Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Power, Predators & Narcissists

November 2013 with the eclipse in Scorpio and the tight 90 degree Uranus-Pluto angle, brings POWER & abuse of power issues into prominence

As the month began:
The global network Anonymous held events across the world in protest against corruption


The Netflix series LOVER STALKER KILLER  released this month
profiles the murder of CARI FARVER  by SHANNA "LIZ"GOLYAR IN 2012

Golyar was convicted late in 2017 to life imprisonment for the "love triangle" murder of Cari Farver who disappeared on Nov 13 2012.
Having stabbed Farver to death inside Farver's car Golyar stole Farver's devices and then carried out a longterm campaign of harassment against the boyfriend  of both - Dave Kroupa - and his ex-wife - while Golyar assumed the identity of Farver. 
The case baffled authorities for an extended period before a cybercrime expert entered the investigation. Photographic evidence extracted from digital storage showing an identifiable detail of Carver's corpse was the case-breaker -and only located on the basis of a very strong hunch.

Known factors in the death and violence category link both women to both the murder date and to each other.

The precision of the activations is always impressive

Murder Date: November 13 2012
November 13 was not only a Scorpio New Moon - it was also a total solar eclipse -local time around 4pm that day in Iowa where all 3 in the triangle were residing

The Scorpio eclipse heightened emotional intensity while also intensifying any other violence factors present during the eclipse buildup -3 days prior and then flowing into 3 days later.
The eclipse was 21 Scorpio
Uranus at 5 Aries retrograde was angled to the eclipse [sesquisquare]
Pluto was 7.7 Capricorn and angled to Uranus [square]

This was pressure-cooker energy set to erupt.
Pluto and Uranus are associated with nuclear forces and in human terms violent acts especially if in aggressive signifiers [like Aries] or if in a stressed connection

Shanna Liz Golyar born June 28 1975

Standout birthdate factors

Venus 20 Leo -  [love of attention attracted to drama ] was stressed by the 21 Scorpio Eclipse even in 1-2 days before the Nov 13th exact Sun-Moon conjunction

Jupiter 21 Aries - one of the very common potentials for violent behaviour based on an overload of anger. 21 Aries was also powerfully activated by the Scorpio eclipse 

Mars 27 Aries exactly conjunct Chiron 27 Aries - both opposite Uranus 28 Libra
A very dangerous pattern including impulsive relationship-based violence [Mars-Uranus] grounded in severe psychological damage [Chironic rage]

Pluto 6.5 Libra
Abusive relationships evolving from abuse history and/or severe trauma [victim]
This position was in range of a stress position to Pluto 7.7 Capricorn when the murder occurred
Also activated by 21 Scorpio eclipse [semisquare] or any significant transit at any time transiting 21 Leo Taurus Scorpio Aquarius

Narcissistic traits can express through Aries / Mars and Leo and would be relevant to Liz Golyar. The control aspect rage and violence are a toxic mix that deserves maximum caution or avoidance

Cari Farver born November 30 1974

Mars 22 Scorpio - this potential signifier of death or sexual violence was strongly activated by very close proximity to Eclipse position 21 Scorpio and very closely angled to the Venus 20 Leo of Liz Golyar

Chiron 20 Aries - being similar in age the two women shared Chiron in Aries  - showing both had the potential for self esteem issues but for Cari her Chiron at 20 Aries was angled tightly to Saturn at 18 Cancer [square] -making it more likely that her issues stemmed from family issues - separation from or loss of father being possible. Cari's Chiron was also strongly activated by the eclipse -thereby combining the lethal Scorpio-Aries mix in a very emotionally intense context

Pluto 8.7 Libra is very closely conjunct Golyar's Pluto 6.5 Libra - likely evoking psychological projection that enhanced the power struggle she felt  re the shared relationship with Dave. Cari probably had experienced bad romantic relationships involving abuse of power and due to matching Golyar's Pluto she came within the orbit of her killer - who used maximum abuse of power against her.

Pluto in transit was 7.7 Capricorn when she died - a degree off exact square.

This case gives clarity around the way forces collide as seen especially through the outer planets on the day of our birth - and through the planets related to others we encounter - as well as the points in time when such factors can be combusted in an alchemic process - that has all the hallmarks of karma - the longer older story we all carry and yet at best can only detect through intuition or a deep sense of intensity around another person's connection to us.

Thankfully a karmic bond can express in amazingly positive ways -but we need to be alert to any hint of hazard around those who are drawn into our sphere

Other cases that relate to violence with sexual motives are covered in the Sex Offenders Profiling post and others such as  Gilgo Beach murders



  • Recurrently through human history, certain people are driven to seek excessive power and control over others  - which can become abusive - and to command a degree of control over material/financial resources in a manner which is commonly called greed.

Inequality and the misuse of power are perennial issues but if humanity has any hope of existing through more enlightened times, these plagues must be eradicated to a far greater degree than we are witnessing even as the second millennium unfolds.

HAVING POWER - means the capacity to control, have influence over, ability to affect or alter something or someone
ABUSE of POWER - means using a position of having power & using that advantage to the detriment of another person or being
PHYSICAL power abuse can involve being bigger or stronger and using that to disempower, eg assault, injure, maim or kill a smaller or weaker being
EMOTIONAL power abuse means taking advantage of someone emotionally dependent on you to ensure they comply with your will.
INTELLECTUAL power can be used to dominate, abuse,take advantage of and control those considered unintelligent or mentally disabled
MATERIAL or FINANCIAL power abuse is often used to "buy" the compliance, love, attention, support of someone who has no financial power [ Marriage where only the male earns income typically results in a lot of female financial dependency]
AUTHORITARIAN power abuse means the use of your position as for example a teacher, doctor, priest, employer, policeman, politician to coerce someone to comply with your will. This usually involves criminally liable sexual demands or sometimes material/financial favours.

The case of Auckland Mayor Len Brown which broke in October 2013 is consistent with the rash of high profile [males] being called to task for abusing the opportunities afforded by their position, circumstances, fame. His case involved sex -and this is often the method by which power abuse is enacted.
Monetary gain, elevated status, extended control and widespread fame are other well known end goals -and control itself can be identified as the thread that links  examples of power abuse.
The perpetrator has an insatiable, even obsessive need to have control over other people and or their resources.
This is generated by mental illness - distorted thinking and corrupt, amoral, predatory behaviour derived from extreme insecurity.
The prevalence of narcissistic traits is also evident in those who persistently abuse their power 
This type of disposition creates a dangerous breed self-obsessed and devoid of insight - while perceiving the environment through a predatory gaze more associated with a wild animal than a civilized human.

Globally these issues are arising: this is the joining of the dots that is needed -we are not just facing issues of abuse locally and nationally but across all cultures the world over.
For change and rebalancing to occur, the extremes must come to light so people can reflect upon and make known what sort of world we collectively want to live in

Astrological analysis is the clearest model for joining the dots in the contemporary context of various forms of power abuse coming under close scrutiny.
The period 2012-2016 in particular is marked by the next phase in the readjustment process - with Uranus and Pluto positioned at a right angle to each other -exact 90 degree separations occur 7 times within the time frame covered:
Uranus square Pluto June 24 2012 – 8 degrees Aries-Capricorn
Uranus square Pluto Sept 19 2012 – 6 deg
Uranus square Pluto May 21 2013 – 11 deg
Uranus square Pluto Nov 1 2013 – 9 deg
Uranus square Pluto April 21 2014 – 13 deg
Uranus square Pluto Dec 15 2014 – 12 deg
  • Uranus square Pluto March 17 2015 – 15 deg 
data table proved by ElsaElsa]

These 2 planets continue to remain in close contact even at the point of entering into 2016 -separated by 1.5 degrees on January 1, increasing to 2.5 degrees by the end of March and gradually widening in 2016 to around 4 degrees at year's end.
This is still a close enough energetic connection to generate further upheaval until at least 2017 gets underway
- excerpts from Inequality & the Misuse of Power

Refer also to other CRIME entries on this site:


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...