Friday, 23 June 2023

The Titan Titanic Story: Neptune the Deep


24 June 2023 update

With full investigation of the Titan tragedy still to commence it is possible from an astrological framework to look into standout clues.

A suggested complex of planetary factors is given here - represesenting the implosion forces that authorities consider destroyed the Titan submersible on June 18 with total loss of life.

Implosion in extreme environments describes the immense pounds per square inch pressure at oceanic depth or in outer space as a consequence of gravity

    OXFORD Dictionary definition and NOAA [US Govt] definition

The immediate suspects in extreme pressure causing implosion in terms of planetary forces are Saturn [gravity] Jupiter [immense] Pluto [power/force] 

Typically in events of violent destruction such as nuclear forces gas explosions Uranus is also prominent due to the dramatic degree of change unleashed in anything or person subjected to such a force.

The evidence is clear when looking at the chart and midpoint grid for a reported time 9.47am  [ used in the main body of this post ] due to the loss of communication then between Titan and its base ship.

This data is validated by the rounded times quoted at

In extreme events the numbers tend to be very tight

My work focusses a lot on midpoints - where factors meet and synergise and semisquares which are a stress/challenge/adversity factor [which definitely do not warrant being overlooked: eg the 15 degree fixed position being midway between all cardinal points at 0 degrees attains a very powerful expression and this works as a general principle in all sign modes ] 

These positional factors will often tell the story when little else does - especially when there is a gathering that is in agreement.

This chart fits those qualities

Jupiter-Pluto        18.5 PISCES

Saturn-Neptune   17.5 PISCES

= four of the 5 big players

accompanied by

Mars-Chiron         18 GEMINI

18 mutable is semisquare 3 fixed = lunar nodes

This means the above 6 factors all synergised in respect of the lunar nodes 2.8 Taurus-Scorpio.

Lunar nodes are a factor in the Sun-Moon-Earth relationship and therefore represent an elevated significance as well as adding to the potency of energy unleashed.

Saturn was stationing retrograde while sextile tightly with Jupiter

Uranus is in the frame too but not so immediately apparent.

Uranus and Nodes meet at 12 Taurus

Neptune 27.5 Pisces is semisquare 12 Taurus

Neptune was exact square the 27 Gemini New Moon which had occurred earlier on launch day.

Sun and Moon synergised at around 28.85 Gemini in the above chart still closely square Neptune but also quincunx Pluto around 29.85 Capricorn - matching themes already noted.

Others may extract more to tell this story of extreme pressure causing implosion and loss of life.

What is clear is that a web of interlinked factors is typically involved

 My method involves the standout features that leave no doubt.

The full report is here:

The Titan Titanic Story:  Neptune the Deep

A team of deep sea explorers left St John's Newfoundland on Sunday 16 June 2023 - embarking on a deep sea adventure inside a 22 foot long capsule to enjoy a tourism trip to the famous wreck of the ship Titanic which encountered an iceberg and foundered off the coast of North America in 1912.

2240 people -passengers and crew - were aboard Titanic when she struck the iceberg in unusually cold waters.  706 people survived the tragedy.

Further updates will be added to this content due to an expected intense focus from various sectors investigating and commenting on the loss of the Titan and all aboard

Route of the Titanic April 1912

A death toll in the region of 1500 aboard Titanic and only 333 bodies recovered  means many were lost in an oceanic cemetery - a fate repeated many times over the course of human maritime exploration and adventure. This event left a massive imprint in the invisible layer.

The oceanic environment like that of outer space is loaded with challenges that serve to put human technology and human lives to the ultimate test: we and our creations are expressions of the world of form - of materiality. Our constant endeavours to extend beyond terra firma  into different domains where other elements and conditions prevail carry high risks which continue to push back against human failure to comprehend and respect the processes within the earth-based natural environment - both land and sea - as well as in the far different far less physical realm of outer space

graphic of the Titanic sinking in April 1912

Thursday 22 June 2023 local time in North America was when it was determined that the adventurers who set out on June 16 and submerged into the ocean on June 18 inside their cramped capsule Titan - were irretrievably lost. Not only was the on board oxygen supply expected to be depleted by then - but search investigations had concluded a catastrophic failure of the submersible craft on the basis of contents found within a debris field located in the region of the Titanic wreckage.

NYT graphic

Within the field of astrology there are methods of analysis that can anticipate severe adverse conditions. 

This author has an ongoing focus on planetary factors that pertain to extreme weather and extreme environmental events. 

It is clear that planetary indicators allow clear insights into understanding natural processes whether related to human life to weather or to physical events such as structural collapse.

In this era of increased space exploration examples are common where adverse planetary factors or negatively impactful solar dynamics can be identified in respect of failed launches. This situation will continue in a Russian roulette style of tempting fate if explorers continue to maintain a separatist view of life. Separatism in this context reflects a non-holistic relationship with nature and the cosmos and a hazardous mindset of controlling and dominating natural environments and elements. This is far more a Western view not a traditional Eastern or indigenous notion of our place in the universe. Sadly even that cultural distinction has blurred in our world in the pursuit of wealth and power - but it is a fool's game to forget our place: we must return to what is written in the stars.

Bellow are some relevant observations made by this author on Twitter -starting from when it was reported that the Titan had lost communication some 2hrs into the descent down to the Titanic wreck and then failed to resurface within the 8 hour time frame related to the expedition.

Date of birth data was only available initially for one of the 5 occupants of the Titan - British billionaire elite adventurer Hamish Harding. He was due to turn 59 on 24 June but this period carried the weight of Saturn. He was born with Saturn in the sign Pisces and his demise is highly symbolic of the fated quality of Saturn in connection with the water element. All astrological indicators carry potentials. The quality of the potentials manifested at any time in any context or individual are dependent upon the interactions with other factors. The challenge with each factor - such as a planet in a sign - is to know how to manifest the highest expression/most elevated/most advanced/most developed potential of that pairing of planet and sign - and when the house-based interpretation is added in this offers an ideal environment for that expression to arise. Without a personal birth time this further layer is not referenced but the option is available of using a layout of equal houses starting with the known Sun sign.

The loss of Titan being a collective experience -where the fate of one is likely to match the fate of all it was worthwhile to focus on indicators relevant to only one person in this tragedy.

As news began to filter through some days had passed since the launch of Titan on Sunday 18 June local time in the Atlantic

An alert was evident on June 20 on looking at Hamish Harding [ HH ]

No single factor tells the story in any context and human astrology will also contain repeat indicators on a theme: for HH Neptune in Scorpio  could express as death in water   - related to an expensive adventure [JUP TAU ] - with the adverse semisquare to Sun-Node  - giving a high profile and mass impactful situation. Natal Mercury and natal Saturn-Chiron were very relevant too - Mercury due to the stress from Neptune in transit and Saturn-Chiron [a double whammy vulnerability potential ] - in Pisces - being natally very tightly opposite Pluto. His Saturn 5 Pisces was also opposite natal Uranus 6.5 Virgo These aspects in combination constitute a very high risk of a tragic demise related to an accident involving any of the Neptunian expressions - water poison chemical gas alcohol drugs. Jupiter opposite Neptune is a clear descriptor of a large body of water - the ocean

Being deep in the ocean was a true tempt of fate for HH

Immediate connection with the legacy of Titanic came to mind and so reference was made to a chart created by for the time of sinking chart for titanic sinking

Factors in the sinking chart for titanic were clearly evoked:

Titanic sinking Moon 26 Pisces 15 April 1912 

Titan disappearance Transit Neptune 27 Pisces 18 June 2023

Neptune responded toTitanic moon

Titanic Uranus 3 Aquarius

Titan Lunar Nodes approaching 3 Taurus-Scorpio 

Nodes 90 degree square Titanic accident

Titanic Chiron 9.5 Pisces

HH Saturn  5 Pisces

The two vulnerabilites to water in alignment

Titanic Neptune 21 Cancer squ 21.5 Titanic lunar nodes -both sextile Neptune 20 Taurus

HH Saturn 5 Pisces = semisquare 20 Cardinal [Cancer Aries-Libra]

Have just received while writing

 birthdates for other Titan occupants

 and have quickly noted near end of this post

 some very relevant factors in 3 others with data located

A chart for the time indicated when comms were lost with support ship and sub Titan.Media reports have lots of conflicting information re times. The 7.30am launch was used as the reference point indicating the sub had been undersea for 2 hours 17 mins at this point 

Indicators had already emerged that Titan was not simply a 2023 story: it was a story embedded in 1912 at the very least. The strands of connection back to the large scale tragedy in the Atlantic Ocean were beginning to signal that the past was being revisited by some who needed to return there.

June 21

Recalling a summary posted June 15 re potentials for the June 18 New Moon: included sea transport issues.

And some pondering on a potential causative factor: whale strike - since the location is a transit route for large species humpback whales [ a Titanic survivor reported a school of whales had gathered at the scene]

Comparison noted here re size of an average female and length of Oceangate Titan.

Big mass {Jupiter in Taurus} was in mind here  - now in hindsight it may reference the 'tens of thousands of tonnes -the weight of the Eiffel Tower" being the sort of compressive force at the ocean depth of around 4,000m [BBC report]

As I write [morning of June 23 in my time zone] with some debris located: theories of catastrophic collapse/implosion of the pressure chamber are presented

via BBC Live Update report

Further Titan Titanic 
parallels noted

The above tweet refers to the midpoint grid for the Titan Lost chart where the noted midpoints in Gemini and Virgo synergised negatively with Neptune 

June 22 

I also looked at the role of Neptune in raising false flags: multiple projections around noises & their sources were likely totally irrelevant

Also the issue of being under stress in a tight environment evoked in me knowledge of the fascinating psycho-pathological work of Stanislov Grof related to traumatic birth experiences and their aftermath

A further Titanic link was reported: on board Oceangate CEO Stockton Rush being married to the greatgreat granddaughter of wealthy Titanic passengers Mr & Mrs Strauss -who remained on board preferring to go down with the ship [a scene recreated in James Cameron's epic titanic movie} 

June 23

Current assesment as per BBC report suggests the implosion site was in the region of 1600 ft/487 metres off the bow of the Titanic wreck -due to the number of large pieces detected - including a nose and tail part - which points to pressure also blowing the sub outwards.

Several people gave their lives to this adventure - one as youthful as the age of 19.

More individual data now online via Wikipedia: some planetary pointers to the Neptune qualities as well as links to Titanic sinking have been quickly noted  and may be pursued in a later update

Hamish Harding [UK] born 1964 was due to turn 60 on 24 June

Stockton Rush [US ]  born 1962 was aged 61 

If the given date is correct: Mercury c.24 Pisces Mars & Jupiter also in Pisces. Neptune 13 Scorpio. Pluto 8 Virgo

Paul-Henry Nargeolet [FRA] 77 

[data now available 2 March 1946 = Sun  c.11Pisces. Mercury c 26 Pisces Nodes 27 Gemini ]

Shahzada Dawood [ UK ]  [48]  12 FEB 1975

Moon likely early Pisces. Venus 16 Pisces Jupiter 22 Pisces 

Uranus 2.5 Scorpio= squ Titanic Uranus 3 Aquarius 

Chiron 21 Aries = Titanic north node & squ Titanic Neptune

Suleman Dawood [ UK ]  [19]  no further data at present 

Investigations into this globally impactful event will be manifold and enduring.

Five people lost their life and many more will be impacted due to varying degrees of close association.

Global news coverage also brings a tragedy like this into the lives of many more - including those who pursue risk and adventure and those who are risk averse and prefer a more virtual experience.

Learning about errors of judgement is part of the human process and Neptune too plays a big part in that frailty and in this context serves as another example of the challenge faced as humans to be in this world [Saturn] in a practical realistc functional way - while prone to the remnants of our Neptunian formless origins before incarnation as I have written of before

Whatever the larger picture is surrounding the pull of Titanic for those who have died by her side in 2023 - it is clear even on a brief inspection that it was a collective pull a powerful tragedy they needed to revisit.

Many will grieve the impacts of both events

 and may the souls of the dead kind comfort there


James Cameron Titanic director and deep sea explorer in his own right describes the similarities with Titanic as "surreal" in this June 2023 video where he also considers the engineering of Titan to be the issue: 

As visually apparent the sub has several constructed elements - the end and middle sections. The end sections are titanium metal. The 2 joined hemispheres comprising the main compartment are made of laminated carbon fibre which are the suspected cause of integrity failure leading to implosion

Cameron said in another interview that he knew Monday 19th that the most likely scenario was implosion then had to watch the "futile" search unfold.This came in conjunction with reports that the US Navy using already in place sonar detectors intended for enemy sub surveilllance detected a sound consistent with implosion or explosion related to the Titanic zone at some point close to when comms were lost.

Another Neptunian factor he mentions re the carbon fibre lamination is that water ingress [water under extreme pressure ] will cause the delamination process and eventually be an audible sign detectable by a sensor but eventually by human hearing.

Further Reading

A Wiki about Titan has been quickly scanned after publishing this post and is well worth noting due to controversial aspects claimed re Oceangate and the Titan Submersible. 

This material may be used in further updates planned


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...