Saturday, 13 May 2023

Economics Associated with the SATURN NEPTUNE Cycle

 The Saturn Neptune Cycle 

Considered in reference to Cyclic Peaks and Troughs

Relevant to Inflation Tax Interest Rates

and Recession

source: Visual Capitalist

Typically there is no single planet or cycle resonant with major events but any standout factor/s are worth pinpointing. Outer transits and cycles accompanying an observed cycle will always be worth tracking to assess their contributions.

Though a few of those extra factors are noted here this analysis is more focussed: the economic waves and troughs that are signalled by Saturn aspecting Neptune.

An examination of 4 global recessions within recent decades – the early 70s 80s 90s and 00s points to structural weakening related to major stages in the Saturn-Neptune cycle. What is clear is that the decline in material integrity – the collapse of a structure of functioning within the world is well described by the imbalance of Saturn and Neptune in our human consciousness - and that such processes are a natural cyclic recurrence

Saturn in Neptune’s sign Pisces is also worth observing
Saturn being aligned with Cardinal traits is inherently oriented towards maintaining balance building fundamentals and securing a firm foundation.

Neptune being Mutable is the great dissolver – intent on dematerializing what Saturn builds.

Clearly a mismatch is emphasised whenever this pair meet up.

Saturn is our guide to functioning in a physical plane of existence – how to succeed in the world.

Neptune is our origin and return state devoid of materiality.


also see July 2022 expanded post on Saturn-Neptune

Essentially the message is: how do we utilize Saturn to be in the world – while being “not of it” – how to walk both paths how to find the balance?

This problem plagues humanity and so periodically Neptune shows up to give Saturn a tap on the shoulder. Uranus tends to play for both sides when a standoff arises – sometimes in support of Saturn other times in rebellion.

Other factors like Uranus and Pluto also play a significant disruptive or annihilating role that can be seen to work alongside a Saturn-Neptune transit.

Uranus in Taurus during WW2 disrupted not only food supplies leading to rationing – but also fuel [ fuel: petrol gas oil are all associated with Neptune]

UK rationing intensified in 1942 under a Saturn-Uranus in Taurus conjunction. 1944-45 saw three Saturn-Neptune squares

Uranus in Taurus in the 2020s has responded both to the global contagion of the Covid-19 virus [Neptune] and to a different war in Europe -the invasion and assault of Ukraine since February 2022 both of which ceased/delayed/restricted functioning of global supply chains: Uranus enjoys a good disruption a sharp jolt to your comfort level. The increased cost of fuel – adding further expense to goods and airfreight means that supplies of imported products remain subject to ongoing restraints in 2023 – we have returned to reliance upon literal shipping – the longer slower version of transport – the Saturn-Neptune large container ship across oceans option. The brakes are already being applied in the system of global trade.

Global Recession Factors

Focussing on Saturn and Neptune and the timing of 4 most recent globally relevant recessionary periods – the determining state of affairs re the global economy points to GDP contraction and weakening signs in economic activity underway when those recessions arose.

Events do not manifest in full like a resonating bell simply on the date of an exact transit. The exact transit sets the theme which over time bears fruit and is triggered by a variety of other prevailing transits. The complexity of this often gives multiple options - which demands the sort of sustained microanalysis that few choose to apply. The lesser option involves finding patterns and seeing when there is high potential for a resonance that enables a close repeat of the past.

First we look backwards from a manifestation period

because it is clear that dates are somewhat arbitrary 

and the fact 

that nothing fruits before several stages of development

at time of writing in May 2023 Brent is around $US75

A much higher price in 2022 contributed to higher inflation

1. 1973-1975 – ”First oil shock”: the oil crisis continued to impact economies due to increasing oil prices/oil embargo. Hyperinflation occurred in goods & services. Much jostling for control re oil occurred in the 1950s prior to OPEC formation in 1960 Key transits: Suez crisis 1956 Saturn semisextile Neptune; Saturn square Pluto. April 1972 Saturn opposite Neptune. Uranus and Neptune both in fixed signs. This illustrates the sort of extra detail that can be mined. Next just tracking Saturn-Neptune:

2. 1980-1981 – “second oil shock” drop in oil production. Key transit: Saturn triple square Neptune September 1979 and March and June 1980

3. 1990-1991 – background of high inflation consumer pessimism then Iraq invasion of Kuwait and high oil prices. Key transit: Saturn conjunct Neptune occurred 3x in 1989 with the last in November 1989. [1989 saw aggressive rate hikes by the US Federal Reserve under the Capricorn conjunctions ]

4. 2007-2009 – Global Financial Crisis Key transit: Saturn opposite Neptune August-September 2006 and February to July 2007. The oil price peaked in 2006-2007

In this list the main transits are 2 oppositions one conjunction and one square but the so-called minor aspects are definitely part of the processes bewteen these two planets.

Prior Saturn-Neptune oppositions within the past century were 1936-1937.

Squares occur more often – around every 16-18 years and include 1944-1945 and 2033-2034,

Conjunctions arise around 36 year periods, Sequences of 3 conjunctions also arose in 1846 and 1952-1953, The next is early in 2026.

Interest Rates

Here is where the less noted aspects seem to cluster.

Interest rates were very high in 1980-1981 but dropped after July 1981

Impactful on drop points were:

June 1980 SAT-NEP squ & Dec 1980-July 1981 Saturn conjunct Jupiter

June1983 SAT-NEP sxt

Aug 1986 SAT-NEP semisxt

Feb 93 URA-NEP semisxt SAT

Sept 2003 SAT qncx NEP

Dec 2008 SAT-NEP qncx

Nov 2019 SAT-NEP sxt

Apr 2022 SAT-NEP semisxt

After April 2022 the sharpest [fastest ]interest rate rise since 1980s visually at around 80 degree angle…reducing to 75 degree somewhere close to Dec 2022

The next angle is the Feb 2026 SAT-NEP conjunction

which has not featured in rate drop points since 1980.

Nor has the opposition.

In 2006-2007 rates were very similar to 2022-23 around 5%

[ last SAT-NEP opposition ]

In 1989 [triple conjunctions] As inflation climbed the US FED aggressively hiked interest rates - a peak after the 1986 semisextile

Tax Cuts

Pluto in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces in the 1960s saw corporate tax cuts under JFK which helped expand the economy - the well known prosperity of the 1960s.


Early 1920s Europe hyperinflation [Germany] was preceded by Oct 1921 Saturn semisquare Neptune and Uranus trined by Pluto [URA PIS - PLU CAN]

1923 peak Saturn sextile Neptune.

The practical cause of hyperinflation for Germany began with the expense of the war onset - declared August 1914.

SAT formed an applying semisextile to NEP [SAT GEM NEP CAN ] when war was declared.

Then SAT-NEP reached conjunction in Leo Aug 1917 3 years of the financial burden of war having been endured and with one year of war to still play out.

Another 3 years later - August 1920 the separating semisextile in Virgo-Leo

The hyperinflation in Germany was locked in in 1914 and peaked in 2023 according to the referenced source below.

The Future

In the 2020s

January 2023 had the applying semisextile SAT AQU to NEP PIS

In this era the cost of human warfare along with the huge expense

of the natural warfare of extreme climate events

[especially flooding with the Pisces emphasis]

These events may by 2026 bring some resonance with the WW1 era

- nations effectively bankrupted.

Saturn conjuncts Neptune in Aries February 2026

Again neatly 3 years after the semisextile.

The separating semisextile arises November 2029

Saturn in Taurus Neptune in Aries

A century after the October 1929 sharemarket crash in the US

that heralded the Great Depression



Rate Hikes US "2022 was almost double the pace of rate increase in 1988-1989" 

Interest Rate Changes

Tax Cuts

The Next Recession


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...