Sunday, 30 April 2023

Profiling : LEO Jessi Combs

The Phenomenon: Jessi Combs

This post is intended as a tribute

 to an amazing woman Jessi Combs.

Apologies for any detail corrections

 that have been missed.

Although astrological analysis has been woven through this account in order to understand

 key factors in Jessi's life

the general reader 

can find much that is in plain language 

and gives insights 

into the life story of Jessi Combs

American motorsports superstar Jessi Combs lived a short but very full life. She died at age 39 doing what she loved best –experiencing the exhilaration of speed while achieving another milestone for women in motorsports

Jessi excelled across multiple classes of off road vehicle sport and was multitalented in driving skills using a range of vehicles but her prize goal was to exceed prior records held by women in land speed. 

Her last attempt achieved that ambition but it was also the day she left planet Earth.

Jessi’s impressive career history – which also involved her high profile work in television and support of women in the motor trade industries is on record. 

All combined it is clear she lived life to the full and left an impressive legacy –not only for women – but also in her motorsports achievements.

It’s very temping to imagine that Jesse was a fast-living Aries – pulled towards the pleasures typically assigned for men’s enjoyment – a professional career involving cars trucks stock cars grand prix motorbikes a jet vehicle speed and danger – and it is known that as a child she bonded very closely with her father’s love of motor engineering – but we have to look deeper into Jessi’s profile to find out what drove a sunny Leo into this type of fame.

Watch Jessi interview

D.O.B. July 27 1980

Looking at the essence of Jessi’s date of birth imprint [positions rounded]:

Her North Node 20 LEO supports her 4 LEO Sun naturally drawn to a high public profile due to being encouraged & supported by attention approval and fame.

Before her professional racing career Jessi poured her Leo energy into diverse creative skills.

At odds with the 20 LEO-AQU nodes are Chiron 18 TAU and Uranus 21.5 SCO. The CHI-URA opposition is difficult emotionally and can express with CHI in TAU as an early imprint of not being valued and not being emotionally fed enough due to a more detached quality in her parent/s – [ Uranus opposite Chiron ] This pattern in TAU-SCO can arguably result in body issues or body defects or disabilities. The early aspect re this may have involved not identifying as a girl and therefore in adulthood pulled more towards a male dominated lifestyle.

With no Aries the energy expressed by Jessi is coming through her Mars and Pluto in Libra: Mars 9-Pluto 19 = midpoint 14 LIB.

This is a powerful channelling of energy will and transformational capacity but those arguably higher than typical testosterone levels leading Jessi into dangerous motorsports were at odds with her Mercury at 15 Cancer – the more typically female urge towards home and motherhood – the unmet needs she held unresolved till her death.

An incredibly driven work ethic came from the pairing of Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo – not in close conjunction at 10.5 and 23.5 degrees but the midpoint of these at 17 Virgo is of significance.

Saturn tightly square Venus 22 Gemini is the source of her unsatisfactory private relationship history – a highly popular very admired personable agreeable and engaging personality well-loved in the motorsports world but unable or unwilling to meet the need for a true life partner. 

The deeper level that Jessi attuned to was spiritual – 

Neptune 20 Sagittarius was square the JUP-SAT midpoint 17 VIR and square SAT 23.5 VIR as well as sesquisquare her 4 LEO Sun and closely opposite natal Venus 22 GEM. 

Kindness and belief in higher forces infused her way of functioning in the world. The Sagittarius-Virgo conflict reveals a mismatch between the work compulsion and the spiritual level seeking freedom and release. Trying to satisfy both was a challenge pursued though the experience of the chemical highs achieved through dangerous success.

Jessi died on August 27 2019 – 4 weeks after her 39th birthday – while driving the North American Eagle supersonic jet racing vehicle to achieve a long sought goal.

Delays after earlier record beating land speed efforts in 2013 and 2016 had plagued her goal of becoming the fastest woman on Earth: wrong conditions and vehicle faults. The personal sacrifices –unmet needs put on hold were beginning to cause an emotional conflict – and she was starting to struggle with a major spinal injury experienced 12 years prior that had taken her into 8 months post-surgical rehab.

Jupiter in Sagittarius was 13.5 degrees when the 2007 accident occurred while off the track in a workshop environment. 

Jupiter was almost 15 degrees on Jessi’s last journey.

Natal predisposition for the severe structural spinal damage came from the CHI-URA opposition in TAU-SCO with URA sextile Saturn – and Saturn weakened by the square from Neptune in Sagittarius. With SAG being the astrological signifier of sport and adventure impacting structural strength it can be proposed that after the severe spinal crush injury suffered when a large bandsaw unit toppled onto Jessi in 2007 aged 26 her fate was sealed as high impact hi speed motorsport with the amount of sustained vibrational forces involved since at least 2011 activating the weakness associated Neptune in undermining again her spine’s structural integrity. 

Even aside from death her last ride was likely to be her last ride at top level competition. Such were the stakes and Jessi pushed to the max to satisfy her long-sought motorsport ambition.

           2012 via Nick Ares

2007 Severe Injury

On the day of Jessi’s 2007 major spinal injury [January 29] –

The Nodes were 17 PIS-VIR matching her JUP-SAT 17 VIR midpoint – this suggests the potential for a long past – prior life scenario had seen her involved in demanding “back-breaking” work – leaving this imprint in her morphic field.

Jupiter and Pluto both in SAG on that day [ 13.5 & 28 ] met at 21 SAG – being a match for natal Neptune 20 SAG and square natal Saturn 23.5 VIR. The powerful force and large scale of the injuring object that toppled onto Jessi with the weakening consequences for her spine being aggravated by sport are all elements described by these planetary influences on that day but not the only factors at play

Uranus at 13 PIS was conjunct the north node 17 PIS – their midpoint at 15 PIS. 

The September 2006 Lunar Eclipse forewarned that 15 PIS was a degree to take notice of. 

The involvement of Pisces in an accident [URA in PIS] can involve such typical factors as sleep drug alcohol or distraction issues. The one factor in that group that was on record in the documentary Fastest Woman in the World was exhaustion/lack of sleep/overwork and the high suspect is the last factor – Jessi pushing herself beyond her limits is a hi potential in the 2007 accident  

Transit URA 13 PIS was square transit JUP 13.5 SAG – accident involving a large object.

Transit Saturn 23 Leo was square natal Uranus 21.5 Scorpio. This shows the limiting impact on her career due to the accident – but not only the 8months in physical rehab because Saturn in February 2007 locked in a conjunction to Jessi’s 20 Leo North Node. The seriousness of her spinal injury and quantity of structural implants needed effectively signalling a very negative impact upon her career would eventually unfold.

2019 Last Run Success

Efforts were made over a number of years to find the right conditions and right vehicle fitness for the perfect run when Jessi could claim the female land speed world record

2019 had opened with a very impactful solar eclipse at 15 Capricorn on a day –the 6th – when Saturn and Pluto met at 16.5 CAP. Sun Moon Saturn and Pluto were closely opposite Jessi’s Mercury 15 Cancer. Aged 38 the tug between public career life and the nurturing private life she still craved would have been increasingly on her mind causing an impossible dilemma.

In addition this combination served as a very challenging energy against Jessi’s Mars-Pluto combination at 14 Libra still wanting the success but also still craving the transformational partnership in her private life.

All this mental-emotional conflict could only be resolved by winning the title and quitting at the top level.

On the day of the last run - August 27 was selected – again fate can be shown to have played a big hand.

On that day Saturn was 14 CAP opposite her Mercury 15 Cancer and exact square her Mars-Pluto 14 LIB. 

Saturn when in control puts the brakes on  brings progress to a grinding halt

 The midpoint of SAT 14 and PLU 21 CAP was 17 CAP on that day. Again a transiting lunar south node connection was made : the nodes were 17 Cancer-Capricorn

& 17 Cardinal was sesquisquare the transit Sun 3 Virgo.

Jessi’s 15 Cancer Mercury was on the lunar north node.

Chiron 5 Aries speaks of damage from speed danger or fire: 5 Aries is sesquisquare Jessi’s north node 20 LEO – a dramatic end point involving those Chiron attributes. The autopsy key finding was “blunt force trauma to the head” [Aries] being the cause of death before the fire ignited. Her jet-propelled vehicle had apparently hit an obstacle [Saturn] on the race strip which led to front wheel collapse while at over 500mph with resulting loss of control of acceleration. Manual shutdown was impossible.

Natal Pluto 19 Libra resonates with 5 mutable.

On the last run Sun Mars and Venus lined up from 3 to 7 Virgo with a 5 VIR midpoint.

Perhaps the deeper meaning of Pluto in Libra for Jessi was that she had been transformed by the relationships forged within her chosen career and this may have been her underlying legacy for herself and for those she inspired and worked with in professional partnerships.

Saturn looms large as the spanner in the works in the disastrous destruction of the test vehicle.

At 14 CAP being opposite natal Mercury 15 Cancer and square natal Mars-Pluto 14 LIB a classic t-square formation implicated Jessi in the events of the day:

Although success was achieved it came at the ultimate cost.


Though may we struggle to understand the longer story of a person’s life – lacking knowledge of the continuum from prior to present to future lives it is clear that Jesse knew she was being called – that this life had served her and she had served this life: she had some visions of leaving this world through the portal of her land speed vehicle. She knew her time was due.

Since April 2019 Neptune in Pisces had come opposite her hardworking Jupiter-Saturn energy at 17 Virgo. 

Jessi was called home.


Watch The Fastest Woman on Earth to experience Jessi’s story.

Jessi's website

Jessi's biography



  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...