event are being pressured to discover that same capacity to start a new cycle.

When in Aries Uranus is highly likely to manifest through particular people [with the inherent potential] as being too hot - overheated and or bad tempered, impatient, irritated, with subsequent aggression.

The Uranus connection to accidents - especially in Aries - is common-place: impatience, risk-taking and speed resulting in vehicle crashes.

Aries likes to assert the Self and can equally be accused of selfish behaviour or commended for bravery.  Being in the military or the boxing ring or Formula One racing are some of the environments that have Aries qualities.

Some people are born with an undeveloped capacity to assert themselves -or early life can literally knock that potential out of them. For some this can relate to being too Yin and not enough Yang -and typically women need more yang, men need more yin. Yang is the ability to know who you are, what you want and go for it -but generations of women have repressed those urges in favour of being the caregiver to everyone else at home and at work. Eventually frustration, tiredness, ill health are the consequence of longterm denial of the need to focus on balancing out the give and take.
When Uranus is paired with Aries during a period of transit [usually 7 years -this period began in 2011] a new level of confidence or a change in self expression can be on offer for those whose development has been held back.

This last chance Aries window for many decades [Uranus has a cycle of close to 84 years] is now - Nov 6 2018-March 6 2019 -for those who want to renew themselves through fearless, assertive, conscious Me time.
You've put it on hold for long enough. If the real you has been ignored now's your best chance to be who you want to be.

In the heat of a crucible alchemy can take place 


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...