Sunday, 14 May 2023

UFO Sightings - Planetary Patterns Considered

UFO Sightings - Planetary Patterns Considered

The famous "There's a whole fleet of them" US Defence crew report in 2015 - managing to capture one image

Pluto hovering at zero Aquarius since late March 2023 will have been very impactful for many - perhaps helping to clarify some ideas about the timing of UFO sightings on Earth.

Firstly a few ponderings about propulsion:

correction here: Stations Direct & Retrograde are a feature
Further details below

update Sept 3 2023
Listening to this Spotify podcast discussion on UFO/UAP phenomena & non-human intelligence my ears perked up with a comment that there is a belief that gravitation is the source of UFO propulsion. 
This option is within the range of possibilities if the gravitation field is understood on a holistic scale embracing the key planetary bodies orbiting this solar system -and therefore the field is functioning as a coherent integrated system whereby the contributions to the field from any of the possible planetary factors serve as enablers of propulsion under the appropriate conditions - that particular patterns of alignment  -eg solar-lunar [ such as eclipses] solar-lunar-planetary or planet-to planet [ including retrograde periods] are possible examples of enablers of gravitational propulsion.
This line of thinking informs the contents of this report.


 Having reviewed work on the UFO topic started mid 2022 
a recent news item about ionised propulsion fuel for spacecraft I considered how this might relate to the operation of UFOs -particularly as according to the US NUFORC database of sightings - now a far more representative survey due to both accessible technology for capturing sightings and heightened awareness and interest compared to the pre1960s minimal records going back to 1940
For example 2022 saw 5008 sightings posted.
Between 1947 - when a notable increase occurred - to 1960 the highest number of reports gathered annually was 93 in both 1957 and in 1960

By 1975 sightings were climbing to a level where June alone in that year had 128 but overall highest monthly figures from the early 1960s to early 1990s tended to show a median of 70 sightings in the month with most sightings - an overall range from 27-128 in the period of highest monthly sightings 1962-1992. The biggest cluster was within the 65-75 sightings range [ highest month per annum of ]

Figures are continually updated but at time of this report it is clear that by 1993 the highest month tally was another step up: to 109
By 1999 the figure was 455.
In the 21st century the numbers continued an up then down climb with highest month figure peaking first in 2014 at 1129 - but this has been a rarity.

From 2010-2022  - 13 years inclusive

Tracking the number of months with sightings of 700+ in a calendar month
2010 and 2011 had one each
2012 - 5 months
2013 - 6 months
2014 - 6 months
2015 - 3 months
2016 - 1 month
2017 - 0 months
2018 - 0 months
2019 - 3 months
2020 - 3 months
2021 - 0 months
2022 - 0 months

Strongest concentrations of all-time sightings listed on NUFORC therefore fell in the 2012 2013 and 2014 years
Full year figures:
2012 -  8199
2013 -  7873
2014 -  8779

compared to

2019 -  6404
2020 -  7404
2021 -  3609
2022 -  5008

Total annual figures posted began to climb in 1995  - when June lost its top place to August. Some random snapshots:

1995        1515
2000        3140
2005        4543
2010        4840
2015        7009

These totals overall highlight 2014 as the most significant year so far for UFO sightings posted on NUFORC and since 2000 the lowest annual total has been year 2000 - which was double the 1995 total five years prior.

 Patterns or trends may be  extrapolated from the data. 
Apologies for any errors in this quickly compiled snapshot.
Totals on NUFORC are regularly updated

As this is not a completed study -more of a teaser -  fully formed conclusions are not posted here. Best to offer just some initial observations:
Look at any year from 1947 - when reported sightings began their initial slow climb -i.e. the ultra famous ROSWELL incident July 1947 must have spurred much wider interest. Look at the planetary ephemeris data from 1947 to the present -currently full data to 2022 at NUFORC and look for periods/months of highest reported sightings and several consistencies will arise

Firstly the month of highest NUFORC US UFO reports 1947-2022
June is by far the highest -  in 32 out of 76 years - ceasing in 1997.
July took highest totals in only 15/76 years but July featured in second highest in 40 out of 76 years.
July featured almost consistently second to first place holder June especially  1968-1991.
Then the pattern shifted to mostly July in top position - 1997-2018 featuring top in 14 years out of 22
The June-July emphasis was starting to decline from 2015.
July has not held top or second highest position for NUFORC US sightings after 2018

The pattern now is diverse. 2019-2022 4 year period has
DEC APR MAY SEPT in top place with OCT MAR DEC AUG in second place.

An explanation for this change may well be a more even spread of sightings all year round now due to devoted observers.
A proper analysis would likely reduce statistical differences since the late 1990s when all months began to register over 100 sightings. 
In the earlier decades it would make sense that being out late under clear skies in summertime contributed to the June-July emphasis in sightings. 

A further explanation involves planetary patterns which may be proposed as a theory re why more sightings cluster at particular times.
Some astronomy is needed to visually explain the proposals here.

The planets of significance are the outer ones from Jupiter to Pluto - with the outer 3 - Uranus Neptune Pluto featuring far more frequently when higher sighting totals are reported - compared to Jupiter and Saturn.
The significance of outer planets in the retrograde period as this is known in astronomical terms to be when these planets line up with Earth - termed opposition as the planet is positioned in a line from planet to Earth to Sun on the opposite side to when behind or in conjunction with the sun. The vertical alignment shown below is actually an overhead or bird's-eye perspective of the orbital paths of both inner/inferior and outer/superior planets

The period when an outer planet reaches East Quadrature [space perspective -not same as Earth] has significance in the sequence of relevance.
The East quad is a 90degree angle to the planet-earth-sun alignment position

At quadrature an outer/superior planet is exact with the red dot positions
At quadrature the planet is viewed as in Direct motion.
Pluto was at East Q April 14 2020 [Universal Time] - being 90degrees angle to both Earth and Sun while still Direct. 
Typically over the next 11 days later Pluto's position is perceived from Earth as slowing down to a virtual halt - called a Station. This exact Station was on 25 April 2020 UT when the planet is termed Retrograde - an apparent backwards loop - an optical illusion due to both Pluto & Earth being in rotational orbit. 
Once Pluto lines up with Earth and Sun [around 3 months later] it is termed an Opposition and is still retrograde. 
The switch to what is termed a Direct orbital path occurs for Pluto around 2 months after opposition. West Q is reached around 12 days after this. 
Clearly a very even pattern of time-based points along the timeline from East to West Quadrature.

Connecting Orbital Positioning with UFO reports

Of primary interest is to try and align monthly recorded UFO sightings in the US with a particular planet/planets and patterns.
Due to orbital variations and the nature of a complex system there is no single signifier to point to but there is a collection of strong indicators.

The above diagram needs to be referenced to follow the sequence of ideas - so here is another zoom in to the points of interest:

We need to look at outer planets reaching the Red Dot on the East when the 
planet in transit is at right angles [90 degrees /square] to the Earth and Sun alignment.

Using Pluto as an example:
Pluto takes 11 days to go from the East square to start of when apparent retrograde is viewed from Earth perspective.
 Retrograde will last 5 months plus a variable 5-10 days before Direct station occurs.

PLUTO is shown when aligned with the Earth to Sun line
and is determined as in opposition to Sun while conjunct Earth
The timing for this alignmentin this example is July 20 2022
[in 2023 this position is reached on July 22]
Pluto is Retrograde [RX]  from April 29 2022
and extends until direct [D] is observed on October 8 2022
This pattern is observed for all planets from Mars to Pluto.
A planet lining up with the Sun while retrograde also lines up with Earth.
Opposition occurs exactly midway bewteen RX and D
Quadratures [when planet is 90 degrees square the Sun & Earth]
 occur slightly less than 2 weeks before the RX and after D.

The relevance of this information is that there looks to be a strong likelihood of witnessing and reporting UFOs in the USA when an outer planet is in range of a station Retrograde or Direct.

Being in range of a station means a planet is experienced in slow motion because the recorded daily movements are close to standstill. This extra slow passage occurs before and after the exact station date;

Example PLUTO:
2023 May 1st was exact station RX at 0'21.8 in astrological Aquarius 0 hrs ephemeris time
 [New American Ephemeris]
Pluto was in extra close range of that position since being at East Quad on April 20 at 0'19.9 and was already slowing in approach to the square to Sun - taking 17 days to move from 0'10.0 to 0'19.9 = 10 mins in 17 days. Pluto is the slowest but the same slowdown occurs just not as extreme for the other outers.
After exact RX station Pluto retains a slow daily movement of around a minute a day until after opposition. Then slowdown is seen approaching Direct station -less than a minute a day becoming a virtual standstill close to and surrounding station Direct and the West Quad square [2023 Sun Libra]. The pace then takes around 8 weeks to pick up to 2 minutes a day.

The East quad square is undeniably the strongest sign of slowdown beginning and the second sign is the period surrounding the West Quad square. These points represent a major angular relationship with the Sun

In viewing NUFORC reports for UFOs in the US there looks to be a pattern of observations when the 3 main outer planets Uranus Neptune and Pluto -one or more of these - are in slowdown -whether that is in weeks approaching a station or in weeks following because the whole period from before to after a station is an extra slow period.

Other factors noticed include when multiple - 3-5 outer planets are in Retrograde 
Example May June and July during several years in the 1980s.
While retrograde planets will always have a perion in opposition to the Sun
In 1985 this included Saturn in May Uranus and Neptune in June.
Pluto was in the group and had its oppostion late April so was first to go Direct in July - being extra slow most of that month.

Being slow being Retrograde and being angled by 90 degrees square and 180 degrees opposition to the Sun are key factors noted all of which can involve several planets over a period of a few months - and therefore may bear a relationship to UFO sightings.

A planet being connected to the Sun from a 90 or 180 degree angle [the latter when retrograde]  possibly means connection to the solar magnetic field the plasma field or some as yet undetermined field may be a relevant factor which raises the question of whether being in the Earth field is because an energetic refuellling is enabled by utilising our safe distance from the Sun to take advantage of the solar charge-up of their craft. But it is not simply the Sun because planets are in a feedback relationship with the Sun - it is not a one-way set-up but a dynamic holistic integrated system.

Eclipses too are in the mix of potential attractions for UFO activity.
Eclipses are extra strong New or Full Moon positions where the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon or Moon in shadow of Earth.
The solar eclipse New Moon places a shadow path cast from the moon onto Earth
The lunar eclipse is a shadow cast by the Earth onto the moon
But both shadows are the work of the Sun -the consequence of light obstructed.

The two arrangements in this Time&Date graphic

Eclipses tend to make all energies in the solar system heightened - so whatever status of the planets when an eclipse occurs  - including retrogrades and angles to the Sun-Moon pair have a longer than normal time frame of effects - lasting months. 
This means an eclipse effect carries forward and can easily merge with a period of multiple retrogrades and several planet angles to the Sun.

Looking at months with highest reports is not as useful as looking for a sequence of say 3 months of elevated totals where reports peak in the middle month.
Factors promoting UFO visibility can be accumulating in the month before peak reports and then are sustained to a peak followed by lesser numbers in the 3rd month.
This suggests multiple factors arising which keep promoting UFO activity and sightings and therefore reports.
This is without doubt an ongoing enquiry so more content when accumulated will be added in as additional material.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...