Monday, 22 March 2010


NOW we are in the MARS phase of the Sun, in the sign of ARIES - plus Mercury & Venus also in Aries means a lot of thoughts about ME what do I want. An opposing energy from SATURN in LIBRA means relationships are under stress -any that are shaky may not handle the opposing forces and conflicts. especially March 21-23. Impatience, irritation and selfishness are being offset against calm, balance and fairness, so try to make it a clean and dignified break not a messy one.
For those who can handle it this is a time for taking on that sort of commitment to a partner which involves outgrowing so much of the All About Me agenda. Tiger Woods take note.
With 6 planetary energies in ACTION signs ( the Aries-Libra-Capricorn-Cancer group) only Cancer is inactive currently and that's the least assertive anyway - so expect the other three to be pushing you to ACT if your personal energy pattern resonates with these signs ( i.e. your whole pattern as displayed when you were born - not just your Sun (Zodiac) sign). The tension, pressure & friction could be high with conflicting emotions, indecision so outbursts of a dramatic kind are on the cards, with the influence of Leo coming through Mars.

WATCH OUT for March 25-27 when another player in this group, heavy-hitting PLUTO has a big say in what goes down. Sadly this will come through as violence, abuse, physical harm for some, within the context of wanting to leave a controlling partner or change a relationship. If you are at all in fear of someone make plans now to be out of reach before the 25th. In others, this energy has the capacity to transform childish ways into responsible adult practices. How each of us responds is down to our own personal makeup and potentials

Full Moon March 30 continues this relationship theme for another lunar month. How we relate to others - fairly, selfishly, abusively, responsibly - all these options are under the spotlight, for you to make your choice

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Astro Diary March-April


In NZ the New Moon occurs at around 10 am, 16 March.
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter & Uranus are all in the same sector of the sky –and all but Jupiter – so 4 “planets” are bunched up together in the sign (PISCES) that is most indicative of WATER. This table provides a small sample of various related energies and how they manifest, arranged in terms of contexts

Environmental element
water, rain, sea, snow, ice, oil, plastic
born 19 Feb-20 March
Culture & things
movies, photos, ships, boats, fantasy, idols, worship, religion, spirituality
Emotions & states of mind
weepy, sensitive, spiritual, clairvoyant, compassionate, dreamy, sleepy, hypnotic, addicted, deluded, dishonest
liquids, drugs, poisons, alcohol, tobacco
Body weakness
feet, poisoning, overdose, addiction

As we approach the 16th March and the gathering of the group of planets in Pisces, many of these manifestations are likely to show up in news items ( because a lot of this energy is coming through people, places, events). The amount of energy means the profile of these pisces expressions will be higher than usual, and in some cases happening very suddenly or in a highly unusual way due to the influence of Uranus ( in effect to March 2011). The influence of Jupiter continues beyond March and relates to an abundance or extreme of water ( tsunami, floods, storms, snow already in evidence). Any of the other manifestations can arise in a sudden, intense or unusual way this month particularly before the shift to Aries.
The planet Neptune & asteroid Chiron travelling in synch bring outpouring of collective empathy over suffering. Mass events like Chile bring out extremes –the best & worst in people.
The late March Full Moon in Aries-Libra will test relationships. Stay together or go solo?

From 21 March the highlighted energies relate to Aries and the planet Mars. These relate to:

Environmental element
Fire, heat
born 21March-20 April
military, arson, guns, weapons, speed, fast cars
Emotions & states of mind
anger, aggression, impatience, confidence, assertiveness, courage, independence
anything hot
Body weakness
head, abrasions, cuts, wounds

The marsy aggressive feel could be a bit pronounced on the 21st with Sun, Mercury, Venus in Aries plus Mars linking in as a fire sign in Leo.  Bushfires and arson come to mind.  Saturn in Libra countering this energy means older people need to exert influence, as peace-makers, mediators in response to the raw, juvenile energies that are produced by lots of Aries-Mars influences. The rebuilding of Jupiter’s effect of exaggerating the water element, starts in March and keeps building through April, May. Neptune-Chiron effects continue from early March
The Aries New Moon on April 14 is about courage and survival.

What is Space Weather? Why do you need to know?

SPACE WEATHER is what is coming at us from space – since we are all bathed in an electromagnetic energy field that is generated by our own planet and which interacts continually with charged fields from the sun, the gravitational pull of the moon and the energy field of the rest of the galactic planets – we experience effects from all of those changing forces. They shift us up, down, sideways , they alter our reality, by serving up a continually changing set of circumstances, by altering our moods and responses, yet we also know that our lives are subject to cycles, where circumstances return or repeat: we seem to revisit the past and we are not alone in this. Everything in nature is cyclic, in fact everything goes around in circles. Everything from the trillions of subatomic particles that comprise you and all matter, to the water exiting your bath is moving in a cyclic, spinning system. How is it possible for you to feel separate from this? Only by forgetting or denying. You live on a spinning globe, which spins around a much larger spinning fiery sphere, a star we call the sun, which dominates our solar system of planets spinning in a gravitationally connected domain of space.

This is a system dominated by spin, meaning movement in circular patterns, with inherently repetitive cycles –as obvious with the movements of the sun and moon in relationship to earth, enabling day-night-day-night continuing and the seasonal changes. The whole solar stem is not only gravitationally connected, but also energetically connected in an electromagnetic way. One form of that energy we call Light, but that is only the visible portion of the radiated spectrum. The sun calls the shots in terms of being the major influence over conditions in the rest of our solar system. We on earth, as well as everything else in our system of planets, are exposed to a charged field called solar wind, emitted from the sun. No one really knows how the complete system works. Scientists are yet to resolve the pathway opened by Einstein: physicists are still puzzling over the link between gravity and magnetism in order to reach the Theory of Everything.

Astronomy and physics tell us a lot about our natural and unseen worlds, so their research is very useful in contributing to the findings of other investigators who observe the impacts upon people, society, culture and planet earth. All of these aspects are quite specialised areas of enquiry and all are contained within the assessments made by astrologers who study past, present and future cycles in order to make sense of the experiences we have day to day, on our passage through time, living on a turbulent planent.


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...