Monday, 8 September 2014

Critical Issues Full Moon Astrology September 2014

Full Moon in Pisces, Sun Virgo 16 degrees on September 9
This week features the sentencing of Oscar Pistorius [Sept 11], followed soon by Kim Dotcom's great political reveal [Sept 15 in New Zealand] and the run-up to the NZ general elections [Sept 20]

Pisces is a sensitive, humanitarian, compassionate and spiritual energy at best, addictive, escapist,deluded and deceitful at worst.
Paired with its opposite energy Virgo which is the most analytical Earth sign - interested in categorising, critiquing and criticism, teaching, writing - conducted with intentions of perfection, purity, efficiency, organising of elements.

Virgo represents the Protestant Work Ethic - the cog in the wheel contributing to the efficiency of the larger whole
Pisces represents life beyond the System -creativity, freedom, being not doing, fluidity, being in the Now, the Watchers observing the wheels go round - 
Expect under this Full Moon [usual timeframe is 3 days before exact, through to next full moon ] to have work, non-work, and the other Virgo-Pisces territory - health matters to be emphasised. Virgo is bodily efficiency via  diet, nutrition. Pisces is psychological health & physical sensitivities, allergies, addictions

There is a Supermoon aspect in effect as well, strengthening the outcomes expressed -not the closest Moon of 2014 -that was August - but still potent.

The extra punch from this full moon is provided by the collection of planets around 11 degrees.
Pluto 11 Capricorn
Jupiter 12 Leo
Mercury 10 Libra

These interact as follows.
Mercury & Jupiter -  dramatic dynamics in relationships
Mercury & Pluto - political relationships and power dynamics in relationships make for some intense communications/conversations
Pluto and Jupiter - high drama in political contexts

How does this reflect back on the Full-Moon pairing of Virgo-Pisces?
The conditions impacting on Mercury link very strongly back to how Virgo energy is focussed.
The combinations listed above imply that the mental aspect of Virgo will be most prominent - involving much analytical discussion, criticism. 
There will be voices of compassion amidst some torrid political drama and overt criticisms and unflattering analysis of people in personal or political positions of power.

In the Pistorius case this will surround the sentence imposed. Whatever the outcome one side will be highly critical

In the NZ political context the applications are obvious given the current highly controversial circumstances facing the incumbent government over anti-democratic and corrupt practices described as Dirty Politics in Nicky Hager's book & the outraged response if a Right coalition is re-elected. [for more read selected brief Candidate forecasts]

The Scottish Independence vote will be similarly highly debated

Related Reading:
Dirty Politics - How Attack Politics is Poisoning NZ's Political Environment
Kim Dotcom Sept 15 event
Scottish Independence Vote
Oscar Pistorius trial blog


  Diary Post - commenced in January 2022   Is intended to serve as an ongoing updated collection of snippets of astrological information rel...