Tuesday, 24 December 2019

2020 themes in the human collective

The flavour of Virgo the third earth decanate as an expression of Jupiter Saturn and Pluto within the final 10 degrees of Capricorn is considered in the 3 minute audio link sited in Google Drive Audio file

In some places a much greater shift towards authoritarian and dictatorial governments and corporate power but where possible there will be resistance and reformation demanded
Purification and perfectionist agendas have returned as in the 1930s across Europe but now in diverse nations East and West including within major world powers
Polarised politics reflect the ongoing intense struggle for humanitarian conditions of life across the planet.
The themes of 2020 have already been forewarned during the past 2 years.
2020 is where the buck stops and things get serious
The reining in proceeds with full intent


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...